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  • #107815
    zandralapoi WANTED $9

    His Channel subscriptions don’t match his views either.  A few years back they were way off.  I do think he reinvented an old channel tho’.

    ClickBait does my norks in.  Only watch Bandit and Rolla now, they are genuine.

    We don’t know what is going on in his life though, so maybe we should #bekind lol  I wouldn’t fancy losing all that money, and as you all say, a lack of emotion about it does make you wonder…

    How many Computer Mouses has  Rolla totaled now?  And Bandit’s screams of joy when he has topped RK!!


    Dc39 WANTED $74

    In one of his videos the other day someone in the chat said the bandit had lost 900k, that attention seeking prick chip picked up on the comment and mentioned it, he had no need to do it at all, his viewers or the regulars in chat are all morons too, horrific sense of humour, the way he speaks to Jordans bird as well is disgusting, id knock him out instantly if he said that kinda thing, calls it banter but is it fuck! Absolute dreg of society !!

    Slot WANTED $51

    Dc39 wrote:

    In one of his videos the other day someone in the chat said the bandit had lost 900k, that attention seeking prick chip picked up on the comment and mentioned it, he had no need to do it at all, his viewers or the regulars in chat are all morons too, horrific sense of humour, the way he speaks to Jordans bird as well is disgusting, id knock him out instantly if he said that kinda thing, calls it banter but is it fuck! Absolute dreg of society !!

    he got mad way we calling him fake on bandit forum, he start making drama on his fake you tube account

    Steller WANTED $34

    It’s pretty obvious to all that Bandit lost a lheck of a ot  of money since he had that amazing golden streak on RK and Wild Swarm. Easy to say he should have quit once he had a few big loses, but he really should have. Seems to be really losing all interest now in making content and in this forum.   Not having a go, because he doesn’t owe any of us anything.  He’s entertained a lot of people over these past few years.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Steller wrote:

    It’s pretty obvious to all that Bandit lost a lheck of a ot  of money since he had that amazing golden streak on RK and Wild Swarm. Easy to say he should have quit once he had a few big loses, but he really should have. Seems to be really losing all interest now in making content and in this forum.   Not having a go, because he doesn’t owe any of us anything.  He’s entertained a lot of people over these past few years.

    bandit’s habit is to over play until it bores him then taking time off, and in no way is having a break a bad thing, the last few weeks you could ( from his play pattern ) guarantee he’d get burned out with it and need to break for a while, every day and then every other day, that’s a killer,  since we can’t do anything  because of lockdowns, you focus on what you can, as great as sitting watch telly is it’ll get monotonous after a week, and that’s kind of where we all are, it’s almost a year now, bandit was never just slots, he could step away, have other things on the go, but when you have only one of your “ things you like to do “ realistic available to you, you do it .. and do it and do it …and yeah …. it looses its waw appeal. What we all need is lockdown over and  when lock down is over and bandit he has his fingers In those pies again and life is more than 4 walls I’m sure things will change and playing the slots will be what he fancies not what he feels has to do and we can enjoy the ride with him…

    Slot WANTED $51

    Steller wrote:

    It’s pretty obvious to all that Bandit lost a lheck of a ot  of money since he had that amazing golden streak on RK and Wild Swarm. Easy to say he should have quit once he had a few big loses, but he really should have. Seems to be really losing all interest now in making content and in this forum.   Not having a go, because he doesn’t owe any of us anything.  He’s entertained a lot of people over these past few years.

    Bandit his not playing on fake money like chip fruity slot hideous slot, they spam you tube every day losing 1000s and they all jobless. non of the have income,all they do sit online all day make videos and scam viewer

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    If anyone notices with chip, he will happily spunk 2k of supposed real money but then he does his pathetic scratch card videos and only spends £25. Hardly worth doing 5 cards but then when you have to spend real money I guess its not quite so enticing.

    Bamboozler WANTED $23

    I raised a question about Chipmonkz in an earlier thread and it is evident that there are a lot of people who do not like this streamer at all.

    The reality is that he appears to be doing this as his job rather than as a hobby on the side. The plethora of almost identical formulaic streams from him are mind numbingly similar and as a result offer little or no entertainment value. He himself, does not have the personality to excite viewers and his contrived nonsense is pretty abysmal. In saying that his gormless and equally dull sidekick and his “girlfriend” is actually even worse.

    If anyone on here had to come up with original content multiple times per day they’d struggle too but notwithstanding this his content is absolutely cringeworthy. He has given up on being liked and is probably happy to be the pantomime villain whilst the affiliate income is still coming in.

    Does he play with his own cash? Of course not and the fact that he now plays at high stakes to lose his £2-£3k at a time demanding much less time and effort speaks volumes. This guy is never having fun now and all of the feigned reactions look to be relief that he has publishable content rather than actually winning or losing.

    Is he as fake as the likes of Ayezee or Roshtein? No, of course not but neither is he a genuine streamer.

    If there was a manual for how to be a poor streamer this guy has it off pat.

    The issue is that he is enticing players to poor casinos with his never ending volume of crappy streams and is it in totally for the cash. As long as there are potential sign ups out there he will continue with his streams. Nothing said on any forums will stop this horrible shameless little man so it is probably better to starve him of the oxygen of publicity and he will fizzle out all the sooner.

    Joeholdway WANTED $44

    Slot wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s pretty obvious to all that Bandit lost a lheck of a ot  of money since he had that amazing golden streak on RK and Wild Swarm. Easy to say he should have quit once he had a few big loses, but he really should have. Seems to be really losing all interest now in making content and in this forum.   Not having a go, because he doesn’t owe any of us anything.  He’s entertained a lot of people over these past few years.

    Bandit his not playing on fake money like chip fruity slot hideous slot, they spam you tube every day losing 1000s and they all jobless. non of the have income,all they do sit online all day make videos and scam viewer

    See I dont watch fruity slots or chipmonk so cant comment on real or fake but I do enjoy watching hideous slots and I 100 percent believe it’s real money but that it is all split with 2jags which I have to say he makes no attempt to hide this fact another of my little guilty pleasures is to watch low stake slots yes its minimum stake but the excitement they get from a 10 pound plus win I kinda like and I hope they do well

    SillySooSage WANTED $5

    A special shout out to another genuine content producer , Hypalinx. I see him as a smaller stakes Rolla and Bandit. Someone who’s not in it to scam the poor out of their wages and dole money. Just a fella who loves a gamble. With these two or three streamers , you really dont need to bother with the guys mentioned in this thread, that are riling you up so much. As touted above, starve them of attention.

    I think all forms of advertising gambling should be banned , coming from someone who loves a gamble. If us gamblers want to gamble we’ll find action. Advertising gambling just gets the next generation primed for the problems most of us have faced.

    Slot WANTED $51

    Joeholdway wrote:

    Slot wrote:

    Steller wrote:

    It’s pretty obvious to all that Bandit lost a lheck of a ot  of money since he had that amazing golden streak on RK and Wild Swarm. Easy to say he should have quit once he had a few big loses, but he really should have. Seems to be really losing all interest now in making content and in this forum.   Not having a go, because he doesn’t owe any of us anything.  He’s entertained a lot of people over these past few years.

    Bandit his not playing on fake money like chip fruity slot hideous slot, they spam you tube every day losing 1000s and they all jobless. non of the have income,all they do sit online all day make videos and scam viewer

    See I dont watch fruity slots or chipmonk so cant comment on real or fake but I do enjoy watching hideous slots and I 100 percent believe it’s real money but that it is all split with 2jags which I have to say he makes no attempt to hide this fact another of my little guilty pleasures is to watch low stake slots yes its minimum stake but the excitement they get from a 10 pound plus win I kinda like and I hope they do well

    go on show as 100% real money ? ask him to show his payment history on stream live, Hideous answer will be no is private meter, simple he has no balls to show his payment history like Bandit or Rolla,all the one they hide payment history are fake

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    Good shout on Hypalinx.  Beside the Bandit, the genuine personalities for me are: Rolla, Dazza G, Kim / Letsgiveitaspin and Stop & Step.

    I’m not 100% sure on Ryan Slots.  He has a very calm personality but he doesn’t interact with his viewers so he loses a few points there.

    Back on topic, Chipmonkz: I followed him for about 18 months until shortly into the 1st UK lockdown (Spring 2020).  He vastly increased his content, which to me seemed like he was taking advantage of the government’s stay-at-home order.  The other gambling channels channels didn’t do that.  Also, I tried to make suggestions e.g. if you press F11, it puts your web browser into full screen and this it gives you around 10% extra screen area.  I later realised that I got shadow-banned.  That’s where you can see your own comments but it’s not visible to others i.e. your own comments have been de-listed.

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