Classy beef- legit orrrrr?

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  • #98437
    Guffleshuffle87 WANTED $60

    Hi folks,

    I’ve just watched a classy beef- slot highlight vid on YT… Are these guys legit or are they another roshtein fuckery channel of fake shit? The highlight reel of twitch play for this week had like an average win of 5-7k on every slot!? Surely this is fake money/casino giving them dough etc …


    Or I’m wrong and they are ultra fucking lucky.

    Here’s the vid I watched….let me know what you lot of OGs think…



    Also…. Is every streamer massively breaking lockdown rules or do they all just live together? Every streamer seems to be sat with one or more people playing slots. COVIDiots

    RuthlesS WANTED $23

    Just as fake as Roshstein, maybe even faker..

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Holy shit…. academy awards will need to create a category for this acting ……

    whoswho WANTED $118

    100% fake

    for starters they play 20$ bets on casinos that have a max withdrawal of like 5000 per week,

    Secondly there’s a clip of them playing at Leo Vegas and casumo spinning at 1:80 per spin yet on their sponsored casinos they never play lower than 20$ go figure

    Geeza WANTED $7

    Orrrrr…..fuckin cartoons

    BobTheBuilder WANTED $1

    Try Moody Slots, he’s as real as they come and is on low stakes so keeps its realistic

    LMH90 WANTED $1

    Hey Mate,

    I have a question for you as you are also from New Zealand. I have just started watching twitch and have noticed lots of this channel called WGL where different streamers are on it each day – there is like 4 or 5 guys from NZ and every day they are winning big. Depositing $10,000 and doing between $10-$100 spins. I just find it super fishy as they all play on one website. Not sure if you have seen them but let me know your opinion as the twitch chat just gobbles their bullshit up.

    spopple WANTED $14

    They are fake as fuck, they came out of nowhere and all of a sudden they were being promoted by Roshtein and he kept hosting them……which tells you it all. They all come across as the typical new streamer, loud, annoying and Scandinavian and to top it off obviously extremely false and pushing a self-created image that they want to project because they think it will bring them in business. To our British eyes and as native English speakers from a country that has a history of acting/comedy/theatrics we can generally see straight through all of these fake guys and find it laughable but they sadly work on “poorer” Europeans, i.e Central/Southerneners and young adults from richer countries, you rarely see an educated native English speaker in the streams of the obvious fakes, or for that matter you never see any actual adults, its normally bad English written by non native speakers or decent English written by an 18 year old who is spending their £100 a week money they get from parents on gambling.


    My general rule with streamers now is if they are fairly new, amass thousands of viewers and have an annoying high pitch Scandinavian accent and have a team of 2-4 guys that they change daily then they are fake, casinodaddy are the exception but they are still using masses of bonuses but they have built up a massive revenue stream over years of doing this and can definitely afford to do it, whereas these dodgy crews of 3-4 guys who have appeared in the last 18 months and they all live in Malta….yeah, they are all fake as fuck. Its not hard anyway, anyone with a functioning brain can figure out the genuine ones and to be fair, most of the popular ones are genuine .

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    I don’t get streams none of tham work,they stream everyday 5 to 10hrs a day they all bet min 10 a spin they also deposit everyday day 2k to 5k,if it was real they need to earn 50k a week,I give up watching to me they look all fake,i only watch bandit and rocknrolla

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    Guffleshuffle87 wrote:

    Hi folks,

    I’ve just watched a classy beef- slot highlight vid on YT… Are these guys legit or are they another roshtein fuckery channel of fake shit? The highlight reel of twitch play for this week had like an average win of 5-7k on every slot!? Surely this is fake money/casino giving them dough etc …


    Or I’m wrong and they are ultra fucking lucky.

    Here’s the vid I watched….let me know what you lot of OGs think…


    <iframe src=”; width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””></iframe>


    Also…. Is every streamer massively breaking lockdown rules or do they all just live together? Every streamer seems to be sat with one or more people playing slots. COVIDiots

    this guys are from east europe average wages PM is like £300 £400 they stram 24/7 and they bet 20 euro a spin fore sure they are fake

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