ClickMonk ChipBait

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  • #112430
    respect the real one WANTED $3


    First of all, I am not here to promote this failure of a decent human being.
    Look at that shock horror face. That OMG I just won big!!!!!!!! face.

    He lost. He lost so bad. Probably 15 cards. £5 each.

    He won £5, £10 and £5. That’s 1x, 2x and 1x. With a shocked face in the thumb. What a complete freak.

    “I WON !!!!” Aww Chip, have we escaped from the mental health wing again ? Come on, let’s take any remotely sharp objects off you and get you home to all the other nutjobs. We’ll get you an extra blue and pink sweet and a nice glass of brandy (out of date asda own brand apple juice) before bed. We were wondering where you had run off to again. You know matron worries about you when you go off on your little adventures. Remember last time, we found you sat in the flower bed talking to a daffodil, trying to get it’s phone number so you could text it an affiliate link?.

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Talking about him and linking his video, how is that not promoting him? His ‘clickbait’ obviously works it gets you to click everytime

    The devil WANTED $76

    The only thing he should be promoting is weight watchers and his local dentist, then he can get discount and sort his self out cos clearly all that Monopoly money he has isn’t making him do it.

    If people want to be affiliates or make videos etc doesn’t bother me, doesn’t affect my every day life but when you have them like chip and it’s not only him there’s many but it’s the desperation and the way they come across is a disgrace, now I’m not saying anyone gets forced to gamble or anything like that but when you go down the road of being addicted promoters like the moron I’m referring too destroy lives and families and tbh it’s an absolute disgrace, people can call that business all they like but the people who do it know exactly what they’re doing and they should be ashamed of themselves, don’t get me wrong this happens in many aspects of life, people getting their pockets filled at the expense of others misery and addiction but this is a gambling forum so forget about all these crypto streamers and rosh etc there so bad at what they do that shits not even believable to addicts, it’s people like chips, hideous even these little small channels creeping up I noticed a few I’ve seen were on like 50p-60p and now there £2-£3 it’s all a load of shite ive been playing these slots for years and years and I’ve never upped my stake like most of these do if it’s not complete fake money with most, it’s a small percentage there real cash and the rest will be casino money hands down and that’s not meaning deposit bonuses anyway once again rant over cheers for reading if you didn’t get too sick haha

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    Malkychamp wrote:

    Talking about him and linking his video, how is that not promoting him? His ‘clickbait’ obviously works it gets you to click everytime

    Please tell me after what I wrote, you really think I watch every video of his ? You are wrong.

    I watched all of this video to see if he was lying. The call is made based on the evidence supplied. 100% promoting his in the light he deserves, not the light he is aiming for. I mean, I can start it “Glory be, to Chipmonk……” and finish it “….. the dumbest shadiest most unscrupulous scumbag of a slot streamer, ever” but you would probably only see the first part and think I’m having a bit of a fumble over him.

    Come on Malky, read past the headline and your own personal bias….. hmm, I wonder why you are bias. Chip is scum. My post drives a negative for him at the start, in the middle and at the end.

    loulou778 WANTED $1

    Chip is truly disrupting this industry like it has never been done before. He started the slot battle Fridays, now everyone is doing them

    He started the twitter gift cards and Daner On a Tenner.

    He now employs 4 staff so before you go mouthing off about that think twice. No other streamer invests in flights he has a contract with the airline company he will soon hold a BA Premier card

    His steams are now nighttime too with like 1000 viewers a night and only getting better for the legend that is chipmonkz 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    loulou778 wrote:

    Chip is truly disrupting this industry like it has never been done before. He started the slot battle Fridays, now everyone is doing them

    He started the twitter gift cards and Daner On a Tenner.

    He now employs 4 staff so before you go mouthing off about that think twice. No other streamer invests in flights he has a contract with the airline company he will soon hold a BA Premier card

    His steams are now nighttime too with like 1000 viewers a night and only getting better for the legend that is chipmonkz 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

    100% skipped this thread point making you as dishonest as him.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    respect the real one wrote:

    loulou778 wrote:

    Chip is truly disrupting this industry like it has never been done before. He started the slot battle Fridays, now everyone is doing them

    He started the twitter gift cards and Daner On a Tenner.

    He now employs 4 staff so before you go mouthing off about that think twice. No other streamer invests in flights he has a contract with the airline company he will soon hold a BA Premier card

    His steams are now nighttime too with like 1000 viewers a night and only getting better for the legend that is chipmonkz 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

    100% skipped this thread point making you as dishonest as him.

    Having your opinion is fine but calling other users dishonest or or anything that is disrespectful just because they have a different opinion of an individual to you is not something we want on this forum  please keep this in mind. Thanks.

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Don’t like, don’t watch, simples!! I don’t watch Chip Fat either and no longer have YouTube referrals to him or others,.I have to ask though whose lives he is destroying? Any evidence? Blaming it all on chip fat is a bit harsh,!! I’m going to my local shop now for a few beers, now then who do I blame for liver damage,? The shop? The advertisements? OR? Myself? No one forcing me to do it… it’s MY choice!! And I’m gonna buy 20 cigs..👍🏻

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    Smoothoperator wrote:

    Don’t like, don’t watch, simples!! I don’t watch Chip Fat either and no longer have YouTube referrals to him or others,.I have to ask though whose lives he is destroying? Any evidence? Blaming it all on chip fat is a bit harsh,!! I’m going to my local shop now for a few beers, now then who do I blame for liver damage,? The shop? The advertisements? OR? Myself? No one forcing me to do it… it’s MY choice!! And I’m gonna buy 20 cigs..👍🏻

    Completely skipped the thread point.

    Seedy wrote:

    respect the real one wrote:

    loulou778 wrote:

    Chip is truly disrupting this industry like it has never been done before. He started the slot battle Fridays, now everyone is doing them

    He started the twitter gift cards and Daner On a Tenner.

    He now employs 4 staff so before you go mouthing off about that think twice. No other streamer invests in flights he has a contract with the airline company he will soon hold a BA Premier card

    His steams are now nighttime too with like 1000 viewers a night and only getting better for the legend that is chipmonkz 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

    100% skipped this thread point making you as dishonest as him.

    Having your opinion is fine but calling other users dishonest or or anything that is disrespectful just because they have a different opinion of an individual to you is not something we want on this forum  please keep this in mind. Thanks.

    I hate to say this Seedy but you also : Completely skipped the thread point.  Chip clearly lies in the thumbnail with “I won!!!” and a shocked face. Skipping that while defending him for things that haven’t been brought up in this thread, is dishonest.

    He lost. He lied. That’s the point. That’s what dishonesty is. Skipping that fact and trolling the thread with irrelevant opinion is dishonest.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    If we’re only working on facts, on the cards that he won on, he won.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    And more to the point, what difference does it make? If anyone is getting drawn into the bullshit world of scratch cards after that video then they are idiots.

    Look at sandwell, he does silly clickbait faces and he’s always losing but on that one card he’s a winner.

    Honestly, there’s bigger fish to fry rather then getting upset over the usual internet clickbait.



    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    respect the real one wrote:

    Malkychamp wrote:

    Talking about him and linking his video, how is that not promoting him? His ‘clickbait’ obviously works it gets you to click everytime

    Please tell me after what I wrote, you really think I watch every video of his ? You are wrong.

    I watched all of this video to see if he was lying. The call is made based on the evidence supplied. 100% promoting his in the light he deserves, not the light he is aiming for. I mean, I can start it “Glory be, to Chipmonk……” and finish it “….. the dumbest shadiest most unscrupulous scumbag of a slot streamer, ever” but you would probably only see the first part and think I’m having a bit of a fumble over him.

    Come on Malky, read past the headline and your own personal bias….. hmm, I wonder why you are bias. Chip is scum. My post drives a negative for him at the start, in the middle and at the end.


    My opinions on him are non existent don’t watch any of his stuff, be it videos or streams. You watched in full too see if he was lying? Come on you are kidding yourself if you actually believe that.

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    POST REMOVED : majority of content didnt post.

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    Xbobmad wrote:

    If we’re only working on facts, on the cards that he won on, he won.

    Yes, but we are not omitting facts conveniently either. He put it on the thumbnail… He lied. Fact.

    It really is pretty simple.

    The devil WANTED $76

    Haha laughable people who think chip fat is a decent bloke as if he’s relevant at all, Lou Lou one of his scummy moderators who also promotes his terrible links to casinos that you for one have never heard of and two will never ever pay you out causing utter misery on people’s live who may enjoy his content and sign up to his links and anyone who says no one is to blame your correct everyone is responsible for themselves but unfortunately if you don’t understand addiction or maybe you’ve never been addicted to something before then you will never truly understand.

    And last thing to say on the matter as I’ve been on this forum a long time I agree with what you say seedy and I’ve questioned it before but there are many disrespectful comments on here that you let slide and other you don’t so if everyone gets the same punishment then I don’t have an issue when I see favouritism then at the end of the day it’s wrong on your part, I’m not fussed what happens to me on here I give my personal opinion and if it’s offending or too much for somebody then that’s fine but I’m allowed an opinion, at the end of the day what many people do are wrong but I’m not in any position to change that but that doesn’t mean I can’t have my say for example gambling adverts on the telly are wrong and shouldn’t exist and that’s the same for chip he’s an immoral human being as well as many others on the internet and maybe one day things will change and the full lot will be taking off and then if people want to gamble or drink or smoke it will be there own choice and not influenced by people looking to fill their pockets from other people destroying their lives

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