ClickMonk ChipBait

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  • #112470
    respect the real one WANTED $3

    The devil wrote:

    Haha laughable people who think chip fat is a decent bloke as if he’s relevant at all, Lou Lou one of his scummy moderators who also promotes his terrible links to casinos that you for one have never heard of and two will never ever pay you out causing utter misery on people’s live who may enjoy his content and sign up to his links and anyone who says no one is to blame your correct everyone is responsible for themselves but unfortunately if you don’t understand addiction or maybe you’ve never been addicted to something before then you will never truly understand.

    And last thing to say on the matter as I’ve been on this forum a long time I agree with what you say seedy and I’ve questioned it before but there are many disrespectful comments on here that you let slide and other you don’t so if everyone gets the same punishment then I don’t have an issue when I see favouritism then at the end of the day it’s wrong on your part, I’m not fussed what happens to me on here I give my personal opinion and if it’s offending or too much for somebody then that’s fine but I’m allowed an opinion, at the end of the day what many people do are wrong but I’m not in any position to change that but that doesn’t mean I can’t have my say for example gambling adverts on the telly are wrong and shouldn’t exist and that’s the same for chip he’s an immoral human being as well as many others on the internet and maybe one day things will change and the full lot will be taking off and then if people want to gamble or drink or smoke it will be there own choice and not influenced by people looking to fill their pockets from other people destroying their lives

    I don’t know you. Your username is horrific. Your spelling while a lot less horrific, is not the worst but could use some help. But I am no grammar kid. However I totally agree with everything you have said. Except I didn’t do any digging to see if there is a pattern on here. Then up you pop and state there is one.

    Lemme guess, Seedy turns a blind eye to xbox but others get warnings or worse. Looks like Chip is more protected on here than anyone so far.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    respect the real one wrote:

    Seedy turns a blind eye to xbox but others get warnings or worse

    Feel free to point out what requires a warning while hiding behind your what, 6th username are we up to?

    respect the real one WANTED $3

    Xbobmad wrote:

    respect the real one wrote:

    Seedy turns a blind eye to xbox but others get warnings or worse

    Feel free to point out what requires a warning while hiding behind your what, 6th username are we up to?

    So, Chip the scumbag telling lies isn’t the problem, other people existing is.

    Good to know.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    respect the real one wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    respect the real one wrote:

    Seedy turns a blind eye to xbox but others get warnings or worse

    Feel free to point out what requires a warning while hiding behind your what, 6th username are we up to?

    So, Chip the scumbag telling lies isn’t the problem, other people existing is.

    Good to know.

    He. Hasn’t. Lied. Fuck me, if you think clickbait is lying let’s delete half of YouTube.

    Someone getting banned and continuously making new usernames is a problem yes. I have no problem with someone existing, but I do have a problem with someone avoiding bans by creating hundreds of pseudonyms and sock puppet accounts.

    On a personal note, I’ve got too much going on to either

    A, get into a petty squabble with you, if you check my message times they are in the early morning times with a very poorly child

    Or B, watch a full scratch card video.

    So feel free to keep getting all seething about literally nothing important. By watching his video that is ad supported you’re putting more money into his pocket.

    And I wouldn’t have even known he’d created a video if you had not linked it so I clicked and got an ad instead. So you’ve inadvertently helped him do the thing you hate him for.





    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Its click bait either a thumbnail or title it’s how YouTube works and has for like… ever. All this conversation proves is that it is effective and still a viable method to attract clicks on a platform with millions of content creators.

    Ok conversation ended this is the facts of the proposed conversation.

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