CO OP and Teamplay

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  • #73605
    groundiskey WANTED $62

    I have a tourettesbox, but I’m cack at any of the games, I do a lot of walking into walls, jumping on the spot and shooting the sky.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    groundiskey wrote:

    I have a tourettesbox, but I’m cack at any of the games, I do a lot of walking into walls, jumping on the spot and shooting the sky.

    ????? ahhh you are suffering the first stages of imtooldism. ??? send me a msg on there mate and we will get a game on lol.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Mw3 is the best team play COD imo and it’s fun as fuck with headsets and about 5 people in a group.


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Just Basics wrote:

    Mw3 is the best team play COD imo and it’s fun as fuck with headsets and about 5 people in a group.


    Get a xbox JB sell your ps4 ???

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Seedy wrote:

    Just Basics wrote:

    Mw3 is the best team play COD imo and it’s fun as fuck with headsets and about 5 people in a group.


    Get a xbox JB sell your ps4 ???

    I don’t like the Xbox control pad mate. Sony TIL I die ?

    Liberty WANTED $132

    As an early adopter I couldn’t see any reason to buy an xbox on launch day. Ps4 was cheaper and more powerful, albeit marginally. Since launch playstation has repeatedly blown the competition out of the water with its exclusives so I am delighted I got the Ps4. Plus psvr is simply an awesome addition for a relatively cheap price.

    Im not a fanboy tho ill likely get a Ps5 simply because they are bringing support for my extensive backlog and psvr.

    So xbox lost me as a customer with their shite xbox 1 launch and their lack of exclusives and their closer ties to their pc ecosystem means I can just play their stuff on my pc.

    I hope Sony don’t rest on their laurels and repeat the mistakes of the ps3, I got the 360 that generation and the ps3 much much later and while the cell was technically brilliant it was a pos to code for and multiplatform games were simply better.

    Ultimately, if you’ve read this far without seeing red and typing a reply about how the x1>Ps4 I think the single most important choice with a console is what your friends play on. Hopefully next gen cross play will become common place so it won’t matter but heck I only know one person with an xbox system and they have it for competitive forza which is certainly a good reason.


    Sony till I die! (possibly)

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    It most likely has it now on playstation but the only reason i preferred xbox was the party chat function couldn’t deal with having to listen to some of the guff you would hear in some lobbies 😀

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Xbox live is by far the best service for online gaming as a package. Steam offers s great PC eco system and great sales. I had a PS4 to play a realm reborn sold it once I was bored and went back to my xbox then got me the xbox 1 x.

    Next gen looks interesting and the only real bottleneck to true crossplay is Sony as Microsoft/ PC and Nintendo are all on it with most games Sony relented after pressure from there customers.

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    I’m on Xbox and play only rocket league ATM. Waiting for borderlands3 to come out. Let me know if people wanna play. GT is



    Liberty WANTED $132

    Can’t really blame them tho. 90 plus million ps4s in the wild, 40m or so xboxs. The larger your ecosystem the larger it becomes as the most important thing for most people is definitively what your mates own.

    Personally I buy a console for value for money and quality of exclusive games and then force my friends to buy what I’m buying haha. Sony has completely crushed Microsoft in the single player exclusive arena with a wide variety of superb story driven games. For me that’s great as I chose Sony at the start of this generation simply because it was cheaper and slightly more powerful. I got lucky basically and I’ve been lucky since as psvr has repeatedly blown my mind.

    I’ve never thought my god ps4s online gameplay/eco system sucks altho the store isn’t great that for sure but regardless for me the games have been what I’ve wanted so I’ve been lucky haha.

    If Microsoft had been cheaper and more powerful I’d have bought an xbox and at this point I’d have also bought a Ps4 for all the games I’d have missed and indeed for vr. I just don’t feel like I’ve missed any of the xbox exclusives. Not that into racing games, maybe gears of war? Idk.. Might be I’m missing some stellar xbox games

    Ultimately while I’m happy both companies are doing backwards compatability etc in a way that forces me to stick with Sony as I have such a huge backlog and I’m tied in to the vr ecosystem at this point so hopefully Sony don’t cock up the next gen completely or I’ll have to buy a second console and god knows with my little man running around i don’t have enough time for one heh.

    groundiskey WANTED $62

    @seedy  I don’t get time to jump on the xbox these days mate, too busy farting about with other bumf.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Seedy wrote:

    Xbox live is by far the best service for online gaming as a package.

    Xbox Game Pass Ultimate is the way forward, that was Microsoft’s vision back when they did the whole Xbox One announcement and everyone cried and they massively backpedalled.

    Microsoft have been much safer with people’s card details up to now as well than Sony ??

    Green2711 WANTED $492


    -Better exclusives

    -Better pad design

    -Overall better console

    -PS4 VR


    -Makes for a good paper weight.




    Deal with it. ?


    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Green2711 wrote:

    -Better exclusives

    The last exclusive game I actually cared about was Cuphead, which was an Xbox Console exclusive for ages and still isn’t on PS4

    Green2711 wrote:

    -Better pad design

    Claw Hands ?


    Each console has it’s positives and negatives. I wouldn’t trust Sony Online with my card details for example ?. We all have our favourites though and sales to date favour Sony. Sales to date for the Xbox in Japan block pretty much every chance of an exclusive deal from third party game developers.

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