Corals in house messaging. !!

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  • #73931
    sidders WANTED $21

    Opened my coral account this morning and saw the usual messages about price boost etc, and this one Thought but wired so had a chat with live support and the jist of it was n I quote” this has nothing to do with corals but I will send it to an investigation team. “ Nothing to do with corals !!!!! So where did it come from ? Fairyland ?


    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Interesting. Lorem ipsum text is something we often use in web design and media publishing as placeholder text where real content for testing or where we need to represent real content which hasn’t been written yet. It looks like Latin, but it isn’t, it’s just nonsense which has a spread of letters similar to those found in the English language, so it gives a good visual of what a block of English would look like in place.

    Strange that you got it as a private message, possible they were testing something about the message system and accidentally sent some live messages which were meant to be dummy runs.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Normally lorem ipsum etc is a place holder for where they are ment to type or add there stuff in there before sending it out. Seems this was just a mistake on there part.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Damn it argyl beat me to it :p

    sidders WANTED $21

    And I did think it was Latin lol

    Cheers peeps ??

    centipede WANTED $36

    I had the same thing a couple of days ago. With a link to click at the bottom

    centipede WANTED $36
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