Crypto Casino Journey – Questions and Answers

Viewing 9 posts - 826 through 834 (of 834 total)
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  • #141796
    Bambino91 WANTED $1

    Totally new here but got to say my newborn loves your videos! We watch every night pretty much now days.. keep them coming 😆 ..

    fdup1969 WANTED $3

    hi bandit not tech savi been on looking at the site you recomended for crypto but how do you make a wallet

    Molossus WANTED $1

    How can I create a cryptocurrency wallet? Could you share some tips on what to consider and the best practices for setting one up securely?

    Slot WANTED $44

    fdup1969 wrote:

    hi bandit not tech savi been on looking at the site you recomended for crypto but how do you make a wallet

    you have lot of videos on youtube how to make deposit on crypto casino

    Slot WANTED $44

    Revolut Banks account you can buy crypto deposits to casinos and cashout, with much cheaper fees than wallets, it takes 5mins to open a bank account on Revolut online

    Micky82 WANTED $1

    Can someone please help as I’m new to crypto etc.

    basically, done all the stuff in terms of bc-game account, nord,…

    I’m struggling to transfer crypto from to bc-game.

    i understand the ‘copy & paste’ address but when I get to wallet address details it also asks for recipients name, country, wallet type, wallet name 😅

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    bishman WANTED $69

    Micky82 wrote:

    Can someone please help as I’m new to crypto etc.

    basically, done all the stuff in terms of bc-game account, nord,…

    I’m struggling to transfer crypto from to bc-game.

    i understand the ‘copy & paste’ address but when I get to wallet address details it also asks for recipients name, country, wallet type, wallet name 😅

    Any help would be much appreciated.

    I make up a name like Barry Game and the use Non custodial wallet as the type, country I put Curacao

    Druss8181 WANTED $1

    Cheers Steve thank u so much for the videos I had a bad gambling problem and I have managed to stop and I just watch u now

    I’m in hospital having treatment for leukaemia and it always makes me smile watching u and listening to u moan keep it up fella

    kind regards luke

    Rywiggy WANTED $1

    Im not reading 56 pages to find a definitive answer, lazy i know..

    So steve (hi btw) ive signed up to 500casino through your affiliate link, i want to deposit but they ID’d me on that swapped or w.e its called, got that sorted but my payments dont go through, trying to buy onsite XRP i think to use as balance as i have no idea whatsoever how to obtain my own crypto/wallet. Using canadian IP vpn how do i fill payment into and account details? My british genuine info? Tweak it as canadian the best i can? Or is the only way getting crypto first and directly depositing to my casino wallett address,

    Cheers and sorry for the big lazy post

Viewing 9 posts - 826 through 834 (of 834 total)