Danger 2

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  • #144577
    beadie86 WANTED $27

    What a complete let down ! The noise the coin machine makes for every spin is really poor and repetitive.I’ve played it over a mr vegas I run £200 through on 40-60p stake and no bonus and the base wins seem none existent!

    not a fan too much like bonanza falls which was a flop so maybe they inter-grated it to danger to make up it being a flop also

    BTG failed miserably on this

    Theblindbeggaa WANTED $1

    Danger high voltage 2 is a horrendous game. The coins never drop were you need them I put over 1000 spins before I got a 25x bonus. BTG has massively gone down hill. Used to be my favourite provider. Bandit will be beating his head off the wall when he plays this one.

    mrsdoyle1968 WANTED $9

    Not played it yet but from videos I’ve seen it does look like BTG have dropped a massive bollock with a game that should have been so good.  Not actually seen anyone win big on it yet.

    Smoothoperator WANTED $52

    Hi guys 👋, yeah I posted about DHV2 a few weeks ago.. I watched a review by Dazza Gee,… I said I wouldn’t play it.., because of how shit it was!!! I succumbed and thought to myself “it really can’t be that bad”!! After over 1000 spins later with no bonus and 1 base game hit of 110x (which it took back).., I think collectively we can confirm that the game isn’t worth a single penny from a gambler!! I did however get my losses back on Napoleon megaways and the new Sakura Fortune. I’ll never play Dhv2 again!! Boycot BTG is my personal view.

    Have a good evening folks 👍🏻

    Slot WANTED $51

    if you do not have money to spam on bonus buys Danger 2 is  💩 slot, the only chance to win something by spamming on bonus buys

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    BTG are now owned by Evolution Gaming Group, so they probably don’t get as much freedom or have as much of a say in their newer content.    Golden Catch and Millionaire Rush from 2022 were their last decent slots imo when it was still early BTG/Evo days, at a time when Evo had less of a hold on affairs.

    Inception67 WANTED $6

    ImperialDragon wrote:

    BTG are now owned by Evolution Gaming Group, so they probably don’t get as much freedom or have as much of a say in their newer content.    Golden Catch and Millionaire Rush from 2022 were their last decent slots imo when it was still early BTG/Evo days, at a time when Evo had less of a hold on affairs.

    This explains why the bonus buys on all BTG games are so horrendously bad. Worst one is that Donuts game – likes to give you a 6X multi with 3 donuts regularly. Think in over 30 bonus buys(low stake) I profited in 2 of them….wild.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    It’s always a bad sign when btg don’t put a game on the players group before launch day. I can’t say I’m shocked by it, the gameplay footage from a few months ago made me very sad and killed all the excitement for it 🙃

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