Different looking 300 shields in Belgium -_-

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    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    Over here in Belgium, where we are not allowed to play online in any other country, not only are most of the fun games you guys have not available, but the ones that are look differently lol

    We have “dice games” and “dice slots” , for some reason everything needs to have dice in it.

    So, if I managed to add the picture, that’s 300 shields over here. the symbols are on dice XD

    Just thought it’d be interesting to post and see what you guys think of that, imo it’s pretty silly and doesn’t look very good at all

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    That looks mental. I wonder why they put everything on dice? Im going to have to look into this. You have set my LLI off now mate hahaha

    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    haha yeah it’s weird XD

    I have no idea why it has to be on dice, strange country I live in πŸ˜›


    Jamesh WANTED $11

    That is a strange one! Are all games like that then? Got any more screens of others?

    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    Well I only recently started watching the vids from other countries online casinos so, I don’t know all the games you guys have but, I see no Danger HV , book of Ra or Dead or some of the other ones I saw in the vids…

    I’m surprised 300 shields is on there. I’m self-excluded atm ( for another 2 months or so ) so can’t test the ” for real ” version but I’m sure it looks the same. Played on that site plenty and games look the same wether you play for real or for fun credits, as I assume is the case everywhere anyway.

    But yeah, idk what’s up with dice in my country . Where in other countries it’s cards, like 9’s to A’s , we have 1’s to 6’s as symbols on most slots XD

    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    actually, this might be our Book of Ra.

    Dice of Ra

    Jamesh WANTED $11

    PeachyMike wrote:

    actually, this might be our Book of Ra.

    Dice of Ra

    β€œDice of ra” love it!

    bobibopo WANTED $9

    Ha, this is mental.Β  Do you play dice on the street too?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Ha that is mad, i may have to pay a trip to Belgium just to play some of these πŸ˜€

    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    Well I can give you the name of the website it’s on if you wanna take a look πŸ™‚

    I’m only on here since yesterday so didn’t wanna go providing links. I’m still self excluded till march 25th or there about so I can only free play atm.

    Just let me know if you wanna go take a peak, if not I’ll give it a spin in a few months and try to get a weird looking big win picture on here haha

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    That is so weird ? no matter what restrictions are in place they always find a way to get peoples cash!

    I’m going to have to try and find some gameplay on YouTube now ?

    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    Good luck with finding thatΒ ?

    When my gambling break is over I’ll definitely give it a go, and give an update. But that’s in couple months so, patience is required πŸ˜‰

    Xbobmad WANTED $734
    PeachyMike WANTED $42

    Xbobmad wrote:


    It’s odd ??

    Yep same one, although not a “trusted” casino over here that one.

    I wanna stay away from linking casinos too much , I’m new here and don’t wanna spread the wrong idea so will only link if bandit says it’s alright to show which one my picture was from πŸ˜€

    I should probably read the rules of the forum so I know what’s allowed and what not hehe

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Oh yeah, the link wasn’t part of an endorsement, that’s why I linked straight to the game demo rather than the casino πŸ™‚

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