Dna test, multiple ID requests, an anal swab, family tree

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  • #109371
    igc-rm WANTED $21

    detailed look at my bank accounts, perusal through my phone contact list, brief but detailed chat with my wife about how good our sex life is, voting history, browser history, medical history, family medical history, school detention count, days skived off, how much I moan while having sex, how much I moan about generic shit, what are my bush blair trump boris leanings, have I ever made a bomb joke when boarding an airplane, do I look at the snot I pick from my nose before flicking it at a passing taxi, at what decibel do by testicles clang if I sit down too fast ?

    and we assure you “every site in the UK must ask for this”.

    skyvegas didn’t ask me a fucking thing.

    i don’t trust the gambling industry, by its very nature, why the fuck should I give them all the identification I need to open a bank account and get a mortgage and give the medical world enough information they could restart the human race, especially when it’s all a bag of bollocks and the worst part :

    the person taking it all, to be trusted, doesn’t even have to tell me their surname, never mind what their next door neighbours now moved out son’s dog is called and the average weight of it’s weekly turd output from the last calendar year.

    Every single person who has ever wanted id from me and has asked for my bank statements, has been told no. You can see a summary that I have an account and that it is real, but you aren’t looking at my banking transactions without a wet signature from a judge. I just flew around the world with my passport and driving license. Add a recognised official letter with my address on it and I can pretty much do anything.

    how the fuck is sweaty bob with no qualifications in a call centre in charge of preventing money laundering ? fuck off with that bullshit.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    I’ll happily prove my ID, that I’ve used my card and my bank account. Any more than that and they can get lost.

    Bank account redacted to only show my name, address and account number and possibly a transaction to the casino.

    I don’t necessarily think the casinos really want to do all these checks that are forced upon them by the UK regulators but it gives them a good excuse to slow things down and possibly snare a few reasons to not pay.

    As far as I can remember, when joining Sky Vegas they run a half credit check to verify identity. Same with Paddy power and Betfair.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    I remember having a bad day few years ago and somebody from a bank or something similar called up,

    “ this is Karen from tsb( I can’t remember now ) like to discus a matter with you, but first can you answer some security questions “

    so this lady randomly calls up and I’m supposed to give her my dob and all that jazz just because she asks me ???

    so I turn around and said “ excuse me love, can you verify who you are because to me your just a random phone call asking for bank breaking details “

    you could almost hear the cogs in her head turn as she tries to get to grip with the size of the question I just asked her ….

    MaskWearer WANTED $42

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ll happily prove my ID, that I’ve used my card and my bank account. Any more than that and they can get lost.

    Bank account redacted to only show my name, address and account number and possibly a transaction to the casino.

    I don’t necessarily think the casinos really want to do all these checks that are forced upon them by the UK regulators but it gives them a good excuse to slow things down and possibly snare a few reasons to not pay.

    As far as I can remember, when joining Sky Vegas they run a half credit check to verify identity. Same with Paddy power and Betfair.

    WHAT? This wasn’t your tune yesterday. Yesterday it was fine for playojo to get my ID, bank card, bank account, utility bills, the whole 9 yards, get verified, and still refuse my withdrawal. But with you it’s different? Yea right, xbob

    FYI for xBOB and all the other shills – the casinos are NOT forced to collect this info on behalf of UKGC or the UK government. They are only required to do these checks when people trigger thresholds on their accounts – e.g. for AML in the United Kingdom you must DEPOSIT £8800 before the casino can legally request AML on you. That is the law of the UK, look it up

    How many people here have had an illegal AML request from a casino but listened to shills like Bob, and shrugged it off as being acceptable? I bet most people here have been forced into illegally sharing their sensitive data against GDPR by casinos. They are not allowed to ask for these details before the legal thresholds have been met. You all complied anyway. The casinos need a class-action lawsuit against them by players like us (excluding Shill Bob who thinks this is all cool and normal)

    It is not acceptable. The casinos aren’t the law. It’s really irritating to be on the wrong end of a casino manager on a power trip but it’s even more infuriating to hear your fellow players, like Bob, give you shit for the tyranny of the casino. They stole £1000 from me Bob, I did nothing wrong, broke no laws. I was victimised. First of all I was not legally required to provide KYC etc for £1000 in withdrawals. This is not the law of the UK and if the casino didn’t have your money, you would never provide them with these details. The casino uses these things as a scam to refuse paying out honest regular joe players. It’s shocking how many complaints for not paying out that playojo has on trustpilot, to UK PLAYERS. They have the nerve to tell me they don’t even accept UK players, a blatant lie.

    There is such a thing as Point-Of-Sale (POS) legislation in the UK. You know what it is and how strict it is. If you find a product on the supermarket shelf that is the wrong price on the POS, you are legally entitled to get the item for that price. If the item is out-of-date, the supermarket is breaking the law. There are countless fines and convictions against supermarkets for POS violations. The casinos? Oh the POS doesn’t count for them because their terms and conditions are more important than the laws of the UK. They can sell you anything, like gambling services, but can refuse the payout. THAT IS ILLEGAL but the trick is the only way to force the online casino to pay is to get someone bigger and badder to make them jump – solicitors, UKGC, celebrities, affiliates, etc

    Imagine this situation. You walk into a bricks and mortar casino (I know fantasy during covid). You are banned from the casino group but you play anyway. You are on the tables and slots and win £10,000. Then the casino managers comes up to you, taps on the shoulder, says, “excuse me sir, you are not allowed to be here, please can you make your way to the nearest exit”. Security are on your shoulder and you comply.

    Note anything missing in that scenario? The fact the casino manager or security didn’t try to take the money you won while gambling? Why did they not take your money?

    1) they are not legally entitled to make seizures from you

    2) if they did their staff would have to take special forces training and live in gated communities like a special criminal judge. Nobody in their right mind would try to take the winnings out of your pockets while you left the casino

    It’s only because the ONLINE casino holds your money that you will bend over. They make illegal requests then they fuck you up the ass. This illegal behaviour needs to stop in the UK. It’s grossly unfair and causes carnage with players. A bunch of people have killed themselves over not being paid out by a casino. This is no joke. They are criminals and they are causing serious damage to vulnerable people

    Again Bob is going to shill for the casino, tell us they can break the law, and tough shit if we get scammed and don’t like it. Give them all your money, the casino gods!!

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    MaskWearer wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ll happily prove my ID, that I’ve used my card and my bank account. Any more than that and they can get lost.

    Bank account redacted to only show my name, address and account number and possibly a transaction to the casino.

    I don’t necessarily think the casinos really want to do all these checks that are forced upon them by the UK regulators but it gives them a good excuse to slow things down and possibly snare a few reasons to not pay.

    As far as I can remember, when joining Sky Vegas they run a half credit check to verify identity. Same with Paddy power and Betfair.

    WHAT? This wasn’t your tune yesterday. Yesterday it was fine for playojo to get my ID, bank card, bank account, utility bills, the whole 9 yards, get verified, and still refuse my withdrawal. But with you it’s different? Yea right, xbob

    FYI for xBOB and all the other shills – the casinos are NOT forced to collect this info on behalf of UKGC or the UK government. They are only required to do these checks when people trigger thresholds on their accounts – e.g. for AML in the United Kingdom you must DEPOSIT £8800 before the casino can legally request AML on you. That is the law of the UK, look it up

    How many people here have had an illegal AML request from a casino but listened to shills like Bob, and shrugged it off as being acceptable? I bet most people here have been forced into illegally sharing their sensitive data against GDPR by casinos. They are not allowed to ask for these details before the legal thresholds have been met. You all complied anyway. The casinos need a class-action lawsuit against them by players like us (excluding Shill Bob who thinks this is all cool and normal)

    It is not acceptable. The casinos aren’t the law. It’s really irritating to be on the wrong end of a casino manager on a power trip but it’s even more infuriating to hear your fellow players, like Bob, give you shit for the tyranny of the casino. They stole £1000 from me Bob, I did nothing wrong, broke no laws. I was victimised. First of all I was not legally required to provide KYC etc for £1000 in withdrawals. This is not the law of the UK and if the casino didn’t have your money, you would never provide them with these details. The casino uses these things as a scam to refuse paying out honest regular joe players. It’s shocking how many complaints for not paying out that playojo has on trustpilot, to UK PLAYERS. They have the nerve to tell me they don’t even accept UK players, a blatant lie.

    There is such a thing as Point-Of-Sale (POS) legislation in the UK. You know what it is and how strict it is. If you find a product on the supermarket shelf that is the wrong price on the POS, you are legally entitled to get the item for that price. If the item is out-of-date, the supermarket is breaking the law. There are countless fines and convictions against supermarkets for POS violations. The casinos? Oh the POS doesn’t count for them because their terms and conditions are more important than the laws of the UK. They can sell you anything, like gambling services, but can refuse the payout. THAT IS ILLEGAL but the trick is the only way to force the online casino to pay is to get someone bigger and badder to make them jump – solicitors, UKGC, celebrities, affiliates, etc

    Imagine this situation. You walk into a bricks and mortar casino (I know fantasy during covid). You are banned from the casino group but you play anyway. You are on the tables and slots and win £10,000. Then the casino managers comes up to you, taps on the shoulder, says, “excuse me sir, you are not allowed to be here, please can you make your way to the nearest exit”. Security are on your shoulder and you comply.

    Note anything missing in that scenario? The fact the casino manager or security didn’t try to take the money you won while gambling? Why did they not take your money?

    1) they are not legally entitled to make seizures from you

    2) if they did their staff would have to take special forces training and live in gated communities like a special criminal judge. Nobody in their right mind would try to take the winnings out of your pockets while you left the casino

    It’s only because the ONLINE casino holds your money that you will bend over. They make illegal requests then they fuck you up the ass. This illegal behaviour needs to stop in the UK. It’s grossly unfair and causes carnage with players. A bunch of people have killed themselves over not being paid out by a casino. This is no joke. They are criminals and they are causing serious damage to vulnerable people

    Again Bob is going to shill for the casino, tell us they can break the law, and tough shit if we get scammed and don’t like it. Give them all your money, the casino gods!!

    I had asked when I closed the previous thread that no bullshit continued. Consider this a final warning if it continues it will result in a ban.

    I don’t think it is difficult for you to just ignore each other, and there is no need for the shit to carry on.


    MaskWearer WANTED $42

    @seedy – I can see what happened in hindsight. This guy Xbob is trying to get a reaction from people to get their complaints shut down or redirect attention

    I was stupid for biting back yesterday but please observe what he is doing. He is trolling people when they are already stressed, on purpose

    We need to band together and stop casinos stealing from us. It’s difficult enough to bloody win without your winnings being seized by casinos for reasons which do not follow the specifications of UK law. Like I said above, how many people here have gone through AML due to illegal requests, giving their data to casinos which subsequently get hacked?

    It’s a really serious situation and if you can’t talk about it on gambling forums, where can you talk about it?

    We are supposed to stick together, as players, not have one of us join the casino to gang up on regular players. How many times has Bandit been frustrated out his mind by casino regulations? Did he not leave every other casino and only use videoslots due to SOW, KYC, AML, etc? And Bandit was due to legally provide this info due to deposits > £10,000 (now £8800). What about the rest of us who don’t meet these thresholds but are asked to jump through the same hoops anyway? We need this to stop or to close down the casinos who make illegal data requests

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ll happily prove my ID, that I’ve used my card and my bank account. Any more than that and they can get lost.

    Bank account redacted to only show my name, address and account number and possibly a transaction to the casino.

    <b>I don’t necessarily think the casinos really want to do all these checks that are forced upon them by the UK regulators</b> but it gives them a good excuse to slow things down and possibly snare a few reasons to not pay.

    As far as I can remember, when joining Sky Vegas they run a half credit check to verify identity. Same with Paddy power and Betfair.

    With all due respect and I do think you should stop abusing your part of the furniture status when dealing with lesser mortals and seedy should have had a quiet word in your ear in the very least while others are publicly warned while you seemingly get away with again breaking the rules………………… you seem to have completely missed the part where I mentioned SkyVegas who have never dna tested me.

    Let’s ALL keep the thread on topic and done the arguing that throws it off. Say NO more.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    igc-rm wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    I’ll happily prove my ID, that I’ve used my card and my bank account. Any more than that and they can get lost.

    Bank account redacted to only show my name, address and account number and possibly a transaction to the casino.

    <b>I don’t necessarily think the casinos really want to do all these checks that are forced upon them by the UK regulators</b> but it gives them a good excuse to slow things down and possibly snare a few reasons to not pay.

    As far as I can remember, when joining Sky Vegas they run a half credit check to verify identity. Same with Paddy power and Betfair.

    With all due respect and I do think you should stop abusing your part of the furniture status when dealing with lesser mortals and seedy should have had a quiet word in your ear in the very least while others are publicly warned while you seemingly get away with again breaking the rules………………… you seem to have completely missed the part where I mentioned SkyVegas who have never dna tested me.

    Let’s ALL keep the thread on topic and done the arguing that throws it off. Say NO more.


    Sorry I should have gone into more detail. As far as I know, sky Vegas, paddy, Betfair do a credit check (anti ml on your credit report) rather than a document request but this costs the casino money so that’s why most of them ask for docs instead. They will still ask for docs after a threshold though.

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Sorry I should have gone into more detail. As far as I know, sky Vegas, paddy, Betfair do a credit check (anti ml on your credit report) rather than a document request but this costs the casino money so that’s why most of them ask for docs instead. They will still ask for docs after a threshold though.


    Obviously don’t take this as gospel, it’s just an observation. The best person to ask would be someone like @eejit101 he knows his shit 👍

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    I don’t tend to post here anymore, and there is a key reason for that. But I’m going to make an exception here because from everything I’ve read from Xbob over the last couple of weeks, he is exactly right. He knows what he’s talking about, and he has been very accurate and fair with his posts. Don’t like the truth? Fine. But don’t make this into a witch hunt just because you can’t handle the fact he doesn’t support your narrative.

    @igc-rm – to keep this on topic. All UK regulated casinos have an obligation to know their customers. These come in the form of KYC checks and are passively enforced by the UKGC.

    What do I mean by passively? KYC is a fairly fluid topic in the UK and a lot has changed over the past couple of years on this. I don’t know to what extent specific audits or quotas are made regarding these level of checks by the UKGC, but I do know that if a casino is found to not have made sufficient checks in knowing their customers, whether for vulnerability reasons or for anti money laundering, then said casino will receive a significant fine.

    Casinos don’t want to do these checks, it’s off-putting for their customers, as exampled in this thread. But doing this and potentially losing custom as a result is still better for them than the alternative. Some casinos will use this to try and delay withdrawals, but this is not permitted by the UKGC and a complaint referencing this is normally enough to fast track it through.

    Remember – no one is making you provide these documents. You don’t have to provide them, it just means that you’ll lose access to your account as a result. Completely your choice to make.

    Anonymous WANTED $110

    Biohazard wrote:

    I don’t tend to post here anymore, and there is a key reason for that. But I’m going to make an exception here because from everything I’ve read from Xbob over the last couple of weeks, he is exactly right. He knows what he’s talking about, and he has been very accurate and fair with his posts. Don’t like the truth? Fine. But don’t make this into a witch hunt just because you can’t handle the fact he doesn’t support your narrative.

    @igc-rm – to keep this on topic. All UK regulated casinos have an obligation to know their customers. These come in the form of KYC checks and are passively enforced by the UKGC.

    What do I mean by passively? KYC is a fairly fluid topic in the UK and a lot has changed over the past couple of years on this. I don’t know to what extent specific audits or quotas are made regarding these level of checks by the UKGC, but I do know that if a casino is found to not have made sufficient checks in knowing their customers, whether for vulnerability reasons or for anti money laundering, then said casino will receive a significant fine.

    Casinos don’t want to do these checks, it’s off-putting for their customers, as exampled in this thread. But doing this and potentially losing custom as a result is still better for them than the alternative. Some casinos will use this to try and delay withdrawals, but this is not permitted by the UKGC and a complaint referencing this is normally enough to fast track it through.

    Remember – no one is making you provide these documents. You don’t have to provide them, it just means that you’ll lose access to your account as a result. Completely your choice to make.

    KYC get used by banks casinos and other company’s to check you identity

    MaskWearer WANTED $42

    I am getting extremely frustrated by casino staff giving out erroneous information. Let’s clear this up once and for all – nobody can call me a liar because I am using official guidance from the UKGC:


    1) Licensees must obtain and verify information in order to establish the identity of a customer <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>before that customer is permitted to gamble</span>. Information must include, <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>but is not restricted to</span>, the customer’s name, address and date of birth

    2) <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>A request made by a customer to withdraw funds from their account must not result in a requirement for additional information to be supplied as a condition of withdrawal if the licensee could have reasonably requested that information earlier</span>. This requirement does not prevent a licensee from seeking information on the customer which they must obtain at that time due to any other legal obligation. (e.g. AML for £8800 deposits)

    3)<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”> Before permitting a customer to deposit funds</span>, licensees should inform customers what types of identity documents or other information the licensee may need the customer to provide, the circumstances in which such information might be required, and the form and manner in which such information should be provided.

    4) Licensees must take reasonable steps to ensure that the information they hold on a customer’s identity remains accurate.


    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>All online gambling businesses must ask you to prove your age and identity before you gamble.</span> Our rules say that a gambling businsesses can’t ask you to prove your age and identity as a condition of withdrawing your money if they could have asked you at an earlier point. However, there may be occasions where a gambling business can only ask you for information at that time in order to fulfil legal obligations. (e.g. AML)

    If a gambling business needs more information before you can withdraw your funds, for example, for anti-money laundering checks, then they should ask promptly and not only when you want to withdraw your funds.

    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Where a gambling business delays a request to withdraw funds due to insufficient ID, they may be in breach of Licence Condition 17 – Customer identity verification and may be subject to regulatory action.</span>


    The OP in this thread has been defrauded. Clearly the casino is NOT ALLOWED to ask for ID verification as the condition for a withdrawal when they could have asked for that info earlier – i.e. when depositing – which is a legal requirement for casinos. They must verify you to the same level when depositing as when withdrawing – asking for info only at withdrawal stage is a breach of Licence Condition 17

    This should be common sense when comparing to how a bank operates under KYC – they must know who you are BEFORE you open an account, not after you try to use the ATM.

    The casinos are allowing people, like me and OP, to open accounts, then when we try to use the ATM they are telling us they can’t service our request. This is fraud and is illegal in the United Kingdom. Any arguments to the contrary made by casino staff will be looked upon by me in the harshest possible terms. If xbob and biohazard work for the gaming industry, I would advise those gentlemen to think extremely carefully before posting anymore deceptive and illegal advice to players. I will call you up on it and report you to your employer and UKGC. You have been warned. We follow the laws of the United Kingdom, not the casinos.

    MaskWearer WANTED $42

    Can’t edit posts? Would be nice to get rid of all that formatting nonsense

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    MaskWearer wrote:

    Can’t edit posts? Would be nice to get rid of all that formatting nonsense

    @spidermint broke it, I have a moan every now and again about it 😂


    Anonymous WANTED $110

    MaskWearer wrote:

    I am getting extremely frustrated by casino staff giving out erroneous information. Let’s clear this up once and for all – nobody can call me a liar because I am using official guidance from the UKGC:


    1) Licensees must obtain and verify information in order to establish the identity of a customer <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>before that customer is permitted to gamble</span>. Information must include, <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>but is not restricted to</span>, the customer’s name, address and date of birth

    2) <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>A request made by a customer to withdraw funds from their account must not result in a requirement for additional information to be supplied as a condition of withdrawal if the licensee could have reasonably requested that information earlier</span>. This requirement does not prevent a licensee from seeking information on the customer which they must obtain at that time due to any other legal obligation. (e.g. AML for £8800 deposits)

    3)<span style=”text-decoration: underline;”> Before permitting a customer to deposit funds</span>, licensees should inform customers what types of identity documents or other information the licensee may need the customer to provide, the circumstances in which such information might be required, and the form and manner in which such information should be provided.

    4) Licensees must take reasonable steps to ensure that the information they hold on a customer’s identity remains accurate.


    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>All online gambling businesses must ask you to prove your age and identity before you gamble.</span> Our rules say that a gambling businsesses can’t ask you to prove your age and identity as a condition of withdrawing your money if they could have asked you at an earlier point. However, there may be occasions where a gambling business can only ask you for information at that time in order to fulfil legal obligations. (e.g. AML)

    If a gambling business needs more information before you can withdraw your funds, for example, for anti-money laundering checks, then they should ask promptly and not only when you want to withdraw your funds.

    <span style=”text-decoration: underline;”>Where a gambling business delays a request to withdraw funds due to insufficient ID, they may be in breach of Licence Condition 17 – Customer identity verification and may be subject to regulatory action.</span>


    The OP in this thread has been defrauded. Clearly the casino is NOT ALLOWED to ask for ID verification as the condition for a withdrawal when they could have asked for that info earlier – i.e. when depositing – which is a legal requirement for casinos. They must verify you to the same level when depositing as when withdrawing – asking for info only at withdrawal stage is a breach of Licence Condition 17

    This should be common sense when comparing to how a bank operates under KYC – they must know who you are BEFORE you open an account, not after you try to use the ATM.

    The casinos are allowing people, like me and OP, to open accounts, then when we try to use the ATM they are telling us they can’t service our request. This is fraud and is illegal in the United Kingdom. Any arguments to the contrary made by casino staff will be looked upon by me in the harshest possible terms. If xbob and biohazard work for the gaming industry, I would advise those gentlemen to think extremely carefully before posting anymore deceptive and illegal advice to players. I will call you up on it and report you to your employer and UKGC. You have been warned. We follow the laws of the United Kingdom, not the casinos.

    asking about money Laundering is nonsense also if you deposit from Bank, Bank checks every one of us on money laundering, UKGC they just want to make more drama look at me I have power, I will understand if they ask about money laundering if costumer use like a prepaid card or Paysafe

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