Do people realise how effective these channels are?

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  • #21965
    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Hi Everyone,

    I just wanted to post in here to say thank you to The Bandit and all of his fans and supporters.

    Today is a very important day for me – It is the day when I have made my final payment and got out from the debt that I put myself in through gambling (if it moved I would bet on it). I have been gambling for years and ended up in a bad financial situation, and it has taken me over 4 years working multiple jobs to finally clear the debts that I stacked.

    I tried many different routes to try and stop gambling, went to meetings etc but non of it worked; then I started watching videos on youtube and subscribed to the channel. Its hard to explain but watching someone like Steve going through the highs and lows of gambling really took the edge of it for me. Yes he had and still has some amazing wins, but he also has huge losses and thats the reality of gambling, especially at high stakes. Being able to watch the videos really helped me stay away from it all and get myself sorted out.

    My situation has changed now; I can reduce my hours drastically in work for a start (to put in perspective, I was working 70+ hours a week to pay out 2k a month just in repayments of debts, not including my mortgage, ) which I no longer have over me. Thank you Mr B for continuing to upload videos and provide not only the entertainment value but a real look into how up and down gambling can be; and of course to Mrs B who has made some great decisions on the videos :). I think though that it is only fair to also thank all of the other supporters and fans out there who use the forums and watch the videos as you are helping to keep the channel going. Thanks to everyone concerned – you have no idea how much this channel and your support of  the channel has literally turned my life around.

    Thank you


    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    @andywilliams1187 congrats on the debt clearance mate so lower those hours an get your self as a well deserved holiday in the sun mate 🙂

    Glad you enjoy the videos @TheBandit releases and that they have helped you get through it all.

    LCA81 WANTED $24

    Well done mate, but on the flip side of the coin watching the vids will have the opposite effect on some people, who will in turn do there bollocks in. That is the main purpose of the videos no matter which way anyone tries to spin it, i recognise that not sure everyone does tho.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    LCA81 wrote:

    Well done mate, but on the flip side of the coin watching the vids will have the opposite effect on some people, who will in turn do there bollocks in. That is the main purpose of the videos no matter which way anyone tries to spin it, i recognise that not sure everyone does tho.

    Hi LCA81,

    I understand what you are saying and do get that some people will watch videos, especially ones were big profits are made and see it as a get rich quick plan. I just wanted to highlight that for me it has really helped me get away from gambling at high stakes.

    One man’s poison is another man’s cure:)

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