Do videos help or hinder my gambling?

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    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Watching a bandit video does it make you want to play or does it give you your fix ? Me personally it helps it’s not like other people’s videos it’s something to look forward to it’s like a t.v. program on series record lol it’s the commentry it’s fookin hilarious plus it shows what games can be evil and a waste of time one example flame busters bloody awful bonus well for me anyway .The videos are some what even I suppose educational in a way and some may have decided to play something they wouldn’t normally play after watching but for me I’m more than happy to watch as it’s entertainment and stops me wanting to play .Wondered what thoughts people had on this

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I would imagine there will be an argument here for both sides, it will be an interesting read after a few replies though 😀

    StuartK91 WANTED $27

    It’s a bit of both for me, i look forward to a bandit video, used to watch alot of slot content on youtube but just watch bandit now as he’s one i feel had the most endearing characteristics. And he’s hilarious. After watching i do feel like a little session myself but mostly as above comment says it’s like a tv program you watch.

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    I enjoy playing slots whilst having the bandits videos on the big screen! Sometimes I play the same games he plays but at considerably lower stakes haha!

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    I think i could prob not even watch the video and just listen to the audio some of the time lol. I must admit it does sometimes make you want to play when you see huge wins but on the other hand you see some 0 bonuses and think well…

    Kingpab WANTED $149

    Really helps me to cut down, I got to the point where Slots bore me to death apart from bonus rounds and I think this is due to watching Bandit’s bonuses .

    Now if I have a go I’m bored and see it as just a boring way to waste money. If I do hit a bonus its exciting but I can never hit the potential .

    I reckon this last 2 years I’ve lost a tiny amount compared to the times before I discovered bandit And rocknrolla,

    Haven’t seen anything of Paul since he stopped streaming on YouTube but have followed bandit everywhere. (YouTube, twitch, and here. Not in the street ?)

    I think watching the highs and the lows somehow give me the feelings of playing without me actually betting.


    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    I love watching the videos . But if he wins for some reason that doesn’t make me wanna play . But if he doing his bollocks in . I’m like maybe it’s ready to pay . I think it’s sort off a pub machine mentality .

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    Both for me. Sometimes watching videos will make me want to play slots. Other times when I’m already playing slots and on tilt – in that zone when I really wanna play more but know it’s stupid to chase  – watching The Bandit could calm my demons. It’s almost like getting that last feature I was waiting for. Watching The Bandit is a dam sight cheaper than chasing bonuses on Bonanza, trust me!

    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    There is no argument to be had, its simple, by watching Videos or following streamers we are still gambling & get a gambling buzz plain & simple… Some will gamble more some less after watching Videos.

    I find that I want to gamble more, but have more control now by using 2 accounts like The Bandit helps me gamble less… I put money in my gambling account & when its gone its gone, and I never use my Main acc to deposit as everybody knows sites hate having 2 cards registered.

    I’ve used 2 accounts for 8 years now & is the best solution for me & also helps track my loses better.

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    Morning All

    Its both for me, 18 months ago they probably didnt help since id see big wins and think i could do that… never did happen though and id invariably do my bollox two hours after getting paid.

    I knew i had to stop that so this year i started to take ownership. I have zero restraint once i start so i gamstopped to block online. I opened a bank account where ive blocked gambling transactions so i cant spunk 100s on the fobt roulette on my card so unless i have a lot of cash on me which i avoid carrying its far harder to do my balls in. I cant wait for the fobt stake reduction. Dont get me wrong, i am a gambler and occaisionally i still find ways to come off the rails, mostly spunking a big profit from a small stake.

    Back on topic, now i cant try to emulate what streamers win or gamble much in general now i find watching the videos help me not miss actually doing it. Plus people like the bandit and rolla seem like top blokes and i enjoy the content not just the punts.

    So there’s my two sides to the coin but no matter what the outcome is, whatever you do is your choice regardless of being inspired by a stranger online.



    aps31 WANTED $15

    Ok so here is my two pence worth.


    been a gambler since the age of 10,

    been watching Steve from the beginning (a retro vid might be an idea Bruce lee 60p stakes)

    lost more then money due to gambling,

    before I was on gamstop if I put one of Steve’s  vids on I couldn’t resist the urge to log in straight after(nothing to do with Steve that’s just my nature) if I saw anyone gambling I would want a go

    Now under gamstop if I feel the need to go and play the Bookies i watch a vid and it takes the urge away somewhat,

    When I had big losses I would watch the bandit and it took the depression away a bit as it was good to see someone win(although I do remeber that Barron spell Steve when you got fucked all month) if I recall you got battered every January and won all of February or maybe the other way round,

    my honest option is watching these videos helps if you cannot gamble if you can they can encourage, having said that we are all adults and it is down to ourselfs to own what ever we do in life……….. fuck I miss that moment  when a bonaza bonus drops in but that’s the price I pay for not being able to control myself.


    have a good Christmas everyone.


    Trowblerone WANTED $33

    I don’t gamble online at all.

    I would watch any kind of Vlog that the Bandit cobbled together as he’s an entertaining bloke.

    Chris210 WANTED $6

    Pure entertainment for me find him very funny ive been in stitches at times and the reel king gamble is such a buzz wondering if he hits the top this time. Thoroughly enjoy watching the videos and they don’t make me want me to gamble at all.

    Keep up the good work bandit.



    Slotsoffun WANTED $9

    So it sounds like some are happy to watch rather than gamble themselves. Whilst others say by watching they want to gamble.

    My response to the former is nothing but ‘respect’ and please stick with that frame of mind.

    For those who feel the need to gamble from watching (and I’m a bit of each these days), you can unsubscribe or not watch. Saying you need to gamble after searching and watching an hour-long video (at free will) brings a whole new level of addiction. That’s like an alcoholic searching the www for vodka or their nemesis and then complaining that, by being searchable, the results made them need to drink. It’s not in the cupboard but I can still find it…

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    A bit of both, when I’ve skinted myself for the month from being degen I find his videos tide me over until I can play again although when I see him risking it for a biscuit on Reel Kings that’s the type of play that entices me and makes me want to play as that’s generally how I gamble, huge risk, huge reward.

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