Do you have to actually watch live to see the Bandit’s streams?

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  • #91679
    DQ2017 WANTED $20

    When I go on twitch I can see the full length video/streams he did a few weeks back. However I’m sure he’s done other streams/ videos in the last week or so but I’m only able to see 30 second clips?! Not the full stream? Is there a full stream video on twitch that I’m missing or just the 30 second clips?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    DQ2017 wrote:

    When I go on twitch I can see the full length video/streams he did a few weeks back. However I’m sure he’s done other streams/ videos in the last week or so but I’m only able to see 30 second clips?! Not the full stream? Is there a full stream video on twitch that I’m missing or just the 30 second clips?

    You are in the highlights tab there you need to videos tab and they are in there 🙂

    DQ2017 WANTED $20

    Thanks Seedy ☺️ For some reason it just wouldn’t show for me on the web version but downloaded the app and am now able to see the latest videos in full ☺️

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