Do you know who i am mate?!

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  • #10992
    Mr B WANTED $395

    I wonder if you’re just a troll 😛

    darkhand1 WANTED $7

    hi steve , sunday morning and i am joining you site, should have done it long time ago but hey there is always something else you have to do but not today. Love your videos, really i watch every one, love the games the chat its all good (except the c— word don,t mind any other swear word just don,t like the c word. Have no interest in sites similar to yours but certainly hooked on yours. i sometimes play the slots only a bit about mmmmmmm 8 hours a day 7 days a week. played on ladbrokes , will hill, corals and for the last 3 years almost only on betfair. my betting habits similar to yours in stakes value £2 TO £10  i win sometimes and lose lots of times my weakness i tilt to much chasing free spins on a game ie play the same game for fucking hours and hours.keep posting the videos do not go broke, i will keep watching in the hope you hit a monster monster win something like £3 million on jackpot king.

    kind regards



    Jakemuscat WANTED $1

    The Bandit wrote:


    People say that you know!

    I am The Bandit, the actual one, off the YouTube ya know ?

    Greetings Earthlings!

    @Bandit what’s happened to your YouTube channel!???

    Matty88 WANTED $1

    Didn’t you have a Sunday slot video on YouTube if so it’s been taken down was about to watch it and can’t even get on your YouTube channel any idea why

    Darr WANTED $4

    Honestly fuming at the fact your account has gone mate been out all day saw the notification that you had uploaded got all sorted and ready to chill for the next hour and find out this shit has gone on fuck YouTube mate genuinely don’t deserve your time anymore get on twitch or start up your own bandit tube hopefully here from you soon matey all the best and yet again fuck YouTube for ruining my chill time !!!

    Matty88 WANTED $1

    Same ere I put kids to bed ready to chill and watch his amazing vids goes on YouTube on the xbox and there is nothing there can’t believe it well annoyed with YouTube

    Darr WANTED $4

    Honestly sending YouTube a complaint saying fuck you for controlling what they think we can and can’t watch I genuinely hope they keep doing this and yt collapses such a load of crap and too many people are saying yt is not becoming enjoyable anymore

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    Gutted Bandit just read an article on Google about it all basically any one promoting gambling sign ups and links etc get banned you tube dnt allow it no more is what the article said anyways how true that is god knows but seems like it to me what am I gonna watch now get ur videos uploaded to your own website can be done without you tube good luck ?

    mrrickers WANTED $3

    Name is Rick, I am from California in the United States, so I cannot gamble on these game which really sucks, but at least I can watch on youtube, no, sorry, nope.  Anyway, about me, dork, can you tell?

    I was programming as a kid in the 1970s on the oldest pieces of junk computers I could get.  They just sucked, but I did get to write a few horrible games in BASIC back then.  Continued to write games in languages like C, C++, Pascal, Basic for years.  Eventually taught programming at a Junior College,

    Now, I do my own thing having written a few books on programming.

    Life is cool, spend far too much time on youtube watching videos.

    Peace, Spent 2 years in England, small town named Reigate, 20 miles south of London.  I watched many a futbol match, favorites were Liverpool and Brighton.  Sorry to the Man U lovers, but there was something about Liverpool.

    congamabby WANTED $17

    hey ho all.  nice to see your still going to be able to stream. ….dont let um grind you down

    Kalamwaites WANTED $1

    Devastated the YouTube police have took the account. Stupid really. And no explenation?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Nah no explanation mate, it will be back just like all the rest i would imagine. You can see the latest video on the homepage here and that’s where i will stick them for the time being 😀

    Jayjay230 WANTED $32

    Is there any more session vids due up Bandit that you have done for your site as I did manage to watch the Sunday 1 actually on Sunday before you tube took u off glad you have sorted something in the mean time tho rockanrolla announced channels should be back as its to do with the algorithms or sumthing so fingers crossed your channel will be back with the wife ;l

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I reckon i will have a play tomorrow mate, i will record it as usual and throw it on here i think. Should be on the homepage at some point.

    Denrico WANTED $1

    Why you not on YouTube none of your videos neither nick slots have you taken them down

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