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Viewing 7 posts - 181 through 187 (of 187 total)
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  • #141386
    Muzzle123 WANTED $5

    Watch every video love the games love the content for those who don’t like it they should go and boil there heads thank you for brightening my day day up every day would love to go for a round of golf at some point.

    Skyden WANTED $8


    Skyden WANTED $8

    Sorry that was short reply oh dear I’ve forgot what I was going to say  never mind love the videos

    MrWa7son WANTED $1

    Can we see some temple of paw on bc gaming please 🙏

    Lisaxadam WANTED $2

    Yes looking forward too your videos in anticipation no matter how many times you play same slots am with you too the end lol nice one steve

    Skyden WANTED $8


    Can you please do another video with Phill always fun please  please

    malawicichlid WANTED $1

    Hi Bandit, firstly thanks for doing these vids. I really look forward to watching these, your style is fantastic I think because it is authentic and I really feel your emotions in the high and lows. So thanks

    Secondly you play Mission To the Moon often ‘at the bar’. This is by far my favourite game, if you could play this more on the vids I would be grateful.

    All the best

Viewing 7 posts - 181 through 187 (of 187 total)