Do you play?

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    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    I play golf when i can, which isn’t that often these days as it is hard to get the time!

    I got myself down to 12 handicap when i was young but i broke my hand and it didn’t repair very well so kind of stopped playing for a long time, would love to get back into it properly but yeah, time consuming isn’t it!

    I have had a hole in one 4 times!

    Maybe we could get a Bandit golf day on the go haha!

    Cinnamon942 WANTED $2

    Hey mate. Love a good game of golf. Haven’t had a game now in about a year though so trying desperately to get back into it. 4 hole in ones is pretty sick! Never managed one myself sadly.

    What’s your favourite club?

    Andyg81 WANTED $5

    Just come back from a week long golf trip to Scarborough. Glorious weather apart from one hole when the mist came in and couldn’ see 10 yards in front of us.

    Appears the more I play golf the worse I get. 1st round got 38 Stableford points by the last round I could barely hit the white little fucker.

    MossyEFC WANTED $4

    Work in golf. Used to be a pro but went back amateur about 5 years ago. Just play weekends with the lads now.


    nostromo332 WANTED $18

    no i don,t play golf. but your golf course is not far from asda so i see..

    Iggmeister WANTED $2

    hmmm, i’ve played since i was 8, i’m 37 now, my current handicap is 5 …… i’ve never had a hole in one – does not compute grrr

    darkhand1 WANTED $7

    before my golfing story, just got back in the house been out all day with my nephews two children, took them for a day out, adventure park, sea side pretty much all we could cram into a day including all the burgers chips ice cream and sweets they could eat one is 10 and the other is 6

    anyway just got in quick look at racing only 1 race left 9.10 kempton, look a runners no need to check form spotted( katie lee ) is running , i backed her last time out and just as she was going to make her move she was slightly impeded cost her easily 4 lengths and the race, tonight

    she is 16/1  and a winner what a start to the evening, now for the slots. oh the golfing story( bandits) got a new video must watch before i play the slots  so tell you golf story next time


    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    darkhand1 wrote:

    before my golfing story, just got back in the house been out all day with my nephews two children, took them for a day out, adventure park, sea side pretty much all we could cram into a day including all the burgers chips ice cream and sweets they could eat one is 10 and the other is 6

    anyway just got in quick look at racing only 1 race left 9.10 kempton, look a runners no need to check form spotted( katie lee ) is running , i backed her last time out and just as she was going to make her move she was slightly impeded cost her easily 4 lengths and the race, tonight

    she is 16/1  and a winner what a start to the evening, now for the slots. oh the golfing story( bandits) got a new video must watch before i play the slots  so tell you golf story next time


    We need the golf story!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Been getting back in to it this week, myself and Seedy have been out on the course a couple of times, only played the 9 holes due to the crazy heat and forgetting drinks the first time and then the second time Seedy injured himself, too much wanking eh Seedy haha


    It is a Par 34 for the front 9 at this particular course and i was only able to muster up a 48 and a 49 which is really quite disappointing but i haven’t played for years and broke my hand in between being actually able to knock a good number in and now so things can only get better!


    Looking forward to the next attempt – tried yesterday but it was rained and thundered off!

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I can only blame my injury on handling the shaft all wrong yes Mr Bandit ???

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Used to play off a 12 handicap myself in my late teens in mid-Wales. Great game once you’ve got the hang of it. Especially the charity rounds where you get a pint, tinny or shot on each tee. That can get messy but a great laugh!
    By the time you’ve got the clubs, membership etc… it can get quite pricey, and lets face it, we all enjoy the 19th aswell! Best get them 1000x hits in now then hey! ?️‍♂️?

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    I now know the expense lol I’m a carp fisherman as my favourite sport but enjoyed knocking my cheap clubs at the range anyways just sank over a grand into my clubs to hopefully give me more of a chance lol problem I got now my previous clubs was over sized head my new ones are like pin heads lol ?? thank God for the 19th..

    Kingkennyoo9 WANTED $7

    Love golf play of 26 myself which obviously isn’t that great but now the rules are changing to allow handicaps of 54 I look well good playing of 26 haha never had a hole in one but my short game is definitely the best part of my game

    Millerrules WANTED $1

    Damn, I need my Golf clubs now. I’m already going crazy in this quarantine. Does anyone have any idea where I can buy Golf clubs now?

    Dynamik23 WANTED $82

    Millerrules wrote:

    Damn, I need my Golf clubs now. I’m already going crazy in this quarantine. Does anyone have any idea where I can buy Golf clubs now?

    an online golf club shop.

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