Do you play?

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  • #99334
    Smalllebowski WANTED $9

    I play .at Heysham par 70 my  Handicap is 10.6 . Golf comps are back on ?.
    weather is good .
    happy days .

    Millerrules WANTED $1

    Wow, that’s cool. I am happy for u!

    Bamboozler WANTED $23

    I was Scottish Junior Champion and played in numerous competitions and represented both Scotland and Great Britain before I had my twins.

    Handicaps of 54 are insane. That’s three strokes a hole even on a par three. I remember when I had started we played in girls’ competitions where handicaps of up to 36 were permitted and it was nigh on impossible to compete against them.

    Steven_75 WANTED $3

    Seeing how much Red Bull you go through while gambling I can’t even imagine how many trays we need whilst playing golf?

    Lucky13 WANTED $2

    Do the ones who entered legit on the prize draw will they get another chance if people aren’t eligible? Just never heard anyone winning if there not drawn. Just cause im sure most aren’t eligible

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Lucky13 wrote:

    Do the ones who entered legit on the prize draw will they get another chance if people aren’t eligible? Just never heard anyone winning if there not drawn. Just cause im sure most aren’t eligible

    If someone fails during the eligibility check, it goes to the next person so if 28 is drawn and fails, it goes to 29 as long as 29 passes the check. And so on and so on…

    golfo4 WANTED $1

    Hey Bandit, this is a Golf question how did you get on with the new Taylor Made Golf Clubs, Great First Handicap of 15, think the new Woods / Clubs will make some difference.

    Anonymous WANTED $0

    thank you for info guys

    iuraf WANTED $1

    I do play it from time to time

    topshelf WANTED $2

    PS watch a ton of you tube never posted on any site before.  but your a beauty quit blowing your wad on reel king tough to watch

    topshelf WANTED $2

    Bandit!  been bing watvhing your vids.  Love going low in golf 0 handicap but we got 2 foot of snow here in Canada

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    @Bandit – Just out of curiosity mate…. If you can hit a 6 iron 260 yards, how far does your driver go?

    Whats the name of that slot again? To The Moooon! Ha

    whoswho WANTED $118

    When I was growing up my Dad was obsessed with Golf.He would make me play almost everyday after school.In winter it was short game practise after school and club day sundays. In summer it was 9 holes almost everyday after school apart from Fridays.

    I got down to an adult 8 when I was 13. But I hated golf it was like a chore for me. I wanted to play tennis but my Dad would insist I have a future with golf and golf alone. Maybe he was right I will never know.

    when I turned 15 my parents divorced and I lived with mum. I quit golf and my mum supported it. My Dad was deeply disappointed and we never spoke for years after. Since I was 15 I have not picked up a golf club since.

    Me and Dad are good now and from time to time he suggests we go to the range. I simply refuse and tell him “not in your life time mate”



    Thegrinch84 WANTED $2

    Hi Steve not looking for a donation but just to raise awareness of a challenge I am doing. If you could help in any way


    If you could share this with your network I would be greatful.

    Cartybhoy WANTED $1

    If you ever come up to play Turnberry I’ll caddy for you for free bud

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 32 total)