Dune2000 blocked?

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    Anonymous WANTED $483

    No need to kick a man while hes down guys cmon lol.

    I know how i felt when i got banned. So go easy on Dune please.

    We all say stupid things in the heat. So give him a break. I can understand what he said about finding a realistic streamer. Bandit has changed his staking massively lol.

    I like it. ALOT ?

    But i can see why some others dont.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    If you don’t like the videos and content, then don’t watch. No need for comments in the comment section, knowing it’s going to stir shit. Just go.

    Winningbird WANTED $574


    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Winningbird wrote:

    If you don’t like the videos and content, then don’t watch. No need for comments in the comment section, knowing it’s going to stir shit. Just go.

    problem is though @Winningbird

    This is an open forum. Debates and opinions are what makes it great.

    Cant just throw toys when u get negative comments. Just roll with them. Its the way the world works now. Its sad, and i wish it wasnt this way. But drama and hate is the very life blood of the times we live in. And its very contageous

    Trust me. X

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    I agree, I love a good debate and peoples opinions should be heard.. in most cases. What I don’t agree with was the way dune said what did. He came across a bit of an arse. He could have chosen a better choice of words, knowing what he said was going to earn him a ban after all the warnings lately.

    I’m sure Bandit doesn’t mind the negative comments because every streamer will get them. It’s just the way the comments said. Yes, they sometimes get taken out of context, but that one was a little harsh from dune 🙂

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Winningbird wrote:

    I agree, I love a good debate and peoples opinions should be heard.. in most cases. What I don’t agree with was the way dune said what did. He came across a bit of an arse. He could have chosen a better choice of words, knowing what he said was going to earn him a ban after all the warnings lately.

    I’m sure Bandit doesn’t mind the negative comments because every streamer will get them. It’s just the way the comments said. Yes, they sometimes get taken out of context, but that one was a little harsh from dune ?

    Totally agree with you. He has been an arse and a bit harsh. But completly blocking Dune is waaaay harsher. And out of order in my opinion. Yeah it Bandits forum and he can do whatever he likes. But when i got banned i was told about it in a topic by Bandit. Which was the right way to do it. I deserved it. Seems like Dune  has just been completly blocked though. He was a very good contributer to this forum. Id say he was in the top 10. Yeah he started shit but atleast he was being honest.

    And thats hard to come by nowadays. Please understand yes i agree he deserves Punishment just like i got. But not a complete ban.

    No fucking way he deserves that.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito


    It was this to be honest. Why should i have to take this sort of guff and then let the person in question continue to swan around a forum i made, posting topics with fully capitalised titles that i always have to edit. No thanks.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    i see that comment bandit and with you 100% ban the twats we dont need them

    springbrucesteen WANTED $77

    The Bandit wrote:


    It was this to be honest. Why should i have to take this sort of guff and then let the person in question continue to swan around a forum i made, posting topics with fully capitalised titles that i always have to edit. No thanks.

    Fuck me I read that as fully capitalised titties ,should have gone to spec savers

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    That’s nothing, I’m on a 30 day Facebook posting ban ??

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    Ffs dune ( i am away to find a more realistic streamer) geez us aw a shout mate . Try n hurry up tho am 57 and have had an aortal graft / right to left leg cross over 3 angioplastys and i smoke like a fkn chimney so hopefully av got another 10 years ??? ha ha get ursel back n stop being a prick .

    ligarr WANTED $82

    He was a whiner and said he wasnt going to watch anymore videos anyway,so may aswell be gone.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    he sat on his on balls,let him go lick them

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    @The Bandit – please ban me the too because I feel exactly the same as Dune2000 without the “going to find a more realistic streamer” bit cause there ain’t any worth watching

    IDK what you think of my comments or where I’ve been coming from but this ain’t your forum, it belongs to all of those who contribute to it. If you disagree with that, please ban me and my IP address so I never again enter “Your Kingdom”

    ligarr WANTED $82

    Gunner wrote:

    @The Bandit – please ban me the too because I feel exactly the same as Dune2000 without the “going to find a more realistic streamer” bit cause there ain’t any worth watching

    IDK what you think of my comments or where I’ve been coming from but this ain’t your forum, it belongs to all of those who contribute to it. If you disagree with that, please ban me and my IP address so I never again enter “Your Kingdom”

    Why you would want to be here anyway if you dont like how he gambles….why would you want to watch him play lower stakes which he does not do offstream,He bets larger off stream so id prefer watching him play how he actually usually plays.

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