El Bandito lays down the law!

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  • #49442
    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Just tidying up the section with a couple of edits, thought i best reply to say i did email the above in case people thought i didn’t bother, all sorted 😀

    Charslots WANTED $0

    El Bandito, what an awesome entertainer you are. Always make me laugh, love seeing you win. Any sign of the projector coming back? Loved that vid.

    paccers WANTED $4

    hey bandit ,your not my type so u can leave your hat on!! . whats going on at the moment with the slots ?

    somethings going on mate i can tell u . the slots have gone really shit , think sites are taking the piss and taking advantage . because

    of the lockdown to take advantage of normal size slot users like me , been playing years and noticed massive difference last few months.



    whoswho WANTED $118

    I wanna badge tooo

    D3sp3rado WANTED $36

    The ban hammer wouldn’t be safe on my hands. I would use it like I’m playing a game of whack a mole.

    With great power comes great respobsibility. 🙂

    Firelog1 WANTED $2

    Hi Steve,

    Any thoughts on where you like a meet up after the lock down, any suggestions, cheers Steve c

    Run187 WANTED $28

    Seedy wrote:


    Can you shut my account please mate I no longer wish to be here ty ..

Viewing 7 posts - 16 through 22 (of 22 total)