How I ended at the rock bottom

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  • #65439
    Sassy_Be WANTED $1

    Where to start?I guess it’s all started abouy 4 years ago when I saw an advert on TV about online casino.I decided to join,silly as I work in betting industry.

    I decided to deposit my first £20 and from that point on the rollercoaster started.I won and got hooked up.

    Cutting a story short 4years onwards and in debts I have decided to take control of my life&gambling.

    Discovering Bandit and other fellow streamers and theit input into Gamban has gave me courage to go with it.

    There is always a way out.I am here if anyone needs a talk

    bishman WANTED $84

    Well done for telling your story, hope your debts are not too bad and that you can get it sorted.  A lot of us have been there and know what it’s like.  Gambling is the hardest addiction to break in my opinion.

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