Energy drinks

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    eddychillin WANTED $14

    Mr bandit… Do you always drink energy drinks??? I only ask as I started drinking them when I was 16 I stopped when I turned 30 due to the doctors telling me I had to stop.. I was raping the shit out of them  I was drinking liters a day 6-8 cans minimum.. I was constantly getting the shakes…  My mind racing and body wanting to move and do something constructive bit I’d just sit there shaking and sweating unable to sleep till 4-5 in the morning when I’d finally drop off,  I’d then be up at 6-8 the next morning to go work but I’d be so tired I drink more again just to perk myself up, coffee wouldn’t touch the sides the only drink that felt asthoe would quench my thirst would be another energy drink.. Lol eventually I went to the Quacks they told me I had high blood pressure luckily not diabetes but if I carried on it was a high possibility…  it was hard giving up like trying to get off smack.(possibly I wouldn’t know but it was hard).. Lol sweating in my sleep…  You probley don’t drink that much energy drink n iv been dribbling on talking utter bollox and wasting your valuable playing time whilst u read this but I no longer get the shakes n the sleep sweats have stopped 🙂 sorry about the long message but if people read this that have the same problem I had..  There is a light at the tunnels end 🙂

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah i do tbh, probably about 10 a day at the moment. The problem i have is anything else is too fizzy, since i had the stomach operation, a normal can which i loved, like a coke or a fanta, are just too fizzy to handle – a Red Bull on the other hand, is fizzy but weirdly not really fizzy if you know what i mean haha I do need to sack them off because i drink them way too much but like you, i have tried before and you just kind of crave one until you cave lmao

    Perhaps i will have to do a new years resolution to not have any more energy drinks unless i am actually in a sporting event and it is half time lol

    eddychillin WANTED $14

    Yeah… I know the pain mate…  I went onto the suger free ones for a while but it lacked the true taste…. In the end I tried my best on isotonic drinks but they lacked the caffeine but I coped and eventually stopped :/ I do still crave it thoe…… Just talking about it making my lips wet.lmaoooooo.. Hope you have a good new year mate and many more big wins in 2019

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Yeah i tried the sugar free ones but like you say, they just lack that slight bit of taste lol I’l have to kick them in to touch as the mrs is always moaning about them! All the best to you too lad 😀

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Haha yeah weirdly can relate to this. I used to drink about 5-6 a day. Was only 1 kind/flavour it was relentless in a grey can no fruity flavour shit just original. Used to get the shop over the road from the flat a was in at the time to pick me crates up from the cash n carry. I kind-of got a lucky escape as they adjusted the flavour and it was never the same. Never did find a replacement for that beloved drink lol.

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