Engagement Ring Loan

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  • #68404

    what law do you practice? I have a relative who does corperate law and could easily afford that  ring what are you spending your money on man?

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    I’m only a few years qualified and practicing private client law. It takes a long time to train and qualify so whilst I now finally earn good money I have another year of paying back to costs of putting myself through the training to get here. In addition I also support my disabled girlfriend.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

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    Tricky0212 wrote:

    I’m only a few years qualified and practicing private client law. It takes a long time to train and qualify so whilst I now finally earn good money I have another year of paying back to costs of putting myself through the training to get here. In addition I also support my disabled girlfriend.

    Nothing like having to defend yourself. It’s like the Spanish inquisition on here. ?

    benq99 WANTED $229

    yes next thing will need to show docs photo id .but some good people on here that got me through my dental saga was the worst time in my life but i saved got the money together and its over ,had last lot of treatment yesterday and am so happy its over just a check up in 6 weeks to check all ok .i have my smile back

    springbrucesteen WANTED $77

    Tricky0212 wrote:

    I’m only a few years qualified and practicing private client law. It takes a long time to train and qualify so whilst I now finally earn good money I have another year of paying back to costs of putting myself through the training to get here. In addition I also support my disabled girlfriend.

    Mate , really hope you get this money just for being so patient , anybody else would have thrown the toys out the pram and told everybody to fuck off by now ?

    eejit101 WANTED $312

    Cant believe someone would ask for this on a forum. Especially a licenced legal practicioner who would know there are ways for lawyers to borrow money offsetting on their loans through studenthood.


    As for disabled GF, i dont talk about my private life much, but my GF cant work. She has a joint disease affecting her legs and joints, meaning after walking or standing for 5 minutes she has to sit down for ages and feels very dizzy and feint. She cant work and I support her. And we live in Malta, which has about a 1.5x standard of living cost as the UK. I dont know what you earn, but I do my due diligence and work out…


    1 – Odds of you being totally honest, and somehow being a poor lawyer who cant work out maths. From a person who does wills and probate and will proof read everything?! Hmm.

    2 – Odds of you being a trainee with a gambling issue.

    3 – Odds of this being entire bullshit and you knowing a lawyer to refer them work.


    Im going this is 95% risk based loan, so id want back £1,450 if i lent it.


    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Obviously points 1&3 can be proved with Identification etc and as for point 2 you can ask bandit if I’ve ever been in any of his comps/prize draws – I haven’t because been on Gamban/GamStop for a long time now just enjoy the videos and chat on here helping people where I can.

    Thanks for taking the opportunity to put someone down though ?

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    springbrucesteen wrote:

    Tricky0212 wrote:

    I’m only a few years qualified and practicing private client law. It takes a long time to train and qualify so whilst I now finally earn good money I have another year of paying back to costs of putting myself through the training to get here. In addition I also support my disabled girlfriend.

    Mate , really hope you get this money just for being so patient , anybody else would have thrown the toys out the pram and told everybody to fuck off by now ?

    Thanks pal, that’s not me though, never had help in life so never expect it. Rough upbringing etc, but fought my way up and have a bright future – just sometimes we all need a helping hand ?

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    How much have you already saved towards it bud? You said you’ve got a planned proposal you want to do so still do it and just get a promise ring. She should still be made up with that and explain you’ll get the real one in 2-3 months (based on when you said you could repay a loan by).

    You’ve said she’s had a rough time and it would mean the world to her, i dunno how old you are but youre asking her to commit the rest of her life to you. It shouldn’t be a cheer you up moment, thats a weekend away or spa day.

    I know you might have got your words/message mixed but take a step back, in ten years will it be the ring or moment you remember? Dont get too caught up about the ring.

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Wise words, thanks mate. And I know you’re 100% right just wanted it to be perfect for her. Plan is for end of this month ?

    Kelvie WANTED $45

    Buy a cheaper ring, I would actaully be gutted if my bf spent £1000s or even £100s on a bit of jewlelly, when that money 1. you don’t have and 2. if you did could afford it, it could go on making memories instead of an item. Argos has pretty rings for £50, Me personally would be over the moon with one of them.

    Don’t buy what you can’t afford.

    Make Happy Memories.

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Obviously points 1&3 can be proved with Identification etc and as for point 2 you can ask bandit if I’ve ever been in any of his comps – I haven’t because been on Gamban/GamStop for a long time now just enjoy the videos and chat on here helping people where I can.

    Thanks for taking the opportunity to put someone down though ?

    Alphadog WANTED $11

    Can any of you oldies remember what the formula was for buying a ring used to be. As in X times your weekly/monthly wage. My Mrs keeps banging on about an eternity ring as we are never getting married/engaged. But would like a ring on her finger.

    Jay3k1 WANTED $24

    Alphadog wrote:

    Can any of you oldies remember what the formula was for buying a ring used to be. As in X times your weekly/monthly wage. My Mrs keeps banging on about an eternity ring as we are never getting married/engaged. But would like a ring on her finger.

    Months wages

    Rbreen91 WANTED $493

    Three months wages.

    And no woman is getting a ring worth three months of my wages haha.

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