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  • #47550
    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    That puts a massive turn on it mate to be honest.

    Effectively now you have 2 major issues.

    1 – the exclusion from Mr green

    2 – a duplicate account in your name from the same address

    I will have a good read through the terms and conditions today but I think that the parent company has a lot of wiggle room on this one. Technically what your wife did is fraudulent (I am not for one second saying she did this deliberately) but now in the eyes of red bet you do have multiple.accounts

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Dc39 wrote:

    Ok so after a bit of digging and questioning the wife it turns out in 2014 she created an account with her email and phone number and put it in my name because she didnt think u were allowed 2 different names on a site with the same i.p. address, there has been no activity on that site since 2015 when she stopped gambling and i genuinely didn’t know, she fucked about with tenners and the odd 20 and never once won!! Unbelievable! Grounds for divorce? Quickly turning in to the worst day of my life ?

    Is it not possible then to say. That had nothing to do with you. You didn’t give her permission and play ignorant and say how can I be punished for someone else opening an account in your name.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Did she self exclude from the account that was in your name?

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Surely if they use the multi_account thing as a reason for not paying it makes no sense.

    Cos you havent abused any bonuses or stuff. Its just a simple mistake.


    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Haz40 wrote:

    Dc39 wrote:

    Ok so after a bit of digging and questioning the wife it turns out in 2014 she created an account with her email and phone number and put it in my name because she didnt think u were allowed 2 different names on a site with the same i.p. address, there has been no activity on that site since 2015 when she stopped gambling and i genuinely didn’t know, she fucked about with tenners and the odd 20 and never once won!! Unbelievable! Grounds for divorce? Quickly turning in to the worst day of my life ?

    Is it not possible then to say. That had nothing to do with you. You didn’t give her permission and play ignorant and say how can I be punished for someone else opening an account in your name.

    I could see this being a bit of a nightmare to be honest Haz,

    The only way around it would be to prove that you had no knowledge of the account in your name, which could potential mean reporting it as a fraud so you could get the account removed permanently. Would all depend on the casino. I will put something together for dc to submit to red bet but it will all depend on their response. Also need to look at the Mr green part. Would hate to get point 1 resolved then they turn round and say well you excluded from green as well so we are not paying you.

    Either way dc I think it’s going to take a while to sort out but we can only try

    Brekis2 WANTED $12

    That’s bullshit,

    when I was underage I played around deposit bonuses (the free spins).

    When I became legal age I made another account In one casino – ttr.casino

    i won 4K and they found out about my first account and didn’t do a thing, just warned me that if I do it again my account will be banned

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    Haz40 wrote:

    Dc39 wrote:

    Ok so after a bit of digging and questioning the wife it turns out in 2014 she created an account with her email and phone number and put it in my name because she didnt think u were allowed 2 different names on a site with the same i.p. address, there has been no activity on that site since 2015 when she stopped gambling and i genuinely didn’t know, she fucked about with tenners and the odd 20 and never once won!! Unbelievable! Grounds for divorce? Quickly turning in to the worst day of my life ?

    Is it not possible then to say. That had nothing to do with you. You didn’t give her permission and play ignorant and say how can I be punished for someone else opening an account in your name.

    I could see this being a bit of a nightmare to be honest Haz,

    The only way around it would be to prove that you had no knowledge of the account in your name, which could potential mean reporting it as a fraud so you could get the account removed permanently. Would all depend on the casino. I will put something together for dc to submit to red bet but it will all depend on their response. Also need to look at the Mr green part. Would hate to get point 1 resolved then they turn round and say well you excluded from green as well so we are not paying you.

    Either way dc I think it’s going to take a while to sort out but we can only try

    I so hope he gets it. If anyone can help it’s you Andy. Odds are not in his favour. Good luck.

    Geezawin WANTED $270

    If i tried to register a new account with a global company like facebook for eg and put my email address in and i had allready registered with same email it would tell me so and wouldn” t let me join !!  my point is why does the cunts that regulate this industry not put it in theirT&C that any NEW COMPANY applying for a casino licence should hav this technology also and use it . then they would not b able to hide under their corporate  umbrella to screw us under a smoke screen of the term new company .!! whats happened here is pure fkn shite hope u get it sorted mate .

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    I dont know if she self excluded, she still gets emails so maybe she never, i will find out for u!

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Just Basics wrote:

    Surely if they use the multi_account thing as a reason for not paying it makes no sense.

    Cos you havent abused any bonuses or stuff. Its just a simple mistake.


    It’s one of those casino technicalities again mate (which I know we both fucking hate) but if the account was in his name then he effectively has two account in the same name at the same address. Anything to get out of paying.

    @comedyfootball WANTED $5

    Cracking win mate. I used to use Redbet always seemed alright. Whatever you do dont reverse, take the money and enjoy it

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I’d say that person is now your ex. Probably won’t help but I’d still play ignorant.

    ligarr WANTED $82

    Dc39 wrote:

    Ok so after a bit of digging and questioning the wife it turns out in 2014 she created an account with her email and phone number and put it in my name because she didnt think u were allowed 2 different names on a site with the same i.p. address, there has been no activity on that site since 2015 when she stopped gambling and i genuinely didn’t know, she fucked about with tenners and the odd 20 and never once won!! Unbelievable! Grounds for divorce? Quickly turning in to the worst day of my life ?

    Do not mention anything about Mr green to them…i think you will win this case if that is the reason they are giving,you deposited cash no bonus attached and won..i once accidently signed up to someone who i had joined years before,they were fine with it and just closed the old account down…get onto Ecogro and get the ball rolling,but expect a long wait for the outcome if anything like IBAS anything from 2month to over a year ive known ppl to wait for outcomes.

    ayma4quit WANTED $47

    Just a thought regarding this-doesn’t this massively benefit the Casino??… The slots played have effectively paid out this money but the casino hasn’t actually had to provide this cash to the winner but in the longer term, those slots will have to balance their RTP as they of course don’t know that the cash hasn’t been paid out.

    Hope that makes sense?

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Just Basics wrote:

    Surely if they use the multi_account thing as a reason for not paying it makes no sense.

    Cos you havent abused any bonuses or stuff. Its just a simple mistake.


    Yea, I have to say I am watching this thread quietly but I fully support your take there. If there is no actual fraudulent gain attempted or gotten, there is no moral violation. Sign up a trillion accounts, the RTP is still king. (Sorry for the cross thread reference but it’s still true)

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