To what extent are slot predetermined?

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  • #38282
    Quazzi WANTED $149

    They can still be predetermined on slots like millionaire, if you get 10spins it could predetermine the amount, 20spins predetermined, 30/40 etc. Not just an overall predetermined bonus.

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    aviad wrote:

    Yes the odds are random and will display your chance of going  up the ladder but you’re in tire bonus round wins are already predetermined before you start choosing to go up the ladder !

    Incorrect. The ladder in this case works as a gamble. So effectively if you were to take the 8 spins at the start, yeah that would’ve been pre-determined, but if you were to gamble, it generates a whole new bonus round based on that number of spins.

    Of course, what I just said is also incorrect, as I believe on BTG slots that each spin is randomly generated, as mentioned earlier!

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