Favourite Bandit Moment

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    StuartK91 WANTED $27

    “Aww you fucking 50p headed bastard” – sensible soccer ?

    joydgreen WANTED $1

    All the Sensible Soccer ones deserve to be made into their own video, cracks me up every time!

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    The last Sensible Soccer one was amazing, had me in stitches, wish he’d play it more often!

    But the favorite for me (and I’ve not been able to find it since) was of his Wish Upon a Jackpot clips where Griffin trolls him. I know there’s plenty of those, but this particular one that stood out for me, I was crying!

    Rod Panhard WANTED $8

    I love Fishing Frenzy – “FISH F**KING FISH”, cracks me up every time.

    blueyes WANTED $81

    Oh thought of another golden moment “fucking 995 spins it better be good!” When playing Knights Life :D.

    Could have mistaken you for Steve Martin in Airport bit of Planes trains automobiles @Thebandit hahaha

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Biohazard wrote:

    The last Sensible Soccer one was amazing, had me in stitches, wish he’d play it more often!

    But the favorite for me (and I’ve not been able to find it since) was of his Wish Upon a Jackpot clips where Griffin trolls him. I know there’s plenty of those, but this particular one that stood out for me, I was crying!

    Hopefully Sensible Soccer will get more play time with the world cup on peoples minds!

    Fragaliciousbob WANTED $30

    Book of dead ” just give me 3 then …… I’LL TAKE 4 THOUGH GET THE FUCK IN THERE”


    all of the above!!! The Bandit is a master of quips, one-liners and alternative names for characters.




    nostromo332 WANTED $18

    chrismalin wrote:

    Too many quality one liners for me to pick just one..

    But I distinctly remember the time his smoothie exploded everywhere!

    “there’s fuck purple on the walls, on the fucking keyboard, it’s fucking everywhere!”


    that wasn,t a smoothie …………… but something was purple if i remember

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    nostromo332 wrote:

    chrismalin wrote:

    Too many quality one liners for me to pick just one..

    But I distinctly remember the time his smoothie exploded everywhere!

    “there’s fuck purple on the walls, on the fucking keyboard, it’s fucking everywhere!”


    that wasn,t a smoothie …………… but something was purple if i remember

    https://youtu.be/3Tg7XZ7R6tc?t=38m1s – Mcdonalds Iced Fruit Smoothie… there’s a picture on the twitter as well if anyone has a Mr B foot fetish (be prepared for what looks like a horrific murder scene though)

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