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  • #33830
    Kelvin WANTED $31

    This may well be the first serious non gambling related thread so feel free to steer clear.

    Me and the missus have a 4 year old but are struggling to conceive our second. We had a miscarriage early 2018 but so as far as fertility treatment goes that is classed as a pregnancy so they won’t help until it’s 18 month’s since then.

    Missus has been told to lose weight (about 2 stone) and stop smoking ( she smokes about 10 per day) and she dosent drink

    But I was told I’m healthy yet I eat the most unhealthy shite although not overweight good metabolism I guess but I smoke 40 to 60 a day drink daily (too much) and am constantly stressed about money or work.

    So my thoughts are fuck what doc says surely my swimmers have got to bare some of the brunt not just put it all on her.

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    How old is she ?

    slotsofnorway WANTED $3

    are u sure your cashing out in the right bank? move up or down and inch, if that dosent help i am sure it want hurt if u cut back on sigs and drinks for some months. wish the best of luck

    Redcorvette WANTED $19

    If you smoke 60 a day and drink too much I would say fertility is not likely to be one of your worst issues.

    As an aside, if you don’t smoke 60 cigarettes a day and buy excessive amounts of booze you may find your money worries lessen.

    That’s like a gambler complaining he never has any money while pressing the button on a slot machine for the 10000th time

    burders WANTED $55

    The trouble with reposnding to a post like this is that it’s a potentially no win scenario – the reason being that Kelvin – you already know the answer to this problem or at least the potential answer – and my response below could read as seriously patronising – please don’t take it that way.

    I absolutely get why most of us drink or smoke – or have an expensive coffee in the way to work everyday – it’s an affordable luxury when proper luxuries – like a great holiday, a new car or that 50 inch smart tv are out of reach.

    Thing is in your case, like so many, a bit of what you like is not properly affordable at these levels and is impacting your life not least your desire to have another child.

    I am am older than you but not necessarily wiser, but I have had 4 kids and whilst I have made my fair share of financial mistakes over the years which I am still paying for, I have also had to make sacrifices to make family life work – With two still at University I continue to do so!

    So here goes – it is well known anecdotally  and through the media etc that contributory factors affecting fertility include weight, alcohol intake, tobacco and stress. With ciggies costing £8.50 per pack you are currently burning your way through £25 per day, £175 per week, £750 per month, over £9k per year.

    If you could knock this on the head (I know that’s hard but people do it every day) then your health would improve markedly, your financial situation would ease considerably, your stress would reduce massively and your ability to conceive wohld surely increase.

    Knock the drinking back slightly and have one less takeaway per week and the Sky is the limit. All very idealistic i know but not completely beyond achievable.

    Love your humour by the way – here’s one – a friend of mine went down in history – and he fingered a girl in geography!




    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    @Kelvin – I would pretty much mirror what @burders said above, especially the smoking. Have you tried vapes, patches, gum or the the smoking quit helpline? You might be thinking “I’ve tried all that shit” but you have to start somewhere and small steps in the right direction is a good start.

    Not all might suit you but hopefully one will. The main thing is will power and your determination to stop. Make an appointment with the docs and they might give you some patches or gum for free. Mine did and it helped.

    The extra money I used to spend on smoking (40 cigs down to 10 now) i stick in my baby boys bank account, and believe you me, it’s quite a chunk. The little fooker has more money than me and he only turned 1yr old on New Years Eve!

    Quitting or cutting down on smoking will benefit your health and bank account, which should ease your stress a little. Small steps can lead to big gains but keep to it and stay strong dude.

    Good luck to you fella.

    Kelvin WANTED $31

    Cheers for all the replies.

    I did stop smoking for around 18 months a couple of years ago using a vape but found my way back to them currently just started the champix.

    Drinking wise I was going to do dry Jan but fuck that! I am cutting down though I think I started drinking more when I stopped gambling.

    My thought process was more I know all these things are bad and we are told they hurt fertility but doc didn’t give a shit?

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