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  • #68568
    Yozzer1 WANTED $3

    Alright Mr bandit just have a question that’s all been watching your videos for a long time now I was just wondering if u know why YouTube keep banning you that’s all not sure if you have been asked this and I’ve missed it, I never really get involved with the arguments on here or trying to tell u to calm down on your stakes as it’s all your money not anyone else’s I watch for laughs and it stops we searching for sites to  gamble on I’m not blocked from as there’s a lot lol anyway that was it no nonsense just a plain old question

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    @Yozzer1 he is on holiday atm mate. Also he has had a upload timeout not a channel ban for a video from back in 2016 as to why its anyones guess ??

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Welcome to the forum Yosser.

    Yozzer1 WANTED $3

    Ye seen he’s away was just putting it up I meant upload as well ban just don’t understand why he’s the only one getting shit that’s all

    Yozzer1 WANTED $3

    Cheers haz never normally write on here to much drama most of what I’ve read lol

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