Fists of Destruction Stats

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  • #141520
    RichyRich999 WANTED $9

    Ouch ! Totally getting fisted here Steve !!

    lee020 WANTED $9

    I struggle to see the return on this.  The other one I just don’t get is dead canary.  I don’t think I’ve ever seen a basic bonus above 100x.  Oh and while I’m at it fuck those (BTG) unicorns.  I’m fucking glad they didn’t make it onto Noah’s ark…thieving cunts.

    RichyRich999 WANTED $9

    Here are the Dead Canary stats … I also don’t see the appeal !

    as for Wild Unicorns, Steve should give up work and just play it all day….its been very kind to him !

    Glove WANTED $9

    If only the Bandit knew there was a 200X Fist hiding in there somewhere 😉 


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