Fobt’s yay or nay..

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  • #100864
    Pdavidson88 WANTED $11

    I’m currently on furlough and during my time off I’ve manage to save! (around 100/150 a month due to no work travel cost no pubs and my landlord dropping a bit of of rent)<span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>'</span>

    (next bit completely Irrelevant to the story to but give context)

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>I’ve used this time to try shedding a bit of weight by running and walking also to pass time. </span>

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>I’ve Always took a bit of cash with me to get drinks or shopping in whilst I was out..</span>


    Over the last few days I’ve been drawn to bookies with a bit of change (£10 max) I’ve only been playing 20p really, sometimes I’ve upped it to 50p but over the last couple of days I’m 200 up?!

    I know what you’re going to say: ‘quit whilst your ahead’

    I’ve always been a arcade/pub fruit player chasing that £100 jp.. Even after ploughing £150/200 in

    But I’ve found more enjoyment out of fobts recently.. Kind of knowing how they work and being able to leave them if I was to lose..

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    why has this been emailed to me??

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Fobt are the devils toe nails, but i won’t lie and say I don’t enjoy having a punt  with a pint or when I’m working or on holiday in places like Scarborough…. but to be honest even then end up playing the old 5p – 10p machine from a nostalgic point of view….

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Dc39 wrote:

    why has this been emailed to me??

    We’ve had this before, it seems to be a random feature thing ?. It might be a good idea for @spidermint to turn it off ?

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Xbobmad wrote:

    Dc39 wrote:

    why has this been emailed to me??

    We’ve had this before, it seems to be a random feature thing ?. It might be a good idea for @spidermint to turn it off ?

    And the edit button …. get to it ( crack  of a whip) ?

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