For those that wanted to see the TV lol….

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  • #41649
    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Here we go folks, arrived on Sunday in the biggest box i ever did see 😀



    People are always telling me i’ve got a huge clock n all. So blessed. 😀

    pritmist WANTED $18

    Me likey a lot! Nice on Steve my son!

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    Fucking hell that tv is the size of my bedroom ??

    bigmike WANTED $10

    yes steve my old son a beast another nice 3.5 bag profit aswell if u want a spare kindeny but i got one being whiped out in whrexham in a couple of weeks if u dont dind stones and a tumour lol got to laugh eh x

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Fuck the tv .im well impressed with that clock .you just got big everything ?

    Djneeds WANTED $55

    Nice mate looks real homely thats a big fucking telly haha

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Pornhub will look awesome on that bad boy!

    bigmike WANTED $10

    ha ha ha steves pornhub is real king jump on the chat bandit paul has just started a stream

    mandysmobile WANTED $3

    Hell bandit that looks amazing hope you and your wife enjoy your new home

    clarky WANTED $3

    Are you disappointed  with the size of the remote or is that impressive too. On a seperatr not i think you shohld do a 5 minute vlog on your reel king run .would be nice to hear you talk though it

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    That is actually awesome ? ?

    Catfish1604 WANTED $8

    Have you hit the top on the new TV yet, bet it will look epic flashing gold, enjoy pal you worked hard for it

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    Catfish1604 wrote:

    Have you hit the top on the new TV yet, bet it will look epic flashing gold, enjoy pal you worked hard for it

    OMG no i haven’t lmao…. i got to try that shit!

    Biohazard WANTED $675

    It’s beauuuuuuuutiful ????

    KizLFC WANTED $7

    Very nice ? , if you need a new kidney , I’ll swap a £16 reel king top , may be able to pay my wedding off next year that way , she will be having my balls , I may as well lose a kidney also ha! Great video again!

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