Former Posters

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  • #108932
    Jamezwww WANTED $11

    *posted lol ffs

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    Jamezwww wrote:

    I never posed a lot but enjoyed reading all the stories, arguments, tips and general posts on here back in the day. It is sad that it has completely died, a few of the forums have though. It did seem like a lot of money/effort went into the site initially as it was well set up, just sad to see it go this way. Wonder if it will be closed completely at some point as there must be some sort of operating cost behind it.

    Seedy is paid by sexual favors and the site is hosting on his left testicle powered by sweat which is a permanent thing. A huge problem here was some of the “regulars” were allowed to cause trouble and even tell lies or worse and those they did it to, were punished or forced to leave. Sad but true of many clique forums. Too many perfect people. It was sad to see Bandit was lead to believe the bs too.

    I suspect this thread was created to bring this out so it can be removed. Ironically. Bandit’s a great lad but the initial following he got has and had some seriously fcuked up people in it. Not all of them. Just the perfect people.

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    Steller wrote:

    Forum activity went into a steady decline a couple of years ago when those two  members (can’t remember their names) who used to cause so many arguments were banned.

    As mad and annoying as they could be at times, they played a big part in making the forum worth visiting. Plus, Bandit was on top form with Sunday and midweek slots and having his amazing runs on Reelking and Swarm.

    Posters trickled away and Bandit started making far fewer videos, so that’s pretty much why we’ve ended up with a pretty much dead forum now.

    Same thing has happened to lots of once popular forums over time.


    You’re thinking of “Just Basics” and “Mr B” and in honour of their memory may I say slots are 100% random*.

    *There are a few which aren’t, but they are clearly categorised and labelled as such.

    Yeah I do very occasionally open this site just to see what the Bandit’s up to these days, the answer appears to be not really making videos any more….and fair play to him if he’s grown tired of doing it, slots and online casinos and gambling started really getting on my tits, that’s why I stopped doing it. I was wasting a shit-ton of money and I didn’t even enjoy playing any more.

    I’m doing fine these days, don’t gamble, extended my GamStop to 5 years just in case I ever felt tempted – hasn’t happened though, the longer I’ve gone without gambling the less I’ve missed it. I was definitely an addict, even if I only “did my balls in” once or twice over the years. But it was every spare penny that would go on the slots and live roulette, money I could have saved or better spent on literally anything else. I never won money because when I did win it would burn a hole in my pocket and the bigger the win, the hotter the fire. I’d blow it all within days, usually slotting for hours until it was numbing, then chasing some adrenaline on high stake roulette.

    Honestly, it’s just not a way to live. Happy for those of you who can slot occasionally or even on the regular with a fixed budget inside your means and stick to it, and be grateful and buy yourself a treat when you get a big win. That was just never who I was.

    Forum might not be too busy these days but I remain appreciative to Steve for the community he created, his hilarious, unique personality in a video format he pretty much invented (and was copied by many others after him) and for being there for the people he engaged with. People who weren’t active on this site a few years ago may not remember, but Steve gave so much back in both money and emotional support and I don’t mean to people who signed up through his affiliate links, or won his monthly prize draws, just the people who took part in what he created. Fuck anyone who ever says he isn’t real, or it’s fake money, or he’s only it in for the affiliation cash or shit like that. He helped so many people when there was nothing in it for him.

    igc-rm WANTED $21

    argyl53 wrote:


    slots are 100% random*.

    I was told about a year ago by a casino boss that RTP has to be reached every few weeks I think it was. How do that factor into 100% random ? Surely 100% random means it can’t ?

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    igc-rm wrote:

    argyl53 wrote:


    slots are 100% random*.

    I was told about a year ago by a casino boss that RTP has to be reached every few weeks I think it was. How do that factor into 100% random ? Surely 100% random means it can’t ?

    Sheer mathematics of probability mean hitting the RTP to within a teeny deviation (fraction of a percent) is simply inevitable over the volume of spins in that time period. They are indeed checked every few weeks, since outside very predictable deviation ranges for any number of spins, falling outside the RTP would warrant checks on the randomness.

    ….and on that note I’m gone from the forum again for foreseeable future, don’t need to be getting back in to talking about gambling every day or thinking about it!

    WiggyOfStHelens WANTED $96

    Im never logged in but always floating about [like a stubborn turd haha]….  im just waiting for my gamstop to finish then i can start posting some BIG wins, i hope…. If i dont win anything by the first week in june, im gonna go back on gamstop for another 6 month….

    Lunatech1 WANTED $6

    Hello can u pls tell me what is going with the bandit , is he ok ? Has he stopped gambling ,? I’m not that great on a computer I been a u tube  follower for years and tbh it’s worring me a bit pls reply thanks

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Lunatech1 wrote:

    Hello can u pls tell me what is going with the bandit , is he ok ? Has he stopped gambling ,? I’m not that great on a computer I been a u tube  follower for years and tbh it’s worring me a bit pls reply thanks

    He is fine taking time out now that we are able to go back outdoors he does post on twitter and recently posted while being at the golf coarse as he can finally play again.

    Acemanamos WANTED $1

    Maybe there’s a way we can all show him that we miss his videos, his entertainment and his humour.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    Acemanamos wrote:

    Maybe there’s a way we can all show him that we miss his videos, his entertainment and his humour.

    I have suggested a sacrifice….. but not many takers to be the special one or “ lamb” to that party, apparently he reacts well to the promise of beer and red bulls …..

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