Gamban Completion!

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  • #64600
    SuperLou WANTED $38

    hey guys, hope everyone is well, I used to be active on The forum but during my three month Gamban stint I found it easier to stay away from anything gambling related, I have now completed my stint, but it seems to be still active on my device, does anyone have any idea as to why this may be.

    thanks in advanced

    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Sorry no clue about gamban stuff but hope you had a great time away from the slots for abit and welcome back šŸ˜€

    Tricky0212 WANTED $82

    Gamban default setting is to auto renew at the end of you current reg period, you would have to turn that off and contact them to remove it.

    my advice would be keep it running, you signed up with a reason to start with, remember that reason and Iā€™d be willing to say I bet things are a lot better now because of it. ?

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