Gamban doesn’t work!

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  • #33161
    TheDegenerateGambler WANTED $1

    Bandit….I love you to bits…..I’ve watched every video you have….unfortunately my gambling has gotten out of control so I decided to ban myself via your gamban link. It worked while I was linked to my home broadband but when I went to my brothers it wouldn’t even let me connect to his internet. When I got back home it wouldn’t let me connect to my internet so I just turned off the gamban software. Now I can connect to my internet and go straight back to gambling if I do wish………what use is that?

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Usually there will be a solution to a problem like this but you need to consult Gamban themselves, i am in the unfortunate position of not having any personal experience with the software, you can ask them direct at

    k6kaysix WANTED $51

    Sign up to GamStop instead and you won’t be  allowed to deposit to any UK online casino site any more anyway would be my advice!

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Gamban is like using nicotine patches to quit smoking. Excellent choice if you’ve got enough willpower to fight any random cravings but there’s not a lot stopping you getting your fix if you really want it.

    If you’re 100% sure you’re ready to kick the online then definitely gamstop as long as you’re in the UK. Self exclude from local bookies/land based casinos as well.

    Good luck and make good choices ??

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Without saying too much I used gamban to start with. I no longer do and I’m now registered with gamstop. It’s simple to use and if you’re feeling out of control my advice is use gamstop. Good luck with which direction you decide to take

    Sarahb9998 WANTED $7

    Yes gamstop works

    Anonymous WANTED $55

    Gamban is a useless pile of shite.  It screwed with my whole network.  Unable to use my printers Sonos etc but ironically could still gamble.   Support was just full of excuses and how the next update would sort it.  It never did.    I since used gamstop and it works perfectly and is free.  Also doesn’t mess with your system.

    TheDegenerateGambler WANTED $1

    When I put it on my phone it would only let me to connect to internet at home and nowhere else. Then once I got back home it wouldn’t even let me connect back to that internet. I then found that you could just remove the program at will and go back onto all of the gambling sites.

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Gamban is something i offered for free – i paid for it, i didn’t really expect a slating tbh lol

    Since i started offering the codes, i have had so many messages, emails and tweets thanking me for changing peoples lives and how it had saved people so much money – I think even if it had only worked for one person, it would have been worth it wouldn’t it. If it didn’t work for you then there are other softwares available – it is like anything though, you need to want it to work and not look for ways round it.

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    TheDegenerateGambler wrote:

    Bandit….I love you to bits…..I’ve watched every video you have….unfortunately my gambling has gotten out of control so I decided to ban myself via your gamban link. It worked while I was linked to my home broadband but when I went to my brothers it wouldn’t even let me connect to his internet. When I got back home it wouldn’t let me connect to my internet so I just turned off the gamban software. Now I can connect to my internet and go straight back to gambling if I do wish………what use is that?

    The real question here is . I’ve used gamban and when I want to use Pornhub it’s not letting me .
    it bans all adult related sites . Trust me I know ???

    it wouldn’t make a difference if you went to your brothers unless it even McDonald’s

    Smokingbeagle WANTED $59

    Haz40 wrote:

    Without saying too much I used gamban to start with. I no longer do and I’m now registered with gamstop. It’s simple to use and if you’re feeling out of control my advice is use gamstop. Good luck with which direction you decide to take

    Hey haz40 GameStop was the only thing that stopped me. Without giving it away Too much you can get around gamban by bypassing your internet provider On your phone . Which kinda defeated the object .
    However the bandit did push me on that direction and I’ve never looked back

    cheers el bandito. ?

    newcomps WANTED $8

    i know this is old but as a programmer myself i can tell you that gamban is really nothing more than a blacklisting service which intercepts requests to the ip addresses of all the registered gaming sites. those who says its too easy to turn it off try the following to remove temptation.

    1) create an administrator id on your laptop. Login with that id

    2) install gamban as the administrator

    3) Change your user profile from owner / admin to guest. Then you dont get any installation rights

    4) Get someone you trust to change the password of the admin account AND DONT TELL U IT!!

    5) Get on with the rest of your life.. In the event you need to perform admin functions in the future , eg to install new software, you can right-click on the installer, choose run-as option (windows ) and get your friend/spouse to enter the admin password and then it will install on your machine.

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