Gambling addiction help

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    McSplooger WANTED $18

    It’s that time of the year again that many people find themselves struggling the most when they have an addiction. Christmas can be an extra nightmare for gambling addicts, especially those who are chasing big wins to help fund it.

    I lost a very large sum of money at the beginning of the year which crippled me, not only financially but destroyed some of my relationships and left me on the brink of taking my own life. Don’t let that person be you. I’m sure many people on this forum have been through similar situations before.

    I have gambled since I was legally allowed to do so, with breaks around 13 years worth in total. I am now gamble free for about 9 months now, whilst I enjoyed gambling it was ruining my life so I took steps to completely block it out. I know Steve has many people reaching out to him about their own problems and he can’t talk to everyone so I figured if anyone needed some help then you could talk to me? Even if it’s to check in every now and again. Whatever shit you find yourself in you can guarantee I’ve been there too. If you have done something bad and are scared about talking to someone then it may be useful to talk to someone who won’t judge you? I know I used to keep everything a secret and that gut wrenching feeling of doing your balls in can lead you to do stupid things. I’ve lied, stolen and been homeless because of it.

    Apologies if this post seems like a bit of a fun sponge! I just figured I’m in a position to help others with some free time on my hands. No begging for money though please as I’m not a millionaire like Steve (haha)

    Enjoy your Christmas anyway, if anyone reads this and wants help or advice on how to stop then let me know and I will drop you my email.

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Great post my friend honest and sincere. I am a recovering addict myself and I am the forums ‘boring fucker’ because I bang on about Gamstop constantly. I think the UK is making huge steps in dealing with problem gambling, firstly we had the Gamstop register introduced in May and now the Fobt reduction this coming April, these are 2 huge moves which will help thousands of problem gamblers in Britain, it certainly has helped me. This Christmas is going to be shit for me with my DMP doling out my hard earned to creditors but I’m happy as I know that I’m not getting myself in any deeper. Hope you have a nice Christmas mate. Take care.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    blacko1974 wrote:

    Great post my friend honest and sincere. I am a recovering addict myself and I am the forums ‘boring fucker’ because I bang on about Gamstop constantly. I think the UK is making huge steps in dealing with problem gambling, firstly we had the Gamstop register introduced in May and now the Fobt reduction this coming April, these are 2 huge moves which will help thousands of problem gamblers in Britain, it certainly has helped me. This Christmas is going to be shit for me with my DMP doling out my hard earned to creditors but I’m happy as I know that I’m not getting myself in any deeper. Hope you have a nice Christmas mate. Take care.

    I don’t think anyone will be called boring for pointing out the dangers and reminding people that there are ways to help yourself to curb if not stop gambling if its getting out of hand mate i would call it a great service and solid advice 🙂

    McSplooger WANTED $18

    blacko1974 wrote:

    Great post my friend honest and sincere. I am a recovering addict myself and I am the forums ‘boring fucker’ because I bang on about Gamstop constantly. I think the UK is making huge steps in dealing with problem gambling, firstly we had the Gamstop register introduced in May and now the Fobt reduction this coming April, these are 2 huge moves which will help thousands of problem gamblers in Britain, it certainly has helped me. This Christmas is going to be shit for me with my DMP doling out my hard earned to creditors but I’m happy as I know that I’m not getting myself in any deeper. Hope you have a nice Christmas mate. Take care.

    It may be boring to those in control who don’t understand but there’s many here that are in some sort of crisis themselves so it could really help and change someone’s life.

    Gamstop is the real saver for me as I was pissing up thousands online without a care for me or those around me. I could gamble in secret and make up some excuse as to why I would be poor all the time. It’s good to talk anyway and sometimes it’s very difficult to tell those you love what mess you are in. That’s why I made this post, I think speaking to someone who has actually been there is good therapy in a way and can provide a bit of hope when sometimes you have none.

    Appreciate your kind words and happy to see you’ve sorted yourself out man!

    All the best for Christmas!

    appleman91 WANTED $42

    Similar situation to me, if you feel you can’t control yourself join gamstop immediately, did it about 4 weeks ago best things I’ve ever done. Some people can control it others can’t, gamstop is for us who can’t control it. Every time I had some spare money I put it into casinos. Lost thousands and got into big dept

    McSplooger WANTED $18

    appleman91 wrote:

    Similar situation to me, if you feel you can’t control yourself join gamstop immediately, did it about 4 weeks ago best things I’ve ever done. Some people can control it others can’t, gamstop is for us who can’t control it. Every time I had some spare money I put it into casinos. Lost thousands and got into big dept

    Do you still gamble or have you cut it out completely? Either way, glad you’re in control now mate. Debt is a big hurdle but the more we gamble the worse it will become. Hope you’re in a better place now man

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