Game of Thrones 243 Steve’s Stiffy

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  • #53646
    awesomex WANTED $136

    This isn’t a huge win, but it’s quite decent. I know how much Steve likes to see these, so I’m expecting when you see this Steve, you’ll atleast go half chub! Lol

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    awesomex wrote:

    This isn’t a huge win, but it’s quite decent. I know how much Steve likes to see these, so I’m expecting when you see this Steve, you’ll atleast go half chub! Lol

    Which basically means he will go all the way to 2 inches 🙂

    Mr B WANTED $395

    Can we be careful not to change the mental image which could then become reality. I really don’t wanna watch a stream, see him hit a 1000x win and start banging it on the desk.

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    Mr B wrote:

    Can we be careful not to change the mental image which could then become reality. I really don’t wanna watch a stream, see him hit a 1000x win and start banging it on the desk.

    Word is he would have to stand on a chair and stand very close to the desk to do that.

    I’m not saying who grassed but Mrs Bandit does spend a lot of time at ASDA as she has nothing else interesting to do 🙂

    awesomex WANTED $136

    Dune2000 wrote:

    Mr B wrote:

    Can we be careful not to change the mental image which could then become reality. I really don’t wanna watch a stream, see him hit a 1000x win and start banging it on the desk.

    Word is he would have to stand on a chair and stand very close to the desk to do that.

    I’m not saying who grassed but Mrs Bandit does spend a lot of time at ASDA as she has nothing else interesting to do ?

    The way he made 29 grand tonight, she’ll be all over that chub, regardless of size lol

    The Bandit WANTED $5,409
    El Bandito

    I’m 6 ft 6 and my feet are size 14, they called me tripod at school. I’l let you do the math lol

    MichaelLFC96 WANTED $114

    The Bandit wrote:

    I’m 6 ft 6 and my feet are size 14, they called me tripod at school. I’l let you do the math lol

    Because they knew you’d go into the video making on YouTube ?

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