Its set up so beautifully. The episode has hints to it for years that you either did pick up on, or not. Red woman saying “green eys, blue eyes”, Arya learning from Sirio and faceless to be silent and be warm in the cold, blinding her so she can see and feel the enemy, its all there.
As for deaths – they cant kill everyone yet. They need to set up the last 3 episodes, its a great twist from them to run this faster than we thought and then set up a bigger ending than we imagined back in Kings LAnding.
Question now is – Will Jamie kill Cersei as the prophecy says, or will Tyrion go for the family trifecta, or will she jump fromt he tower like her son, or will she win and fuck everyone over.
There were bets on sites as to who is going to have the throne…. from watching the last 3 episodes neither Jon nor Dani have the actual skills to do it. Dani is wild and a bit… angry, Jon is too heartful and stupid.
Tyrion and Sansa getting married and ruling while Jon and Dani go and farm dragons in Essos makes sense.