Games Consoles for Christmas

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  • #29550
    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    **This is a public service announcement for all the people with rubbish internet connections**

    We know all about Bandit’s internet troubles but this Is general info for anyone that might find it useful.

    Is santa bringing a games console this year and you’ve got an awful internet connection? Make sure you remind the fat man to unpack the console and do all the initial setup and updates before he delivers it!

    There’s not much worse than a Christmas day watching an updates screen 🙁

    *Public announcement ends, Merry Christmas everyone!*

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Ive asked for a retro sega master system to go with my old mega drive and snes so hopefully this won’t be a problem for me lol

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    In this day an age it should be a crime to have piss poor internet!!

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I just prefer the old consoles. I think it made me a better player. I hate the fact that with game emulators you can save your progress and just carry on.

    Something about completing a game in one hit without being able to reload a checkpoint made it more fun for me. Especially games like sonic or Alex the Kidd

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    Ive asked for a retro sega master system to go with my old mega drive and snes so hopefully this won’t be a problem for me lol

    Make sure to hack em to add every game ever released my she’s mini is amazing with them all on ?

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I defo want al3x the Kidd in miracle world, transbot, dragons Crystal, golden axe warrior and Robocop v terminator. Will keep me happy all Christmas day

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    My oh my, I haven’t heard the names of those games in YEARS! So much nostalgia, especially Alex the Kidd and Golden Axe Warrior!

    May have to invest in some retro gaming!

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Shit I hope my Atari 2600 doesn’t let me down on Christmas Day, better make sure I have enough coal in to keep it working.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Never had the Atari…..had the zx spectrum that loaded games off the built in tape deck though. Fucking loved it.

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    You all know what I meant, gits ?

    Your retro stuff doesn’t get updates, if there’s a game breaking bug in it then it’s there to stay ?

    It’s good to know that these old consoles are still alive and well, i just wish I’d kept all that stuff over the years! Some of the prices are crazy!

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    Never had the Atari…..had the zx spectrum that loaded games off the built in tape deck though. Fucking loved it.

    Yeah but it was a fucker when the games took 5 minutes to load only to fail at the last minute, I was a commodore 64 man all the way.

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Xbobmad wrote:

    You all know what I meant, gits ?

    Your retro stuff doesn’t get updates, if there’s a game breaking bug in it then it’s there to stay ?

    It’s good to know that these old consoles are still alive and well, i just wish I’d kept all that stuff over the years! Some of the prices are crazy!

    My Atari 2600 doesn’t receive updates!!!! No fucker told me, I’ve been waiting since 1985 and it’s stuck at 0%

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    I had aliens on  the spectrum and it used to crash all the time. Had to take the tape out and manually wind it back in then try again. Was a shit game as well but I liked it. Also James bond with the world most inaccurate lightgun but was still a good crack lol

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    blacko1974 wrote:

    Xbobmad wrote:

    You all know what I meant, gits ?

    Your retro stuff doesn’t get updates, if there’s a game breaking bug in it then it’s there to stay ?

    It’s good to know that these old consoles are still alive and well, i just wish I’d kept all that stuff over the years! Some of the prices are crazy!

    My Atari 2600 doesn’t receive updates!!!! No fucker told me, I’ve been waiting since 1985 and it’s stuck at 0%

    Must have the wrong wirless adapter installed. Take it back the shop hahaha

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    I had aliens on  the spectrum and it used to crash all the time. Had to take the tape out and manually wind it back in then try again. Was a shit game as well but I liked it. Also James bond with the world most inaccurate lightgun but was still a good crack lol

    One of my first games for the Commodore was Samantha Fox strip poker, I blame this cassette for my lifelong addiction to gambling and porn haha

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