Games Consoles for Christmas

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    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    blacko1974 wrote:

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    I had aliens on  the spectrum and it used to crash all the time. Had to take the tape out and manually wind it back in then try again. Was a shit game as well but I liked it. Also James bond with the world most inaccurate lightgun but was still a good crack lol

    One of my first games for the Commodore was Samantha Fox strip poker, I blame this cassette for my lifelong addiction to gambling and porn haha

    That just cracked me right up mate. Literally spat my brew all over my fucking office keyboard hahahahaha

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398
    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    well this just got took to a new level lolololol

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Corrr Get em off girl. Think this game was Mastertronic, cost £1.99, took the game around 5 minutes to load and then another 10 minutes to undress her only to be dazzled by a screen of black and white dots that looked fuck all like Sam Fox. That was the old days for ya, pornhub is now moready cheaper and faster.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Do you remember the leisure suit Larry series?? Hahaha. I interactive.fiction games from Sierra. Codename iceman was the same where you could get a bird into bed and see the pixalated session hahahaha

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Leisure suit larry used to be one I played. Looking back it’s astonishing that anyone would pay for pixalated tits hahahahha

    Xbobmad WANTED $735

    Lol why aren’t you all buying VR kit then ?

    Anonymous WANTED $81

    I have a good internet connection

    If I got a new Xbox X with a couple of new games, I would be LUCKY to download, install everything and get a single game on Xmas Day

    When I got my Xbox One S with GOW4 and a couple other meaty titles, I literally spent the entire day downloading and installing crap. This includes updates for the Xbox itself, to games, random software and the controllers. How does a controller require a 2 GB update?

    My advice this Xmas is not to buy any consoles unless you are upgrading. It’s just poor value for money right now. Obviously if you have kids who demand these things, maybe you don’t have a choice!

    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    Takes me back reading some of these computer names and numbers, the old ZX Spectrum was what we had, used to play a game called The Hobbit i think it was, glorious noise when the games used to load eh haha 😀

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Used to sound a bit like the old 56k dial up modems hahaha.

    It’s amazing now how we take for granted the ease in which a game loads up.

    Used to wait 10 minutes to load up so we could play 2d characters moving across a screen. But it was good fun. I remember only having a black and white tv but if my dad was in a good mood we could stick it on the tv downstairs in colour. It was a big old bastards if a tv and if it broke the fella used to come and fix it – as long as he went to radio rentals every week and paid the finance on it. Good old days hahaha

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