General Gripe

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  • #50363
    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Of recent there has been a huge epidemic of people wanting (not needing) hand outs.

    see usually I am the first to help out because I’ve need help in the past, and I may need help again going forwards,

    what gets me is people blantant disregard to real life issues, and feel the world owes them something.

    hard working men and women in this forum shouldn’t have to shoulder the bill for those who spent a bit to much on bonanza and need to buy baby formula.

    we are all adults I guess we gotta prioritise our spending and if you are genuinely in a pickle I’ll be the first to offer a hand,

    my email is [email protected]

    gripe over

    Sal139 WANTED $29

    I agree with what you’re saying, mostly!

    I guess if you have an addiction to gambling, a true addiction, it’s obviously hard to stop. But for the majority, I agree. You need to have some control!

    On the help front, it’s amazing that we are a here to support each other. The worst thing I did was not to ask for help, I ended up in a much worse situation. But you are right, it must be for serious issues, not just because you’ve let your spending get away from you.

    So let’s try and focus on the positives, the fact that all of us are here to support each other, and that is amazing.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    People may not like this and most know I’m one of the first to help but I’m kind of thinking are we attracting these kind of posts ourselves by the way we respond. I don’t think anyone should change the way they are for anyone but sometimes I question was the response I made the correct choice or is it just encouraging others who aren’t so genuine to post horror stories with obvious ulterior motives. Most are genuine I do believe that. It’s a tricky one not always knowing the best thing to do.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Haz40 wrote:

    People may not like this and most know I’m one of the first to help but I’m kind of thinking are we attracting these kind of posts ourselves by the way we respond. I don’t think anyone should change the way they are for anyone but sometimes I question was the response I made the correct choice or is it just encouraging others who aren’t so genuine to post horror stories with obvious ulterior motives. Most are genuine I do believe that. It’s a tricky one not always knowing the best thing to do.

    100% agree. One of the worst things I did was stick my email address up a I get bombarded with horror stories on a regular basis so fuck knows how many the Bandit gets. I still help out certain people (and will help others in the future) but I am a lot stricter now on who I help.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    It’s so difficult to decipher the real from the dishonest.

    I understand we all get in a pickle from time to time.

    But just be genuine and upfront with your request, without a deep back story which carries no relevance but to pull on heart strings.

    ill always help, as much as I possibly can but I’m just one man. Since i helped that last fella and put my email up, I’ve been absolutely bombarded with emails.

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Ok folks so I’m going see if bandit wants to take a zero tolerance stance now I think no post for help at all (this will piss some people off as there are kind hearted people on here but it’s getting out of control) also no posting of your private emails or numbers as this seems to now be causing problems for people aswell.

    I have seen people calling for more moderators to be added unfortunately this is not possible as all the moderation is done on the back end of the site and not on the front end as it was made bespoke.

    If there are things that people believe in terms of rules will help the forum become a better place then let us know ?

    Sorry if this is a bit muddled but I’m currently trying to get everything sorted my little girls birthday tomorrow.

    As always you guys/gals are all great let’s keep this place a friendly and constructive place for everyone to enjoy themselves. ?

    Mr B WANTED $395

    You know what will happen right ? People who don’t know will still come here and pitch their story. And then they will be punished for doing so either by way of a no begging rule even if they are just letting rip and not actually begging (our government does that to genuine homeless people) they will get trolled a lot worse too.

    I think it’s a terrible idea that someone comes here with money in the bank and thinks they can increase it with a sob story but I also think it’s much worse to persecute the innocent.

    And what if someone genuinely has screwed up and fucked themselves into poverty that let’s say could affect hungry kids ? Has lucked out with a shite landlord and is sleeping in the snow ? Would it apply to regulars who have drawn a trustworthy picture ? Where to draw the line ?

    I think this needs to stay the way it is. It’s not a bad place this, as it stands. Yea I can see how it can be annoying. Just my thoughts.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Ideally you want it to go one of two ways if you can’t add more mods to help out.

    1 – all new threads go for moderation before they are put on the site

    2 – a new section is made for horror stories and then people can delve into that section if they want to help

    It’s getting harder now seedy. You know I’m always willing to help and will continue to do so but it’s getting harder now to see who is genuine and who isn’t. Would hate to not help someone who is genuine or put them off posting but the last few days has shown some real chancers on here. Asking for 300 quid for a phone but 200 of it was for the sake of it is a piss take.

    Dune2000 WANTED $205

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    Ideally you want it to go one of two ways if you can’t add more mods to help out.

    1 – all new threads go for moderation before they are put on the site

    2 – a new section is made for horror stories and then people can delve into that section if they want to help

    It’s getting harder now seedy. You know I’m always willing to help and will continue to do so but it’s getting harder now to see who is genuine and who isn’t. Would hate to not help someone who is genuine or put them off posting but the last few days has shown some real chancers on here. Asking for 300 quid for a phone but 200 of it was for the sake of it is a piss take.

    Actually Andy it’s worse than that – when you read back on the post he actually had 500+ euros but didn’t want to touch it – so he asked for money for a phone, a new ID card and some food money to make himself comfortable.

    There’s guys on here who dream of having 500 Euros to spend but don’t come begging.

    The problem is that it gets to the point where you don’t trust any story



    Stevie25 WANTED $254

    Beats, Brags & Variance Forum…… ??? So all the stories can be in one place, and separate from the general discussion…..

    As no way do anonymous posters adhear to no begging rules on a gambling forum, that’s just not happening ?

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    I think something needs to be done about this situation, i dont know what but in my mind it is ruining the forum. I have always lurked, i probably checked the site 4-5 times a day and had just started to post but now i hardly look in. Its a totally different vibe.

    There are some amazing people on here and i commend their generosity and willingness to help but some of the chancers trying to take advantage of them are in my mind scum, piggy backing off those who genuinely need help.

    The lad with the phone situation just took the biscuit. Id have asked to see a police report or something as who knows if it really was stolen. I cant believe the audacity to make that post.

    Anyway rant over, i sympathise with many of you and hope some sort of solution is found and the forum returns to where it was.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    The vibe has definitely changed. It’s sad really. A few of the more active members are not posting as much or haven’t done for a couple of weeks. It’s a shame really.

    Watch what happens after Sunday though when the bandit releases a new video. A load of people will start posting again and the chancers will try it on again.

    It’s a difficult one as the whole forum relies on Steve and seedy to manage all the posts etc and it can’t be an easy task especially when you have comittments such as family etc. Hopefully things will get better on here soon.

    Jamie1872 WANTED $6

    From what I have seen oh here since I joined every topic that is started looking for help or advice the response from the members has been fantastic. I think it will attract people that wish to take advantage of peoples good nature and willingness to help people since a fair amount of us will have found ourselves needing help at some point because of gambling or just bad luck.

    I don’t know if a group of willing members could be put together to gather evidence from people asking for financial help or that require things that cost money. They could then put it to the forum and set up a go fund me or something similar where we could donate to help out.

    Personally I have found the forum great because I struggled with gambling for years without talking about it. Just to be able to rant, read the advice and to be confident enough to put my story up made a big difference to how I feel about gambling. I used to feel awful if I gambled any sort of money on slots as if its the worst thing in the world. I actually feel as if gambling is fun again because its controlled and it isn’t the end of the world if I lose.

    ImperialDragon WANTED $70

    In the Origin of the Outlaw section, there is an introductory thread called “El Bandito lays down the law!”

    The obvious rules are no direct attacks / bullying, don’t post racist stuff and don’t post anything that is illegal.  Could we extend this to begging-type posts too?  Begging includes posts like “Hi please take this survey for my uni course project about online gambling”, which can come across as insensitive as we are gamblers here.  These are normally posted by people with a post count of 1, so a way of stopping this is to make it so that you need to have made 10 posts minimum before you start a thread.  I have seen this on other forums.

    Rikki15000 WANTED $14

    Dune2000 wrote:

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    Ideally you want it to go one of two ways if you can’t add more mods to help out.

    1 – all new threads go for moderation before they are put on the site

    2 – a new section is made for horror stories and then people can delve into that section if they want to help

    It’s getting harder now seedy. You know I’m always willing to help and will continue to do so but it’s getting harder now to see who is genuine and who isn’t. Would hate to not help someone who is genuine or put them off posting but the last few days has shown some real chancers on here. Asking for 300 quid for a phone but 200 of it was for the sake of it is a piss take.

    Actually Andy it’s worse than that – when you read back on the post he actually had 500+ euros but didn’t want to touch it – so he asked for money for a phone, a new ID card and some food money to make himself comfortable.

    There’s guys on here who dream of having 500 Euros to spend but don’t come begging.

    The problem is that it gets to the point where you don’t trust any story



    I can’t get over that guy asking for 300 quid to buy a 50 quid phone and 200 for food while he has 500 saved up ???

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