Getting hold of SuperLou

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  • #40274
    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Hey all,

    Trying to get hold of SuperLou.

    Any way of doing this? Email is [email protected]


    Hope all is well.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Mate ive read all of your forum posts. And ive come to the conclusion that your a person trying to get a free handout.

    Nearly all of your posts and replys are sad atftempts on pulling on peoples heart strings.

    Ive got debt, i aint got a decent telly. I dont have broadband. I sold my laptop. I hardly ever see my family or friends. My dad is on his last legs due to a failing liver.

    But i dont fking moan about it because i have a job. I have 2 awesome cats. I have a warm house, i have my health…maybe not mentally but im doing fine.

    Listen pal if your suicidal over a fucked up telly and laptop and a bit of bloody 9k debt…which is fuk all btw….ive got nearly 40k debt. But i pay the minimum payments. Yeah i blag the companys that i owe, but fuck it. I need my money more than them.

    Get a grip of yourself. And get some mental health help…which you can get for FREE btw.

    Crack on son and stop blabbing about fuck all problems…cos thats what you have.


    stace11022 WANTED $23

    BOOOM !

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Just Basics wrote:

    Mate ive read all of your forum posts. And ive come to the conclusion that your a person trying to get a free handout.

    Nearly all of your posts and replys are sad atftempts on pulling on peoples heart strings.

    Ive got debt, i aint got a decent telly. I dont have broadband. I sold my laptop. I hardly ever see my family or friends. My dad is on his last legs due to a failing liver.

    But i dont fking moan about it because i have a job. I have 2 awesome cats. I have a warm house, i have my health…maybe not mentally but im doing fine.

    Listen pal if your suicidal over a fucked up telly and laptop and a bit of bloody 9k debt…which is fuk all btw….ive got nearly 40k debt. But i pay the minimum payments. Yeah i blag the companys that i owe, but fuck it. I need my money more than them.

    Get a grip of yourself. And get some mental health help…which you can get for FREE btw.

    Crack on son and stop blabbing about fuck all problems…cos thats what you have.


    My suggestion was to offer his creditors a pound a month. Do an income and expenditure with them. You don’t have to pay 486 a month or whatever it is and leave yourself with fuck all. I didn’t get a reply. ?

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    Just Basics wrote:

    Mate ive read all of your forum posts. And ive come to the conclusion that your a person trying to get a free handout.

    Nearly all of your posts and replys are sad atftempts on pulling on peoples heart strings.

    Ive got debt, i aint got a decent telly. I dont have broadband. I sold my laptop. I hardly ever see my family or friends. My dad is on his last legs due to a failing liver.

    But i dont fking moan about it because i have a job. I have 2 awesome cats. I have a warm house, i have my health…maybe not mentally but im doing fine.

    Listen pal if your suicidal over a fucked up telly and laptop and a bit of bloody 9k debt…which is fuk all btw….ive got nearly 40k debt. But i pay the minimum payments. Yeah i blag the companys that i owe, but fuck it. I need my money more than them.

    Get a grip of yourself. And get some mental health help…which you can get for FREE btw.

    Crack on son and stop blabbing about fuck all problems…cos thats what you have.


    You just did sort off moan a little .?

    Mickeyvondickey WANTED $181

    Just Basics wrote:

    Mate ive read all of your forum posts. And ive come to the conclusion that your a person trying to get a free handout.

    Nearly all of your posts and replys are sad atftempts on pulling on peoples heart strings.

    Ive got debt, i aint got a decent telly. I dont have broadband. I sold my laptop. I hardly ever see my family or friends. My dad is on his last legs due to a failing liver.

    But i dont fking moan about it because i have a job. I have 2 awesome cats. I have a warm house, i have my health…maybe not mentally but im doing fine.

    Listen pal if your suicidal over a fucked up telly and laptop and a bit of bloody 9k debt…which is fuk all btw….ive got nearly 40k debt. But i pay the minimum payments. Yeah i blag the companys that i owe, but fuck it. I need my money more than them.

    Get a grip of yourself. And get some mental health help…which you can get for FREE btw.

    Crack on son and stop blabbing about fuck all problems…cos thats what you have.


    I bet you see those adverts where the African has to walk 20 miles for clean water, ring them up and go “hwy, stop moaning, get that bucket on your head and get down that river! My MOT is next month and you dont hear me whining!” Lol. Brutal lad…

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398


    I am not sure how much advice people can give to you if your not going to listen to it mate. Repaying £486 a month is a lot to repay (to put it in perspective, thats a mortgage payment for a lot of people). There must be something seriously wrong with your DMP if you are only left with around £7 a week to spend. I understand that you want to pay your debts off as soon as you can but your still young – dont let it ruin your life.

    I am struggling to understand your posts a little bit as in one you said that you owe £9k, but it will take you 3 years at 486 a month to clear – thats 17k. If your on a decent DMP your interest should be frozen so something isnt quite adding up. I would speak to stepchange and get yourself reassessed to get that figure lowered and give you more disposal income for general social activities

    Not having a go – just saying that something is wrong somewhere. Hopefully you can sort it out.

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Seen this coming a mile off, it was blatantly obvious in his last thinly veiled begged thread.

    Guy asks for help and accepts none. Utter nonesense.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Quazzi wrote:

    Seen this coming a mile off, it was blatantly obvious in his last thinly veiled begged thread.

    Guy asks for help and accepts none. Utter nonesense.

    Hi Quazzi – i think it comes back to what we have said a couple of times in our posts; the community will always help where it can, but people have to be willing to understand that it wont always result in a cash hand out (very very rarely infact), as the best help people can sometimes get is the right advice pointing them in the right direction. If people choose not to follow that advice then it is down to them. But when a group of people all tell you the same thing (e.g. lower your weekly debt plan amount) then at some point you have to take notice and give it a try.

    Hope your well mate!

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    I’m not a bar person. Nor are my issues with my laptop or tele. It was more a vent of how I’m feeling.

    I don’t mean to annoy anyone even thought I clearly have. I’m young yeah, I agree. Just been working for so many years and have nothing, think that what gets to me. Yeah I’m in 9k, I was years ago in nearly 30, at an age of 20! So I’ve paid a lot off, just think I’m more struggling now because for so many of my years I should be having fun, I can’t socialise and have lost friends etc. Think that’s why.

    I didn’t want to say yes the other day because I prided myself in not relying on handouts. Yet they can’t change my first payment, any after I’m fine and can save myself. 6 years I’ve been in debt since I started work that’s why it’s hard.

    Any loan I’ve got has been really good in relation to my payments, as I never not paid for 2 years. All are fine. My payday loans are different, banging on my door, reselling for more, just horrible.



    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Creating numerous threads to talk about your feelings isnt really the best way forward, take on the countless replies of advice and sort yourself out.

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Maybe you’re right, but sadly I haven’t got a platform at current to speak to people so I used this forum to just speak out.

    Ive seeker help before and sadly the methods didn’t work for me.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I used to work in the debt industry basically selling IVAs and DMPs and both wouldn’t accept you if you where unable to make your priority payments as a result of your repayments, inline with the FCA they are not allowed to increase your financial burden or deprive you of your necessities ie: food, bills and basic expenses

    You should definitely be reassessed and be completely honest on the expenditure questionnaire as they will only ask for what you can afford to repay even if it takes years, 9k isn’t that much mate I’m in far more than that

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Mate there’s thousands of websites and forums out there dedicated to depression financial or otherwise as well as online communities for people looking to socialise with no particular theme. A little moan thread here or there is fine but multiple threads about the same things do seem to rub people up the wrong way

    I’m quite into politics so I joined a few political boards and discords and it’s great I also like gambling which is why I’m here lol I have recently moved to a new city and have made 0 friends so far all I do is sit in my bedsit online and these communities based on a common interest really help with loneliness and stuff

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    People on here including myself  clearly want to help or else we wouldn’t post at all. I feel though that I and possibly other members on the forum would like to know what steps you have taken since given excellent advice from the members here. Have you contacted your creditors to see if they will accept a lesser amount? Have you contacted any of the organisation’s mentioned that are there to help in these situations? Did you also pay the 486 this month yourself or was this donated by a member on here ?

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