Getting hold of SuperLou

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    Quazzi WANTED $149

    My comments may come across as harsh and non caring but as previously stated by andy, the whole story stinks of disingenuinity. Being a social worker youd think Id care more but I cant help people who arent willing to help themselves.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Quazzi wrote:

    My comments may come across as harsh and non caring but as previously stated by andy, the whole story stinks of disingenuinity. Being a social worker youd think Id care more but I cant help people who arent willing to help themselves.

    That’s exactly what I’m trying to get across mate. I’m not being harsh; I’ve helped a few people from the forum and will continue to do so. But only whenni have a full overview of the situation so I can offer the best help.and guidance

    Xbobmad WANTED $734

    I feel like I shouldn’t be wading into this, but there was the £600 damage caused around Christmas on a fork lift as well?

    It’s a confusing mess of figures, that all seems to be revolving around Money.

    Lots of things broken, lots of offers of replacements not accepted, then a different story about money.

    If you’re in genuine need I can’t help with the money side of things. If you genuinely broke your laptop, I’ll send a courier to collect it and repair it or send you a working replacement. @xbobmad on twitter, DM me there.

    Peace and Carrots everyone ☺️


    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    little1large1 wrote:


    I guess his main priority is (rightly) the debt and if he has indeed been told by Stepchange that he has to pay the first amount then he can restructure that’s what I would be concentrating on I feel.



    Unfortunately I know first hand on this system works. In the past dealing with payday loans and step change. This was a while ago but it’s not difficult he can deal directly with his creditors. He can ring them speak to collection department and explain his situation. They will do an income and expenditure and he can offer a lesser amount. They will not refuse. He can also write a letter asking to lower payments and freeze interest for a short term period. I’d suggest 6 months. He can find sample letter via debt line and I’m sure other organisations. Payday loans did not ask for bank statements and they will accept less. I offered £20 a month. We are all trying to help but we need sometimes more information to understand the extent of the problem and unfortunately I have a seen yet again another clear contradiction.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    On a previous post he said he could afford the monthly repayments. It’s just this months amount he can’t find. Yet on another post he said about people knocking on his door. Now if he can afford the payments why have people been knocking on his door if it’s only this month he can’t afford.

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    To sum this up:

    Post about being fined 600 quid at work – advice given that this can’t be taken from your wages. Never heard anything after that but he was happy to pay the fine.

    Laptop and tv broke – offered a free laptop and kindle. Never heard anything

    Can’t pay DPM – offers to pay the initial payment of 486 and lots of advice and guidance given. Never heard back and we still don’t know if it’s been paid.

    Asks for help – a plethora of guidance offered. Asked to provide full story so we can get a holistic overview of what’s going on and offer help. Doesnt want to. Never heard back.




    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Well I guess all we can do is wait and see, I’m sure she will read this and then maybe fill in all the blanks.

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    To sum this up:

    Post about being fined 600 quid at work – advice given that this can’t be taken from your wages. Never heard anything after that but he was happy to pay the fine.

    Laptop and tv broke – offered a free laptop and kindle. Never heard anything

    Can’t pay DPM – offers to pay the initial payment of 486 and lots of advice and guidance given. Never heard back and we still don’t know if it’s been paid.

    Asks for help – a plethora of guidance offered. Asked to provide full story so we can get a holistic overview of what’s going on and offer help. Doesnt want to. Never heard back.




    ^^ This guy is the has the most screwed on head in all the land.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I hope so. I’m one of the first to offer help and even offered money in the past. The blanks do need filling in but I know payday loan companies do not operate in the way described. One question though you said she. Maybe wrong for assuming he ?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Quazzi wrote:

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    To sum this up:

    Post about being fined 600 quid at work – advice given that this can’t be taken from your wages. Never heard anything after that but he was happy to pay the fine.

    Laptop and tv broke – offered a free laptop and kindle. Never heard anything

    Can’t pay DPM – offers to pay the initial payment of 486 and lots of advice and guidance given. Never heard back and we still don’t know if it’s been paid.

    Asks for help – a plethora of guidance offered. Asked to provide full story so we can get a holistic overview of what’s going on and offer help. Doesnt want to. Never heard back.




    ^^ This guy is the has the most screwed on head in all the land.

    I hear been around the block a bit our Andy ??

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Haz40 wrote:

    I hope so. I’m one of the first to offer help and even offered money in the past. The blanks do need filling in but I know payday loan companies do not operate in the way described. One question though you said she. Maybe wrong for assuming he ?

    Typo he is definitely a he

    Chdl1990 WANTED $42

    These types of threads seem to pop up a lot st the moment and it’s very frustrating, it completely changes the dynamic of the forum. I understand people want an outlet and wow this forum provides that brilliantly, with great advice from a wealth of experience but the persistant and volume of posts appearing raises the constant questions of who’s genuine and who’s not.

    I think everyone has made up their mind of this particular one but even so the help and support has been their throughout, as others have said what more is to be done?

    But on the topic of genuine or not I think as Steve has said previously we all have to trust in him and let’s face it, he’s not going to be throwing his money around without thought. I’d guess Steve goes back through a users posts and reads their history before any sort of award and he isn’t daft.

    lets try not to turn this forum into a who’s who of sob stories, I get made to watch that shit on X factor enough ? where’s blackout with a random thread about celebrities when you need him!!

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Haz40 wrote:

    Quazzi wrote:

    andywilliams1187 wrote:

    To sum this up:

    Post about being fined 600 quid at work – advice given that this can’t be taken from your wages. Never heard anything after that but he was happy to pay the fine.

    Laptop and tv broke – offered a free laptop and kindle. Never heard anything

    Can’t pay DPM – offers to pay the initial payment of 486 and lots of advice and guidance given. Never heard back and we still don’t know if it’s been paid.

    Asks for help – a plethora of guidance offered. Asked to provide full story so we can get a holistic overview of what’s going on and offer help. Doesnt want to. Never heard back.




    ^^ This guy is the has the most screwed on head in all the land.

    I hear been around the block a bit our Andy ??

    A few times mate ???

    People should know by now that I’m more than willing to help anyone when I can, and I know a few others on here have been through a lot and are always willing to help.

    I’ve said it before, I really do love this forum and if it only helps one or two people then to me it’s worth it. But people should at least meet you half way.


    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Fairzz wrote:

    Arriving casually late to the party… who the fuck is superlou?

    I am SuperLou. Offered the lad some help.

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Evening all,

    I think maybe the tv and laptop post was more of me wanting and seeking to just reach out and ask for help, I’m not sure I just feel lonely and lost I suppose. Realistically what are the uses of them when there are worse things in the world. I think I’m just lost as everything I seem to do, is all on a fincial basis, and with my head lost already it’s overwhelming at the fact everything at that minute in time that goes wrong is a cost I can’t sffprd. I then thought stepchange is a good idea, to bring all debts together and sadly stuff over Christmas means I cannot afford to make the first payment as I lost money elsewhere on not being able to work. My loans like marks and Spencer’s had no issue with my payments as in tough times they were helpful, whereas the payday lenders were already on hold for 2 months setting up my payment plan as they kept saying they haven’t received a letter etc. Then I called them directly and explained what happened and if I could start my payments next month they weren’t happy at all as they’ve already been waiting months and late payments/missed etc. So to say I’m finally in a payment plan and them accepting it to me saying sorry I cannot afford the first payment they weren’t happy with at all.

    Superlou kindly offered to pay my first payment directly which at which at the time I was too prideful to accept whereas now thinking about it rather than cash and paying it I’d be forever greatful. It’s not money direct to my bank I’m after just the first payment.

    Im lost I think in general, life, just everything because I’ve avoided my debt issues for so long I think. My budget to pay is based on nothing in my life going round, which I suppose after a few payments I should contact them to see if I can change that as sadly life doesn’t always go as planned. I really didn’t mean to cause a stir.

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