Getting hold of SuperLou

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    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Realwhiskers wrote:

    Evening all,

    I think maybe the tv and laptop post was more of me wanting and seeking to just reach out and ask for help, I’m not sure I just feel lonely and lost I suppose. Realistically what are the uses of them when there are worse things in the world. I think I’m just lost as everything I seem to do, is all on a fincial basis, and with my head lost already it’s overwhelming at the fact everything at that minute in time that goes wrong is a cost I can’t sffprd. I then thought stepchange is a good idea, to bring all debts together and sadly stuff over Christmas means I cannot afford to make the first payment as I lost money elsewhere on not being able to work. My loans like marks and Spencer’s had no issue with my payments as in tough times they were helpful, whereas the payday lenders were already on hold for 2 months setting up my payment plan as they kept saying they haven’t received a letter etc. Then I called them directly and explained what happened and if I could start my payments next month they weren’t happy at all as they’ve already been waiting months and late payments/missed etc. So to say I’m finally in a payment plan and them accepting it to me saying sorry I cannot afford the first payment they weren’t happy with at all.

    Superlou kindly offered to pay my first payment directly which at which at the time I was too prideful to accept whereas now thinking about it rather than cash and paying it I’d be forever greatful. It’s not money direct to my bank I’m after just the first payment.

    Im lost I think in general, life, just everything because I’ve avoided my debt issues for so long I think. My budget to pay is based on nothing in my life going round, which I suppose after a few payments I should contact them to see if I can change that as sadly life doesn’t always go as planned. I really didn’t mean to cause a stir.

    You haven’t answered any of the questions asked man and you have out right admitted your after a hand out.. I’m not impressed dude

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Ok so we are getting somewhere. Still not covered everything though.

    This is the last piece I will contribute on this.

    If the payday loans won’t accept a quid a week, tell them in no uncertain terms that they can fuck off and die. The loans are not secured on your property and your credit file is already in the tank.

    When they knock at your door, tell them to fuck off and die as well. They will threaten bailiffs; when they turn up tell them to fuck off and die. They have no right to enter and seize goods. Only court appointed bailiffs can do this. Not the mickey mouse idiot who turns up with a clipboard thinking he’s god.

    Focus on working and getting some money behind you and start again with it slowly. Do not agree to any dmp that leaves you on such a shoe string. You need money to live and a little bit forma rainy day.

    Don’t let the situation overwhelm you. Speak to the companies again. If there’s no money there then they can’t get it. If they threaten to sell the debt then let them. Deal with that when your in a more stable position

    Go one day at a time. Write everything down that you owe and work out something that looks realistic. It’s not a race at your age to get it all paid off as soon as possible.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    I offered to pay realwhiskers first payment of his debt management plan so he didn’t have a deferred or missed payment on his record.

    I completely understand people scepticism, and that’s all well and good.

    But people helped me when I was down and I’ve always insisted on spreading the love when I am in a position to.

    Theres no real point having a go at him, if you don’t want to help then don’t.

    The fact remains that none of us will ever know what going on.

    and if I get stung then so be it, at least I know I done what I could to help out.

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    SuperLou wrote:

    I offered to pay realwhiskers first payment of his debt management plan so he didn’t have a deferred or missed payment on his record.

    I completely understand people scepticism, and that’s all well and good.

    But people helped me when I was down and I’ve always insisted on spreading the love when I am in a position to.

    Theres no real point having a go at him, if you don’t want to help then don’t.

    The fact remains that none of us will ever know what going on.

    and if I get stung then so be it, at least I know I done what I could to help out.

    You’re extremely kind superlou!

    People like you and Andy really do restore faith in humanity ☺️

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    I’m going to keep saying. Right mate do this. I’m not saying it again Monday morning ring everyone you owe. Ask to speak to relevant department. Write down what you get paid and what you pay out. Make sure you leave it that you have maximum £100 left after bills. Do not include the 486 in your expenditure. Ask them if they will freeze the interest and offer £10 a month for 6 months. Simple. Make sure you do it.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    And Whiskers is outta here!

    Wow hes a strange one.

    If you come back to this thread mate please write in simple effing words what it is exactly what you want here.

    No pulling on heart strings…no conveluted stories….no bullshit.

    Just say EXACTLY what you want and we will help you if we can.

    Stop beating around the bush.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Ive been there.

    im not a super human, I’m not wealthy, I’m just a normal human.

    but if I can help him then I’ll be happy too.

    if it was all a massive ploy then it’s my loss and I’ll learn from it going forwards.

    but you have to treat every situation differently, you can’t tar everyone with the same brush.

    Quazzi WANTED $149

    SuperLou wrote:

    Ive been there.

    im not a super human, I’m not wealthy, I’m just a normal human.

    but if I can help him then I’ll be happy too.

    if it was all a massive ploy then it’s my loss and I’ll learn from it going forwards.

    but you have to treat every situation differently, you can’t tar everyone with the same brush.

    Its not that were tarring everyone with the same brush, this guy clearly has issues but I for one can see straight through the crap with him.

    I dont want you to have to get burnt by this guy, thats the only reason theres any doubt.

    Chdl1990 WANTED $42

    I don’t agree with judging everyone without thought but if you look through previous history it speaks for itself.

    its only my opinion but I strongly get the impression he was after a bandit handout, to him the bandit is a known quantity, he knows he has a few quid and that justifies it being okay to accept something. He wasn’t willing to take anything from a ‘normal’ person because it mattered and meant something. Now after all this time is it a case of take what he can and run, who knows but guess we will find out. Hope i’m wrong and he is genuine I really do

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    I appreciate your concern Quazzi.

    if I pay hes first payment directly to step change then at least the money doesn’t touch his hands and there’s no room for error.

    i just hope if I was in a similar situation people would help me also.

    It’s funny because I have been waiting over 2months for a payment for works I’ve done(I’m a plumber) and I was walking to work because I was struggling like hell, and nobody helped me.

    i got a partial payment from the client and because I know what it is to struggle I thought I’d help.


    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    He has been a member on here since Feb 18 . That’s got to count as a positive for him .

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Its pure bollocks. In one of his last posts he set up a gofundme page and provided the link.

    He wants raw cash end of story.

    I for one wont be stung by this lad.

    Im a soppy guy and have a big heart, but this stinks of pure bull shit.

    Harsh but somebody had to say it.

    Hes going round in circles not stating ONE FUCKING TIME what he wants. Fk this im out


    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Quazzi wrote:

    SuperLou wrote:

    Ive been there.

    im not a super human, I’m not wealthy, I’m just a normal human.

    but if I can help him then I’ll be happy too.

    if it was all a massive ploy then it’s my loss and I’ll learn from it going forwards.

    but you have to treat every situation differently, you can’t tar everyone with the same brush.

    Its not that were tarring everyone with the same brush, this guy clearly has issues but I for one can see straight through the crap with him.

    I dont want you to have to get burnt by this guy, thats the only reason theres any doubt.

    How are you so so sure?

    I find it AMAZING your a Social Worker to be honest yes you might well be correct but you might well be wrong. How the hell are you being impartial?


    Quazzi WANTED $149

    little1large1 wrote:

    Quazzi wrote:

    SuperLou wrote:

    Ive been there.

    im not a super human, I’m not wealthy, I’m just a normal human.

    but if I can help him then I’ll be happy too.

    if it was all a massive ploy then it’s my loss and I’ll learn from it going forwards.

    but you have to treat every situation differently, you can’t tar everyone with the same brush.

    Its not that were tarring everyone with the same brush, this guy clearly has issues but I for one can see straight through the crap with him.

    I dont want you to have to get burnt by this guy, thats the only reason theres any doubt.

    How are you so so sure?

    I find it AMAZING your a Social Worker to be honest yes you might well be correct but you might well be wrong. How the hell are you being impartial?


    From the numerous threads hes created and turned down multiple offers of help? Is this not enough?

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Lets not all start getting heated with eachother over whiskers problems. Hes obviously just after the attention plus a Bandit handout.

    And he Still hasent said what he wants.

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