Getting hold of SuperLou

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    Quazzi WANTED $149

    Also Im not here to be impartial.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Someone want to lend me £20 could do with a pizza after all this headache ?

    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    This thread needs locking or deleting just going to be arguments .

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Hey Whiskers mate!

    Just give up on trying to get a handout. Bandit or Seedy wont touch this thread with a fuckin barge pole r kid!

    Just get a grip and move on!




    SuperLou WANTED $38

    We don’t need to argue with one another, we are allowed to have a difference in opinion, we don’t live in a dictatorship where we all have to think the same.

    come on guys!


    thank you all for you concern,

    my heart was heavy and I wanted to help the lad out. But I do appreciate all the concern I really do

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Yeah I’m not here to argue what’s the point, I have my own problem  going to post about and yes i need help!!!!!

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    What’s up mate

    blacko1974 WANTED $248

    Don’t know how we can play this but it seems like bullshit to me. I referred a lady to Andy last night, her plight seems genuine to me, the lady is delighted to receive sensory equipment kindly offered by Mr Willliams. I think we need a point of contact before raising funds is implemented, someone to do a little groundwork before we donate, an individual to collude with the bandit and mods. I would forward Andy Williams name in a second providing he wants to take it on. Sorry for throwing you under the bus Andy but we need something in place before the forum is swamped.

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    SuperLou wrote:

    What’s up mate

    I started a topic.

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    Why doesnt someone just start a thread called “can anyone help me with money?” Forget about all this cryptic bullshit messages to this person that person, made up tales of the worst luck on slots, broken laptops, broken lives etc etc…..that way when someone sees the title of thread they can dodge it or go pay the beggar their money!! Im getting fed up of all the doom and gloom on here to be honest, spoils it for a lot of good and honest people!!


    Realwhiskers WANTED $23


    Fair enough some are sceptical, fair enough I maybe worded posts wrong and didn’t accept help at the time. Sometimes it was just nice to have a social impact with people and talk about my problems.

    Im lost from gambling years ago financially, yes. Personal issues and all sorts. Maybe I’m an over thinker and bring it on myself, who knows. I don’t want all this, sorry if I have annoyed anyone honestly.

    yeah stepchange told me they have no legal right to enter but sadly I live with my mum and she’s stressed that I’ve bought stress to her door. They may have no legal right but still do it.

    I don’t deserve the posts someone made about socks though, that’s harsh. Everyone has issues yeah, but usually have people to speak with. I don’t so maybe I’ve used the forum to people I don’t know to do this but I mean no harm

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Listen I’ve cleared caused upstir and I’m genuinely sorry. I don’t have a support network to speak out so I used this for my problems. I agree it’s not what the forum is made for and I’m sorry for that.

    Ive emailed Bandit to remove my account. I didn’t mean to piss anyone off or anything like that. Sorry to cause any annoyance to anyone

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Realwhiskers wrote:


    Fair enough some are sceptical, fair enough I maybe worded posts wrong and didn’t accept help at the time. Sometimes it was just nice to have a social impact with people and talk about my problems.

    Im lost from gambling years ago financially, yes. Personal issues and all sorts. Maybe I’m an over thinker and bring it on myself, who knows. I don’t want all this, sorry if I have annoyed anyone honestly.

    yeah stepchange told me they have no legal right to enter but sadly I live with my mum and she’s stressed that I’ve bought stress to her door. They may have no legal right but still do it.

    I don’t deserve the posts someone made about socks though, that’s harsh. Everyone has issues yeah, but usually have people to speak with. I don’t so maybe I’ve used the forum to people I don’t know to do this but I mean no harm

    Hold your Horses Ollie I made the post and it’s genuine I have really lost some bloody socks!!

    You should know I have tried to help you loads via text email etc .

    I will say it again I think your genuine and I’m glad your posting and I hope you take the help offered.

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Sorry mate I didnt even click to see whom wrote it I just assumed it was a joke towards me. Really sorry mate. You’ve supported me massively.

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Are you going to do what I suggested ? Ring them all up Monday. I’ve said what to do.

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