Getting hold of SuperLou

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    Anonymous WANTED $483

    OH Just do one Whisker!

    your annoying as fuck. You still havent stated clearly what you want here.

    Until you do or if you dont. Then good riddance i say.

    Your bringing all the hate on yourself! By being cryptic and not stating exactly what u want


    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Already have mate. M+S don’t really care and are supportive. Payday loans have knocked, I know they can’t do anything but what can I do when I’m bringing trouble to my door that I’ve made for myself I know.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    What payday loan companies are they

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    I said earlier didn’t I? I was holding my pride when superlou offered to pay my first payment directly to stepchange to afford my first payment that I rejected.

    I contacted them further and the companies to try sort it myself and they’ve knocked and won’t allow it. Other than marks and Spencer’s. I wanted to see if the offer was still on the table. I’m happy to refund the money back end of the year when my plan is up. Appreciate I’ve had a lot of guidance and advice that I neee. I swolloed my own pride and I’ve clearly got a lot to work on myself which I will do. Just need a step up, appreciate I don’t know anyone personally so that’s fair enough if that’s not an option anymore. Really didn’t mean to piss anyone off. Sorry

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Lending stream, MYJAR, Fernovo and peachy. All were very decent when I first issued I had a problem paying them a few months ago. Supportive to be honest, then they had to wait ages to receive the letters. Plan sorted and now I’m saying I can’t make the first payment so they’re not happy.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    What’s your stepchange reference number

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Well I find that amazing as I was in a similar problem. I rang them got it reduced to £20 a month. Interest frozen. I would ring them again ask to be put through to the collections department. Honestly ring them again on Monday.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

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    Shut up whiskers talking shit all the time. How much money will it take for you not to “kill yaself”

    Just gimme a fuckin number and il transfer it direct to you to shut this stupid thread up.

    Gimme a number!


    SuperLou WANTED $38

    I still want dominoes pizza

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    One of mine was myjar and they were the easiest to deal with. Didn’t even do an income and expenditure with them. They will do it.

    little1large1 WANTED $43

    SuperLou wrote:

    I still want dominoes pizza

    Ham and Pineapple?

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    SuperLou wrote:

    I still want dominoes pizza

    I thought when you said £20 for a pizza I thought bloody hell what you having a dominoes one.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Lool I like a pepperoni passion! Lovely pizza that.

    and sorry I was being cheeky I only wanted £20 because I wanted a bottle of coke and some ice cream

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    REF number is 3243962 I will try again Monday like he said to see if they will change their mind. They were all good when I first said I’m signing with stepchange and they froze interest while they waiting for a letter from them. Since I said I can’t pay they aren’t like that but will try again Monday.

    Jesus I don’t want cash in my bank basics I don’t know why you said it like that. That was harsh.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Realwhiskers wrote:

    Lending stream, MYJAR, Fernovo and peachy. All were very decent when I first issued I had a problem paying them a few months ago. Supportive to be honest, then they had to wait ages to receive the letters. Plan sorted and now I’m saying I can’t make the first payment so they’re not happy.

    Let me act on your behalf mate. These people will NEVER come to your house for a payday Loan! Give me all the references and we will sort it out. Start the plan back in March or so

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