Getting hold of SuperLou

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  • #40507
    little1large1 WANTED $43

    Are we finally getting somewhere I think maybe we are.

    Well done Superlou you still up for a meet up when I go down and see Whiskers?

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Reckon I should go Citizens advice mate? Do I tell them direct for someone to act on my behalf? Maybe they’d allow a deferral if someone knows about this stuff? I try fight my corner but don’t know much do always end up losing what I say

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Realwhiskers wrote:

    REF number is 3243962 I will try again Monday like he said to see if they will change their mind. They were all good when I first said I’m signing with stepchange and they froze interest while they waiting for a letter from them. Since I said I can’t pay they aren’t like that but will try again Monday.

    Jesus I don’t want cash in my bank basics I don’t know why you said it like that. That was harsh.

    You need to make them an offer. It can’t be zero. Ask them to do it for 6 months and make sure you keep us up to date.

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Sorry Harsh is what you need fella to stop this bull crap.

    500 quid will sort you yeah?

    Gimme ya details and il bank transfer right now.

    Heres my email

    [email protected]

    Right are we finally done here?

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    little1large1 wrote:

    Are we finally getting somewhere I think maybe we are.

    Well done Superlou you still up for a meet up when I go down and see Whiskers?

    Would be a laugh! Better so all travel together when Steve organised a big meet maybe in summer?

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Mate being in debt is the norm in society as funds are so readily available without real affordability checks.

    trust me mate don’t stress about anything.

    itll all be okay

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    Can I have 500 please I’m pretty fucked too ? x

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    I don’t want cash to my bank. And thanks mate will try again Monday and offer them something

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    I agree I worry far too much about little things. Overthinking them to make them bigger than they are I think is my issue

    bigbucks1983 WANTED $47

    If everything you say is true i think the first thing you need to do is get down the doctors regarding your mental health. You are so stuck feeling sorry for yourself you can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel, especislly if you have no support network. One payment being made is not going to fix things. There will be other hiccups, you might get tired of forever being in debt again and decide to gamble and you’re back here again.

    Lots of people are in debt, I have been for 17 years and for more than 9k. I know how despairing it can be but from where it sounds like you’re at, one payment being made isn’t fixing this. I’m lucky to have an amazing support network and worked my bollox off to live.

    I do believe this is mostly genuine but your coming across like a martyr and you will not get sympsthy if you do not listen to what people are saying or only provide the information you want, I think that is where a lot of the negativity is stemming from.

    Get down the doctors, sort yourself our first then tackle this.

    Thisgirl2019 WANTED $121

    blacko1974 wrote:

    Don’t know how we can play this but it seems like bullshit to me. I referred a lady to Andy last night, her plight seems genuine to me, the lady is delighted to receive sensory equipment kindly offered by Mr Willliams. I think we need a point of contact before raising funds is implemented, someone to do a little groundwork before we donate, an individual to collude with the bandit and mods. I would forward Andy Williams name in a second providing he wants to take it on. Sorry for throwing you under the bus Andy but we need something in place before the forum is swamped.

    Just for the record me and my beautiful little lady are 100% genuine!


    SuperLou WANTED $38

    I’d happily pay you first payment but you’d have to call stepchange to make me a payee on the account.

    For security reasons

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Thisgirl2019 wrote:

    blacko1974 wrote:

    Don’t know how we can play this but it seems like bullshit to me. I referred a lady to Andy last night, her plight seems genuine to me, the lady is delighted to receive sensory equipment kindly offered by Mr Willliams. I think we need a point of contact before raising funds is implemented, someone to do a little groundwork before we donate, an individual to collude with the bandit and mods. I would forward Andy Williams name in a second providing he wants to take it on. Sorry for throwing you under the bus Andy but we need something in place before the forum is swamped.

    Just for the record me and my beautiful little lady are 100% genuine!



    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Right no one ever give this guy money if he asks.

    You can see plain as day i offered to sort it and he declined.

    Ok… so he just wants advice.

    Right….apologies for spouting swear words at ya whiskers pal.

    And im here for you if u need a chat.

    Im being sincere honestly.

    SuperLou WANTED $38

    Let’s just end this here, it’s gone on way too long now.

    anyone needs anything going forward

    my email is [email protected]

    everyone need help sometimes.

    Don’t ever be afraid to ask for it!

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