Getting hold of SuperLou

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  • #40536
    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Thanks mate! I will do that Haz said first and offer them some money rather then 0 then they might be happier. I didn’t think of that I just didn’t have the payment so said I couldn’t pay I should offer them something first at least. Thanks :D. Will call them mon morn!

    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Thisgirl2019 wrote:

    blacko1974 wrote:

    Don’t know how we can play this but it seems like bullshit to me. I referred a lady to Andy last night, her plight seems genuine to me, the lady is delighted to receive sensory equipment kindly offered by Mr Willliams. I think we need a point of contact before raising funds is implemented, someone to do a little groundwork before we donate, an individual to collude with the bandit and mods. I would forward Andy Williams name in a second providing he wants to take it on. Sorry for throwing you under the bus Andy but we need something in place before the forum is swamped.

    Just for the record me and my beautiful little lady are 100% genuine!


    Which nobody doubted for one second.

    Realwhiskers WANTED $23

    Thanks all, and thanks for the support network mate I don’t want raw cash and if you’re serious for the Chat support appreciate that mate.


    sorry anyone who I’ve annoyed

    Anonymous WANTED $483

    Right this thread is done. No more.

    Peace everyone X

    andywilliams1187 WANTED $398

    Thisgirl2019 wrote:

    blacko1974 wrote:

    Don’t know how we can play this but it seems like bullshit to me. I referred a lady to Andy last night, her plight seems genuine to me, the lady is delighted to receive sensory equipment kindly offered by Mr Willliams. I think we need a point of contact before raising funds is implemented, someone to do a little groundwork before we donate, an individual to collude with the bandit and mods. I would forward Andy Williams name in a second providing he wants to take it on. Sorry for throwing you under the bus Andy but we need something in place before the forum is swamped.

    Just for the record me and my beautiful little lady are 100% genuine!


    Just so theres no misunderstandings on this one – dont feel like you have to post saying you are genuine thisgirl; I know 100% your genuine from the emails that have been sent and my good friend Mr Black knew that i might be able to help so he did good by dropping my name in. Its brilliant when things like this happen and the community is able to help. Mrs W says hi to V as well!

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Ok in regards to a DM system it is not implemented due to there is no way to moderate it…. it would also open up methods for spam etc to be created.

    Secondly I’m closing this thread as it’s has served it’s purpose in that @superlou has replied and has gotten @Realwhiskers email to contact it him directly.

    Let’s hope that the situation improves for him as at worst 9k is not a huge amount for a 20 year old lad and at just short of 500 quid a month he should pay it all off before he is 23 easily.

    At which point he will still be young be able to party hard and do all the stuff he believes he is missing out on atm. Chin up and just keep motoring on because that’s all we all do in life you just don’t normally realise it till your 30 ?????

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