Grosvenor casino complaint

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  • #89675
    Mickafc1903 WANTED $1

    Hi guys my first post here. So I signed up for Grosvenor casino and played the buffalo spins game i managed to land the bonus and got a spin on the wheel here’s where it gets messy to my utter delight and joy I only went and landed the grand jackpot of 400 pounds the wheel stopped and all of a sudden threw itself a space back and landed on 8 free spins and was left absolutely gutted so I got in touch and was told it would be investigated which they done and came back saying it was down to buffering which is complete BS as I know how buffering works. Can anyone shed some light on how these things work. Can I ask them to show me evidence?

    k6kaysix WANTED $51

    The graphical nonsense means nothing just there to look good, you were winning 8 spins before the wheel even started spinning…

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