Had another relapse, same old shit…

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    KingDing10 WANTED $2

    A week ago I thought I’d try my luck and find a new site.

    To my surprise VBet let me sign up. Then the same old story… any bit of money I could my hands on went down the drain. Yesterday I managed to get up to 600 quid and that would have got me out of a hole.

    I withdrew the money, then blocked my account for 24 hours. (Trying to be senssible) I then get an email to say the withdrawal failed. Very conveniently.

    After the 24 hours I go back into the account and blow through the 600.

    I have been doing this for 10 years and its the same old shit, does anyone have any advice? I’ve done everything, gamban, Gamstop, ga, counciling….

    I’m currently in the frame of mind that I’m trying to clear my debt of 2.5k and the only way in my brain is to gamble to get it.

    D3sp3rado WANTED $36

    You’re in a hole and digging deeper trying to find buried treasure.

    Stop and climb out. I wish you well.

    Seyahkram1977 WANTED $706

    KingDing10 wrote:

    A week ago I thought I’d try my luck and find a new site.

    To my surprise VBet let me sign up. Then the same old story… any bit of money I could my hands on went down the drain. Yesterday I managed to get up to 600 quid and that would have got me out of a hole.

    I withdrew the money, then blocked my account for 24 hours. (Trying to be senssible) I then get an email to say the withdrawal failed. Very conveniently.

    After the 24 hours I go back into the account and blow through the 600.

    I have been doing this for 10 years and its the same old shit, does anyone have any advice? I’ve done everything, gamban, Gamstop, ga, counciling….

    I’m currently in the frame of mind that I’m trying to clear my debt of 2.5k and the only way in my brain is to gamble to get it.

    <span style=”font-size: 1rem;”>take the positive, you want help… great. Right get people involved.. I’m presuming people don’t know your issues ? If they don’t, that’s Great… tell somebody, no it’s not embarrassing , bettering your self has never been a negative thing, staying in the hole is, get a mate, brother, sister.. who ever… sign up to gamstop and get them to set a child lock on anything computer you have…..and to throw the passsword away , you want out if the hole? These are some of the choices, get your bank to block gambling transactions…. the problem with gamstop is ( as good as it is ) people take a year out but never deal with the addiction that got them hooked, so they think “ 1 year a fixed, log on to a casino “ .. and boom … back to square one .. because addiction needs more than staying away, it needs gamstop, but it needs extra work on you as a person, to figure out personal control, and find your own stop switch ….and if can’t do that, then gamstop will be with you for a long time ….and maybe that’s not a bad thing in your case… </span>

    but everybody wishes you well mate, talk  to your family, have A dialogue, that’s what families are for….and if you need some good on the spot advice @winningbird is absolutely brilliant

    BSK1 WANTED $48

    Do you have any hobbies ?

    STH2020 WANTED $38

    It is great that you are looking to get out of the mess that gambling has created. Seyahkram has given some really good advice.

    I did the same with a big Casimba withdrawal. Cashed out 3k, but it takes 48 hours to clear with a chance to reverse it. Rather than re deposit,  I reversed the withdrawal and lost the lot. That coincedentally started a bad run of fortune for me. Gambling Gods looking down on me and shaking their heads at me.

    Don’t think about this 600 you have lost. Get that out of your mindset and try to cut down on other outgoings diring this time to get the 2.5k paid off. Good luck

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    Hey sweet, sorry you’re having to go through this again. I’ve been there so I know how you’re feeling. Are you joined with gamstop now? If so, theres only a few selected casinos you could go on, but they’re really bad casinos with horrible terms and conditions and hardly ever pay out. I know its tempting just to get that feeling, but honestly it’s not worth it.

    I would recommend you contact your bank, ask them to stop any gambling transactions from coming out of your bank, and if possible, order a new bank card and ask someone to scratch your security code off the back. If you need to order anything online, it can be a bit of an arse but hopefully you can give someone the money and order from their card with their permission. I would also recommend gamcare online. They have a forum with new people, recovery diaries, stories from relatives and friends with addictions ect. They also have a help line and offer a counselling service which used to be free (not sure if it still is!) Don’t be too hard on yourself, it’s a hard addiction to beat, especially when we are all in lockdown and have nothing to distract our minds.

    If you haven’t already, get yourself a hobby or get into something that will distract you. Read a book, watch a series, get into writing, go on bike rides, do some craft work. I find going for a drive helps me when I feel shit. It’s the only thing that calms me down when I feel on edge or anxious.

    We are all here for you. Come back here if you feel like gambling and we can try and help distract you. Also, remembering how you feel right after a big loss could help. You want to get yourself out of the hole, not dig yourself any further.


    Hope you’re feeling a bit better x

    Run187 WANTED $28

    Sign up to a debt payment plan.  Your bank restrict every bank card and or block gambling transactions. Sign up to every gambling site on the internet and permanently self exclude yourself. Time consuming I know but it stops you.  I  would also unfollow  every gambling YouTube.  I would also discuss it with family and have them manage your money. Best advice I can offer is never under any circumstance try to gamble your way out if debt it will not work ever, you will be forever chasing it, ring who you owe and set up payment plans..

    KingDing10 WANTED $2

    Thanks for the comments and advice. I think just posting on here and getting other peoples advice will help me, its the not the first time I’ve done this. (I havent let a withdrawal get to my bank for a couple of years) and I am past embarrassed when I comes to speaking to my misses or my dad as I think they really are fed up with me when it comes to this.

    I will contact Gamstop again as I suspect it has run out.

    My partner actually has control of my money already thank god, but I have been lying and making excuses why I need the money and gambling it.

    I will try and think of a new hobbie as I have recently been furloughed so have a lot of time on my hands. I am also the biggest I’ve ever been, so maybe this is a chance to get fit.



    SlotsCrack WANTED $62

    Signoff from these forums dude. Stop seeking the obvious all the time.

    Dc39 WANTED $74

    i feel for you and it is a tough cycle but without seeming harsh u have to want to stop and stick to it, u have said u have tried gamban and other forms, gamban is by far the best one, it blocks access to even getting on the sites, if u put gamban on it sorts all forms of gambling as im aware some sites dont recognise gamstop or use it. If u don’t want to apply gamban then u have to ask yourself if u have accepted u really want to stop.

    Winningbird WANTED $574

    If you’ve not asked gamstop to remove you from their system, you wont be able to join UK gambling sites. Theres a process they go through beforehand (I cant remember what because the first time I did it was a while ago). I’m on for 5 years this time and it was easy enough to get back onto. Give them a message and see if they can extend it for you.

    You sound like you know what you have to do anyway, so I wish you the best with it 🙂

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