Had enough

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    frank WANTED $3

    I’m frank from Scarborough. I’ve watched the bandit from the beginning, i hate online slots only tried once and I won! Hated the fact I dint have the cash there and then  so I have never don’t it again I only watch cz of his character. I have a massive problem with arcade slots and bookies fobts. I’m ruining my life. I’m an engineer earning good money and it’s all going im lieing to my family and kids about money and I honestly think I won’t stop. I’m willing to throw it all away, I’m ashamed of myself but I still won’t stop. I wanna know how people control it. We are all addicts. But I will spend my last quid and walk home. Never commented or asked anyone for help before. I would only lie to them too. I know I will never stop I just wanna control it. For my family

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    Unfortunately to be able to control means opening up and being honest with your partner. If at this point you cant controll it stopping altogether is your best option. You can once speaking to your partner give her control of the main bank with the funds in and you have a new account which a sensible amount is transferred to each month. That’s the only way I can see you being able to carry on but have it pulled under control.  Again though I would suggest nationally excluding yourself. Hope this helps other members may have more information as it’s something I’ve never done before.

    Eightblack WANTED $446

    I’ve been there man, the only way to beat them is to avoid them completely, fill out a self exclusion form and give them your photo and when you go out only bring the cash you need for that day incase you stumble across a motorway service arcade then you might miss lunch but you won’t do your bollocks in


    There’s no way to make an addiction go away without full on effort unfortunately but if people like Russel brand can give up gear you can give up gambling, the first step is acknowledging the issue and you’ve done that so you can do it man

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    Sorry to hear this mate, lots of people on here are going through similar problems (myself included) … I do find it odd how you prefer to play in the bookies or Arcades where the chance of a mega hit is none existant and clawing any money back is never going to happen (it’s not all that likely online either but there is a small chance atleast)

    Im not trying to suggest playing online that’s even more dangerous since a deposit is just a click away.  I have just never been able to wrap my head around why someone would want to go sit next to someone smelling of piss or like they haven’t showered for a year and have to put up with a maximum win of £500 while also being heckled by regulars for a cut of the money you’ve won because they shouted out all 37 numbers to roulette and one of them came in and not to mention the £2 max bet that’s now in place. That was my experience with the bookies and I steer clear of them nowadays although the fobts did have a lot of money out of me in the past.

    A top lad on these forums had a similar problem to you (Haz40) with the arcades and he made some significant changes to stop it happening.

    So I’d suggest everything that Seedy suggested and also I’d suggest either giving your missus your bank cards or leaving them at home when you go to work to stop the temptation. I’d also sign up to gamstop for online exclusion just so you won’t be tempted to deposit to a site after you’ve excluded from the bookies and arcades.

    You have to be determined to stop though otherwise all of this advice won’t mean a lot. I know what its like because I never wanted to stop either I went months going from bad situation to bad situation and doing everything in my power to avoid signing up… being skint every month for months on end still wasn’t enough motivation for me to sign up until I eventually signed up begrudgingly, you’d think losing a month’s wages once would be enough of a wake up call to sign up but I dragged my heels.

    Even after signing up I’ve still had slip ups but I’m finally at the point where gambling isn’t constantly on my mind….ive gone back to gaming to keep my mind occupied and now I’m thinking about what I’m going to do next on the games I’m playing rather than how much I’m going to gamble when I’m paid and what slots I’m going to play.

    But defintely the first thing you should do is come clean to your missus so she can help you tackle this addiction, it’s hard going at it alone and embarrassing to admit you have an addiction but it’s the best thing you can do when it comes to trying to rid yourself of this addiction.

    Best of luck mate and fuck the fobts!

    frank WANTED $3

    if I told the truth would have worse consequences than lying at the mo. But ye your right maybe telling them is for the best. I watch vids online to try make me not wanna gamble. It’s actually the devil tho, like I can’t beat it.

    Green2711 WANTED $492

    frank wrote:

    if I told the truth would have worse consequences than lying at the mo. But ye your right maybe telling them is for the best. I watch vids online to try make me not wanna gamble. It’s actually the devil tho, like I can’t beat it.

    You can beat it mate but you have to want to quit to actually quit, just like beating any addiction. Just like when someone is trying to quit smoking a good thing to do and remember is the time since your last cigarette after you’ve gone a week without one it seems more possible and you can apply that to gambling perhaps you go the bookies every day but you decide to quit and even going without for one day is a massive achievement use that  “Wow, I’ve gone a whole day without gambling didn’t think I could” to push you forward and motivate you.

    Don’t let slip ups stop you, they will most likely happen the important part is to learn your lesson and get back on too trying to beat the addiction.

    Its not easy, especially gambling I’ve been addicted to many things (weed, video games, drink, cigarettes) even silly things that you would think you can’t get addicted too but I have an obsessive addictive personality so I have to constantly try to make sure I’m not overdoing something before I spiral out of control and out of everything gambling has been the hardest thing for me to quit.

    You can do it mate if your partner will be supportive and will essentially keep tabs on you then that’s the best way to start when trying to quit, throw as many obstacles in your way as possible.

    Just think there was a time in your life when you never gambled and never had the urge too, it’s not too farfetched to think you can go back to that.

    Best of luck mate and keep us updated on what your doing, if you ever need support then there’s plenty of members here who will be there for you.

    bishman WANTED $84

    I used to be the same, driving to visit a customer would be an excuse to visit every motorway service station on the road from here to there.  Some of the service stations even have bookies with FOBTS, double joy!! (NOT)

    I still drive a lot and somehow I just got so depressed with losing all the time I just don’t do it anymore.  It takes a lot of effort and you just have to tell yourself you are not going in there, not even just to spend your loose change.


    Haz40 WANTED $1,167

    Thanks green mate. I had a very similar problem frank thinking once I’d signed up to gamstop i was cured of gambling addiction not realising i had basically swopped one avenue of gambling for another. It’s now 4 months since I’ve gone in an arcade or bookies and i feel it’s the best decision i ever made. My advice is to either hand over controls of your finances to a trusted family member or friend or if your like me leave your bank cards at home and take just the cash you need. 4 months ago i didn’t think it was possible what I’ve done these last few months but over time it gets easier i promise and to the point now i even feel comfortable and my bank card with me. It can be done and you can do it. For me it was always trying to put myself in a situation where even if i wanted to go in an arcade  or bookies i couldn’t. Take the opportunity away. Good luck

    GIRTH32 WANTED $16

    Hi frank long time since i wrote on hear i read what people say and you need to listen to them mate especially haz40 i was in a mess about 5 months ago doing online and bookies didn’t want to tell my missus and didn’t feel i could give it up but i told her everything and after a lot of shouting she listened and we talked and we sorted everything  out i will be in debt for next 5 years at least i have lost one of my brothers through it the other one speaks to me now because of money i borrowed of her but shes getting paid back now , so gamban is perfect for me self excluded myself from online and bookies which was hard but the women in there were glad i did because they no me and they said it was sad watching me lose everything so you can do it trust me you feel so much better about your self and happier good luck in what you do frank

    aaloases WANTED $7

    Could only see the initial post from Frank and was going to offer some advice but then saw Seedys comment and he has pretty much nailed it.

    Frank good news is if your still with your partner then its not all bad mate and if you really want to turn it around before its too late then I suggest doing the following:

    Tell your partner everything.

    Have your wages paid into her account and she gives you a weekly/monthly amunt of nothing you decide.

    It really works because if you do your pocket money in then trust you dont feel anywhere near as bad as if you done the shopping money. When you win its even a greater feeling because the money means so much more to you as you achieved it off so little.

    You may even find that your brain tells you you cant win off such a little amount and stop playing them or change to different kind of gambling where the wins are higher off smaller stakes i.e footy accs etc.

    I know my advice is the same as seedys but that’s the best way imo andjust wanted to show that there is that  people here to help and hopefully this the first step of you taking back control.


    Good luck and like I said it could be worse where you lose everyone around you tell the partner let her take control the finances and in 6 months you be on here saying you have booked a holiday for the family





    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    This is a very a informative thread and I hope it helps anyone who reads it supporting people on here is what this place is meant for. 🙂

    FruitVideos WANTED $7

    Can you self exclude from all your gambling places?

    Bert pool WANTED $4

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Hi Frank, I sympathise,…..ive

    Bert pool WANTED $4

    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    Hi Frank, I sympathise,…..I’ve been to Scarborough.

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