Has the streaming bubble burst?

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    Patty1974 WANTED $37

    As someone who has been watching slots related streams and videos for a couple of years, I wonder if the life has been sucked out of the whole thing. I used to look forward to the various streams from the likes of Bandit, Rolla, Kim, Craigslots  etc but you never see much of Rolla now. Bandit is on once a week and to be honest I have lost interest in the others. I watch Chipmonkz vids on YouTube as he is trying to mix things up with different formats but I can go for days without watching any. The loss of the bonus buy option is going to hurt things too as you then have to wait for the bonus to roll in, which on certain slots can take forever. I understand why Bandit sounded so down towards the end of the latest video and seemed to struggle to find a game that interested him. Rolla struggles to hit the wins as do most streamers….apart from Nickslots, who I cannot stand and the ever chirpy Dave Labowski. Too much luck to be true with those two. I haven’t had a slots session for months now and know others who feel the same. New releases promise a lot but rarely deliver. This is the first post I have put on here for months and was just wondering if others feel the same.

    chipnroll WANTED $17

    think we all do now i cant stand chipmunk or most of the others now only one i look forward to now is hypers streams bandits just throwing stupid money around now and dont give a shit if he looses 5k starting on 60p spins to this says it all the money hes took from loosing gamblers and all the best to him he has made a business bit cut throat but oh well thats todays culture not realistic rocknrolla is all but gone graigs grasping at staws promoting every new website going trying to stay afloat and made his new site  and the laughable idea of it being rigged for big streamers is becoming more and more believable make of it what you want i know what i think

    Patty1974 WANTED $37

    I have to say also that I am a little concerned that Bandit is running out of casinos to play on, as he stated with Casumo, Redbet and Energy yet these casinos are still listed on here with links to join. If he is not happy with them then he shouldn’t be promoting them really.

    Patty1974 WANTED $37

    I do watch Hyper but he is constantly trying to force the big win with some very erratic betting. His choice of slots is questionable at times too. I don’t think he helped by people egging him on either. Nickslots is the one I can’t bare to watch. Very arrogant man who speaks down to his viewers, constantly talking about how well he has done as an affiliate and that he does streaming as a hobby. Bullshit! He pushes casinos constantly and God forbid someone doesn’t agree with him….heard him tell people to go fuck themselves for calling him on it. Never watched him since.


    thunderball6 WANTED $272

    chipnroll wrote:

    think we all do now i cant stand chipmunk or most of the others now only one i look forward to now is hypers streams bandits just throwing stupid money around now and dont give a shit if he looses 5k starting on 60p spins to this says it all the money hes took from loosing gamblers and all the best to him he has made a business bit cut throat but oh well thats todays culture not realistic rocknrolla is all but gone graigs grasping at staws promoting every new website going trying to stay afloat and made his new site  and the laughable idea of it being rigged for big streamers is becoming more and more believable make of it what you want i know what i think

    The money he takes is from the casino . Not loosing gamblers .

    Seedy WANTED $1,247

    thunderball6 wrote:

    chipnroll wrote:

    think we all do now i cant stand chipmunk or most of the others now only one i look forward to now is hypers streams bandits just throwing stupid money around now and dont give a shit if he looses 5k starting on 60p spins to this says it all the money hes took from loosing gamblers and all the best to him he has made a business bit cut throat but oh well thats todays culture not realistic rocknrolla is all but gone graigs grasping at staws promoting every new website going trying to stay afloat and made his new site  and the laughable idea of it being rigged for big streamers is becoming more and more believable make of it what you want i know what i think

    The money he takes is from the casino . Not loosing gamblers .

    Thunderball there is no telling some people, bandit even told everyone on a older video exactly what deal he has with the casinos at the time. It seems that chipnroll doesn’t like bandit but he is not offensive nor is he being a complete tool so i have no problem him chatting on here as i have said plenty of times every individual is different and all have there own opinions of things even if they are wrong/incorrectly conceived. However if this changes and he gets offensive or anyone else for that matter that’s what my ban hammer is for.

    Tricardo WANTED $12

    I think too many streamers have become accustomed to the instant hit – the bonus buy. Without it, people are now finally realising how trashy most of today’s slots actually are.

    When you’re trying to do a video and you now have to grind away for 1200 spins to get a 4 scatter trigger, for a bonus that might only pay 30x, it’s gonna suck the life out of you, never mind the balance.

    I still play the older games (like Creature From…..) and find I enjoy myself much more than bothering with any of these new megaways crap.


    slottinggooner WANTED $23

    Nick Slots is a fucking leech. As someone said above perish the thought at anyone having an opinion on the maths side of slots, or actually understanding how his cash cow works. After Rolla outed the Aussie streamer the smug cee u next Tuesday was sat in his car, telling the whole world how much holier than thou he was. Let’s just get this straight, he makes his money out of gamblers losing money (some of them problem gamblers) and his standard go fuck yourselves retort just shows how shallow he really is. If I was a casino marketing department, with a stake in his company I would be having serious words with him.

    Chip has now by all intense purposes become buddies with Nick, which seems a bit strange to me given Nick had a big bee in his bonnet about Reel Raiders without an ounce of evidence. That just sums up the arrogance of the man to me. Not only that he is dull as fuck.

    I can only really watch Bandit and Rolla out of all the UK streamers. Craigslots is entertaining and I do watch him from time to time.


    Malkychamp WANTED $486

    Could it perhaps be that cause you have been watching for a few years it’s all just the same over and over? Like watching a friends episode you have seen 20 times already, the episode is no different but your view can change

    argyl53 WANTED $419

    I wouldn’t say the bubble’s burst but the market is heavily saturated now and it’s harder even for well established big name streamers to attract new sign ups and keep up their revenue. Seems like everyone and their mum has a slot channel on YouTube now, but unless you’re getting 50 affiliate sign ups per video it’s going to cost you more to make the content than you get back. And it’s annoying me now the increasingly dodgy looking casinos being promoted in this desperate chase for revenue, “Hey guys, Gary Smith Slots here back for another session, I’m over at Super Jackpot Win Win Win Triple Seven Slot Heaven Casino Dotcom today, if you want to click my link and sign up they’re doing 200% bonus on your first deposit…” You click and check the terms, £100 deposit with £200 bonus, have to wager £200,000 to make a withdrawal, bonus winnings capped at £25.

    Patty1974 WANTED $37

    Malkychamp wrote:

    Could it perhaps be that cause you have been watching for a few years it’s all just the same over and over? Like watching a friends episode you have seen 20 times already, the episode is no different but your view can change

    You could be right but like someone else said earlier it’s all about the big win. Look at the crazy stakes people are playing at now. Used to watch for the gameplay and if you are playing at 20p or £1 a spin a £500 win was great but at £10, £20 or even £50 a spin it is seen as nothing special. The average viewer can’t relate to this and it makes it boring for me. Yes it’s nice to see the big wins but it’s not something any of us will ever do for ourselves.


    Patty1974 WANTED $37

    slottinggooner wrote:

    Nick Slots is a fucking leech. As someone said above perish the thought at anyone having an opinion on the maths side of slots, or actually understanding how his cash cow works. After Rolla outed the Aussie streamer the smug cee u next Tuesday was sat in his car, telling the whole world how much holier than thou he was. Let’s just get this straight, he makes his money out of gamblers losing money (some of them problem gamblers) and his standard go fuck yourselves retort just shows how shallow he really is. If I was a casino marketing department, with a stake in his company I would be having serious words with him.

    Chip has now by all intense purposes become buddies with Nick, which seems a bit strange to me given Nick had a big bee in his bonnet about Reel Raiders without an ounce of evidence. That just sums up the arrogance of the man to me. Not only that he is dull as fuck.

    I can only really watch Bandit and Rolla out of all the UK streamers. Craigslots is entertaining and I do watch him from time to time.


    I never really commented on the chats during these streams as a lot of it is childish rubbish. But Nick was going on one day about the fact that he pays for everything and the money in the house is all down to him and his hard work…basically putting his girlfriend down for it too. I bring the money while all she does is look after the kids. I made a comment about it saying if I was her Dad watching this I would be having words with you. He admitted that her Dad and him don’t get on at all….there’s a shocker! Probably sees what his daughter has let herself in for.

    Dont mind watching Craig. He is the only person I have seen who has shown his affiliate payments so fair play to him.




    The Bandit WANTED $5,411
    El Bandito

    chipnroll wrote:

    think we all do now i cant stand chipmunk or most of the others now only one i look forward to now is hypers streams bandits just throwing stupid money around now and dont give a shit if he looses 5k starting on 60p spins to this says it all the money hes took from loosing gamblers and all the best to him he has made a business bit cut throat but oh well thats todays culture not realistic rocknrolla is all but gone graigs grasping at staws promoting every new website going trying to stay afloat and made his new site  and the laughable idea of it being rigged for big streamers is becoming more and more believable make of it what you want i know what i think

    Every single post lately of yours has been a snipe at me or a sly dig so it is me who is fucking you off, nowt to do with Seedy, it is my ban hammer that is falling on your head and why? Simply because i cannot be fucked reading your drivel any longer.

    benq99 WANTED $229

    i dont say much on here as to much back stabbers now.but i will say have watched the bandit from day one and will carry on watching. he tells time after time he knows his limits and dont keep throwing his links every 5 mins like most streamers do,if you dont like him dont watch him.and no not arse licking mr bandit just saying the best casino streamer going in my books

    kojak WANTED $64

    The streaming bubble hasn’t burst, it just needs a bit of shaking up.

    Chip is OK, I watched him religiously for a couple of months but when you’re seeing the same 6 games all stream long it gets dull as all-hell.
    (“Where we going now, Chip? Oh, back to Genie for 50p buys… ok. Hang on, Jord is having a press? YAY! New gam… oh wait, Fishin’ Frenzy again? OK, cool”.)
    I finally gave up after the “stream” he uploaded which was about 20 minutes long!  Spewed his deposit and logged off…

    Nick… it’s all been said.

    Rocknrolla… too sporadic. Loved his weekend streams and random high stakes footage, where’s he gone??

    Craigslots and Jimbo… Meh, feast or famine, plus Jimbo rarely edits down to bonus footage now, I’m not watching a 4 hour stream to find 20 minutes of bonuses.

    Gabriel Slots has the most annoying voice ever recorded. If he did the original recording for Thomas Edison, Tommy would have smashed up the Phonograph and gone back to light bulbs.  True story.  Still, gabe has some decent single-slot videos running 1000 spins through various games. (Bandit, what happened to yours??  Flame Busters, Bonanza, Danger High Voltage then bugger all for about 5 years when you did Lil’ Devil! haha).

    Clearly Bandit is the one we all enjoy most but the days of three videos a week MINIMUM went buh-bye ages ago and the current state of one upload a week is a bit poo. No apology offered, it is crap for a professional YouTuber (ok, affiliate) to only give new content once a week. Sunday Slots coupled with a Wednesday single slot vid… now we’re talking!
    Those stakes have gotten stupid. I appreciate high stakes videos but only JUSTIFIABLE high stakes.
    Big milestone for followers? Hell yes, chuck ten bags in and lets go!
    Monster win on a slot – topped RK or popped a hive on £40 – Awwww yeah, crank it up to a tenner a spin my lad.

    Maxing the stakes in the last video just felt like a desperate chase. No real reason for it, except of course Danger pulled us out of the shit a few weeks ago with the big bonus.  I know you can’t really jump from 40 notes a spin to a fiver but I think after the Reel King session it was time to step away from the computer for a few hours, grab a pint, chuck some darts and calm down a bit.

    ***Note – Yes, I’m aware of the pressure to get a vid up ASAP having missed Sunday Slots, but it was going out on Wednesday anyway, a little break would have been ok***

    Am I out of line with any of that?


    I did notice the large shift towards love for Vegas. I’m looking forward to a Vegas Slots vid as much as the next man but don’t give up on the UK online ones. The slots over there love to bonus but in my limited experience (one visit) they pay shit all. I quite enjoy VegasLowRoller on Youtube, but he gets a hard-on over a hundred dollar win (while playing $3-$5 a spin!) hahaha. The UK slots are always going to have more potential.

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